2000字范文 > 防灾系统 Disaster prevention system英语短句 例句大全

防灾系统 Disaster prevention system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-04 12:39:28


防灾系统 Disaster prevention system英语短句 例句大全

防灾系统,Disaster prevention system

1)Disaster prevention system防灾系统

1.Therefore,it has realistic significance to build an effective integrated disaster prevention system, so as to reduce all kinds of stochastic damage caused by natural disaster and ensure the safe operation of mountain railway.山区铁路运输处于恶劣的自然环境中,洪水、泥石流、滑坡等灾害都会对运输安全造成严重危害,因此,建立起行之有效的铁路综合防灾系统,减少各种多发、随机的自然灾害造成的损失,对确保铁路运营安全,有着重要的实践意义。

2)Systems against fire Calamities防(火)灾系统

3)subsystem of disasterprevention防灾分系统

4)Disaster-preventing and alarm system防灾报警系统

5)disaster-prevention space system防灾空间系统

6)disaster prevention information system防灾信息系统

1.The usage of central control model indisaster prevention information system;总控模块在城市防灾信息系统中的作用


1.Study on the Information System of Urban Earthquake Resistance and Disaster Mitigation Based on WebGIS基于WebGIS的城市抗震防灾信息系统研究

2.GIS-based sea embankment flood prevention information system基于GIS技术的海塘防洪减灾信息系统

3.Distributed Information and Decision-making Support System for Earthquake Disaster Reduction;分布式防震减灾信息和辅助决策系统

4.The Study of City Dynamic Administrate Information System of Anti-Seismic and Disaster Mitigation;城市抗震防灾动态管理信息系统研究

5.The Study of GIS-based Urban Seismic Prevention and Disaster Mitigation Information System;基于GIS的城市防震减灾信息系统研究

6.Study of Urban Quakeproof and Disaster Mitigation Information System Based on WebGIS;基于WebGIS的城市防震减灾信息系统研究

7.Study on information service system for ocean disaster prevention and reduction in Taiwan Strait area台湾海峡区域防灾减灾信息服务系统研究

8.A study on Ma Anshan Steel and Iron Company computer information management systemfor earthquake disaster prevention and mitigation马钢公司防震减灾计算机信息管理系统研究

9.The Geographic Information System for Hazard Prevention and Management in Expressway of Mountain Area;山区高速公路运营防灾管理地理信息系统

10.Study on Flood Control and Damage Reduction System of Jilin Province Based on GIS;基于GIS吉林省防汛减灾信息系统的研究

11.A Technology Study of Integration of Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction Information System Based on Web Services;基于Web Services的防震减灾信息系统集成技术的研究

12.Study on the Dynamic Management Information System of Urban Earthquake Resistance and Disaster Reduction Based on GIS;基于GIS的城市防震减灾动态管理信息系统研究

13.Research on the Storage Strategies of Accounting Information System in the Disaster;会计信息系统灾难防范中的存储策略研究

14.Design and Accomplishment of Information Management System for Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation市县防震减灾信息化管理系统的设计与实现

15.Study on Prediction of Seismic Lost and Development of Anti-Seismic Geographic Information System for City of Baoding保定市区灾害损失预测及抗震防灾地理信息系统集成的研究

16.Global Information System on Natural Hazards全球自然灾险信息系统

17.Flood Hazard Evaluation Information System洪水灾情评估信息系统

18.The DSS for Preventing Disaster and Decreasing Loss in Property Insurance Enterprises Based on Spatial Information Technology基于空间信息技术的财产保险业防灾减损决策支持系统


Systems against fire Calamities防(火)灾系统

3)subsystem of disasterprevention防灾分系统

4)Disaster-preventing and alarm system防灾报警系统

5)disaster-prevention space system防灾空间系统

6)disaster prevention information system防灾信息系统

1.The usage of central control model indisaster prevention information system;总控模块在城市防灾信息系统中的作用


