2000字范文 > 系统防范 system prevention英语短句 例句大全

系统防范 system prevention英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-24 23:08:39


系统防范 system prevention英语短句 例句大全

系统防范,system prevention

1)system prevention系统防范

1.This paper describes the survivability criteria in the network society mainly from two aspects of the self-prevention and thesystem prevention.主要从自身防范和系统防范两方面说明了在网络社会中的生存原则。

2)prevention system防范系统

1.This paper brings forward such model,and comes up with aprevention system against malicious codes in smart phone under the guidance of this model.提出了智能手机恶意代码防范模型,并在该模型指导下研究开发了智能手机恶意代码的防范系统。


1.Study and Design of the Security System on Smarthome;智能住宅安全防范系统的研究与设计

2.Security System Design and Realization of JiNan Cigarette Factory;济南卷烟厂安全防范系统设计与实现

3.Design and Engineering of Security Systems in Intelligent Building;智能建筑中安全防范系统设计与实现

4.Introduction to the Design of Security and Protection System for Public Buildings公共建筑安全技术防范系统设计概述

5.A Study of Inside Threat to Information Systems;信息系统的内部人员威胁及防范系统研究

6.Design and Realization of the Networking Building Safe Guard System;联网型建筑安全防范系统的设计与实现

7.Design of Border Guard and Safety Prevention System of Oil Depot浅谈油库周界防范及安防系统的设计

8.Designed criterion of security and alarm engineering for cultural museums seriesGB/T16571-1996文物系统博物馆安全防范工程设计规范

9.Code for design of fire communication and command system消防通信指挥系统设计规范

10.An Analysis of Systematic Risk in Chinese Capital Market;中国资本市场系统性风险分析与防范

11.A Study of Data Security in Product Data Management System;PDM系统的数据安全防范机制的研究

12.lmplemnting the ERP System and Keeping Lookout for Internal Risk of Enterprises;实施ERP系统与企业内部风险防范

13.Risks and Precautions of Information System Network;浅议网络会计信息系统的风险与防范

14.The Safety Measures and Preventions for the Traffic Police Network System;公安交警系统网络的安全与防范措施

15.On Precautions of the Safety of Campus Network System;浅谈校园网络系统安全的防范与见解

16.Constructing Scientific Guard System and Reinforcing Security and Guard in Prison;构建科技创安系统 加强监狱安全防范

17.Precautions for the Safety of Computer Network System;浅谈银行计算机网络系统的安全防范

18.Audit Risk of Economic Responsibility and How to Keep It Away in Educational Departments;教育系统经济责任审计风险及其防范


prevention system防范系统

1.This paper brings forward such model,and comes up with aprevention system against malicious codes in smart phone under the guidance of this model.提出了智能手机恶意代码防范模型,并在该模型指导下研究开发了智能手机恶意代码的防范系统。

3)safety precaution system安全防范系统

1.Long-distance intelligentsafety precaution system consists of spot decoder,video matrix controller and protective central computer etc.远程智能安全防范系统由前端解码器、电视矩阵控制器、防范控制中心计算机等各子系统的构成,具有对重要生产场所进行远程、智能及全方位的安全防范监控功能。

2.Thesafety precaution system is an important part in intelligent building,and the key of system design is in security,flexibility,information,intellectualization and modernization.安全防范系统是智能建筑的一项重要内容 ,其安全性、灵活性及其信息化、智能化、现代化是系统设计的关键所在。

4)security and protection system安全防范系统

1.The paper expounds the design characteristics ofsecurity and protection systems for the Imperial Palace,whichare different from other protection measures for ordinary projects.本文主要论述故宫博物院安全防范系统的设计特点,其防范手段采取的措施有别于一般工程。

5)security protection system安全防范系统

1.The central part of intelligentsecurity protection system is signal collecting and processing,among which the intrusion detector is a key part.智能化安全防范系统的核心是信息采集与处理,其中入侵探测器是进行信息采集的关键部件。

2.Thesecurity protection system for intelligent house area is introduced, detail discussion of commonsecurity protection system for intelligent house area and housesecurity protection system is proposed.简述了智能建筑和智能化住宅小区的基本概念 ,介绍了智能化住宅小区的安全防范系统 ,对智能化住宅小区的公共安全防范系统和家庭安全防范系统进行了详细的论述。

6)border guard system周界防范系统

1.As a part of guard system for modern district,border guard system has caught more attraction of people.介绍了周界防范系统的原理及组成,目前该系统已应用于泰安市国华经典小区。


