2000字范文 > 城市公交行业 Urban Public Transport英语短句 例句大全

城市公交行业 Urban Public Transport英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-10 23:19:47


城市公交行业 Urban Public Transport英语短句 例句大全

城市公交行业,Urban Public Transport

1)Urban Public Transport城市公交行业

1.Study of Privatization ofUrban Public Transport and Government Supervision;城市公交行业民营化及政府管制问题研究


1.Study of Privatization of Urban Public Transport and Government Supervision;城市公交行业民营化及政府管制问题研究

2.Dilemma and Countermeasure to the Privatization of Public Traffic Industry in China我国城市公交行业民营化的困境与改革出路

3.The Measurement of CSI and the City Public Traffic Industry--Take Hefei as an examle;城市公交行业顾客满意度测评及其提升对策——以合肥市为例

4.The Reflection to Privatization Reform in Urban Public Transport;城市公共交通行业市场化改革的反思

5.Technical Efficiency of Chinese Urban Public Transport Industry:an Empirical Study;中国城市公共交通行业技术效率实证研究

6.Bus Delay Analysis on Urban Annular Transportation Corridor城市环形交通走廊公交运行延误分析

7.Study on the Interference of Bicycles on Public Buses at Urban Bus Stop城市公交站点自行车对公交车的干扰行为研究

8.The Study of City Commercialization and the Marketability of City Municipal Public Industry;经营城市及城市市政公用行业市场化研究

9.The Study of City Bus Privation and the Relevant Government Regulation;城市公交车运输行业民营化及政府监管问题研究

10.On the Governmental Management of the Public Traffic of Lanzhou;论兰州城市公共交通的政府管制行为

11.Study on the Risk Problem in Privatization of Public Traffic Project of Cities;城市公交事业民营化的风险问题研究

12.Study on the Human Resource Management of Urban Public Transportation Enterprises;城市公共交通企业人力资源管理研究

13.Study of Calculating Informatization Level for Public Traffic Enterprises in Urban;城市公交企业信息化水平测算的研究

14.City Commercial Bank from the Perspective of Basic Transaction Cost基于交易成本视角下的城市商业银行

15.The Thoughts on Prior tactics of Developing Fuzhou s Public Traffic Undertaking;优先发展福州市城市公共交通事业的策略思考

16.The Government Supervision and Regulation of the Market-oriented City Public Transportation城市公交事业市场化过程中的政府监管问题

17.Some municipalities operate their own public utilities.有些城市自行经营自己的公用事业。

18.The Feasibility Study of Urban Public Transportation Priority Based on the Public Transportation Special Tax基于公交专项税的城市公交优先发展可行性研究


urban public transport industry城市公共交通行业

1.By using the panel data of Chineseurban public transport industry over the period 1999-,this paper investigates the technical efficiency of the Chineseurban public transport industry through stochastic frontier approach(SFA) which is based on the Cobb-Douglas production function.本文选取1999-间中国城市公共交通行业的面板数据,在Cobb-Douglas函数的基础上运用随机边界法对我国城市公共交通行业的技术效率进行了考察,并从时间、地域、交通工具类型和客运规模方面,分析了该行业的效率差异及其产生原因,旨在为该行业的未来发展和管制改革提供决策依据。

3)Public traffic project of cities城市公交事业

4)city bus城市公交

1.The using of automatic hydraulic transmission in thecity bus;汽车液力自动变速器及其在城市公交中的使用

2.This paper analyzed the present application situation of automatic station report and big screen text message display system forcity bus.分析了我国城市公交自动语音报站及文字信息同步显示应用现状,提出一种如何将技术转化为产品并适应实际应用环境,能体现产品的"产品化"设计理念。

5)urban public transportation城市公交

1.Especially,the traffic jam is more serious,andurban public transportation is playing a more important role than before.城市公交换乘是多目标约束路径问题,具有重要应用价值和实际意义。

2.In order to facilitate people to take public bus in a city,to understand the route schemes,to inquire the shortest path and relevant shift stops,by connecting with the feature of requirements of WebGIS,firstly,this paper puts forward a design of framework model and its structure system forurban public transportation WebGIS based on tri-layer Browse/Server structure with MapXtreme.为了方便人们在城市中乘坐公共汽车,了解乘车路线方案、查询最短乘车路径和各转换站点的情况,针对城市公交WebGIS需求方面的特点,设计构建了基于WEBGIS的B/S三层结构城市公交系统的框架模型及结构体系,完成了系统空间数据库的物理、逻辑设计及相关空间数据库的组织管理,进行了相关功能模块的划分与开发。

3.Studies have shown that at this stage of China\"s inadequate supply ofurban public transportation service quality is mainly due to excessive public sector privatization, the Government has not played a leading role in the application of public utilities.研究表明,现阶段我国城市公交供给数量不足、服务质量不高的主要原因是公交行业的过度私营化,政府没有发挥应用的主导作用。

6)urban public transport城市公交

1.Taken Kunming for a case, the query information system ofurban public transport was preliminary designed and developed in this study.以昆明市为例,提出基于WebGIS的城市公交信息查询系统的设计方案,并进行了系统的初步开发。

2.This paper analyzes the characteristics ofurban public transport intelligent dispatching system in China, and illustrates a hierarchy colored Petri network simulation model in detail, which can dynamically simulate the complicated dispatching process and realize qualitative and quantitative analysis.讨论了我国城市公交智能调度系统结构特点。

3.Along with the expediting process of urbanization and mechanization in our country, the public transport product and service whichurban public transport project provides can’t meet the need of urban economic development and urban residents’demand.伴随我国城市化和机动化进程的加快,城市公交事业所提供的公交产品和公交服务不能满足城市经济发展和城市居民的需求,其改革势在必行。


