2000字范文 > 民族中小学 ethnic middle and primary schools英语短句 例句大全

民族中小学 ethnic middle and primary schools英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-08 06:54:34


民族中小学 ethnic middle and primary schools英语短句 例句大全

民族中小学,ethnic middle and primary schools

1)ethnic middle and primary schools民族中小学

1.Currently,in courses ofethnic middle and primary schools,ethnic local knowledge is neglected,and there is no introduction of local knowledge in textbooks and classroom teaching of those schools.现行的民族中小学课程缺少对民族本土知识的关照。


1.The Thought of Community Involving School Curriculum in Our Country;对我国民族社区参与民族中小学课程的思考

2.A total of 5,882 primary and middle schools serve ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, accounting for 69% of the total number of primary and middle schools in the region.全疆单独设置的民族中小学5882所,占全疆中小学总数的69%。

3.A Survey on the Present Conditions of Ethnic Bilingual Teachers of Primary and Middle Schools in Xinjiang;对我区少数民族中小学双语教师现状的调查

4.The Development of National Folk Physical Education Course Resources of Middle and Primary Schools中小学民族民间体育课程资源的开发

5.On minorities characteristics of the curricula of the secondary and primary schools of minorities areas of China;略论我国民族地区中小学课程的民族性

6.Study on New Qualified Teacher s Inductive Education in Primary and Secondary School in Ethnic Area;民族地区中小学新教师入职教育研究

7.Strengthening the National and Local Characteristics in Primary and Secondary Music Education;中小学音乐教育需加强民族地方特色

8.Present Situation and Contermeasures of Teaching Ancient Chinese Literature at Elementary and Middle Schools in the Minority Nationality Regions;少数民族地区中小学文言文教学的现状及对策

9.The Martial Arts Teaching in Elementary and Middle Schools and the National Spirit;中小学武术教学与培育和弘扬民族精神

10.Analysis on "How to Make A Mountain Out of A Mountain" in College English Teaching in Minority Regions;试析民族地区大学英语教学中的“小题大做”

11.Executed by Bamo Sisters" Studio on Yi-Studies. "The Folkloristic Ethnology of the Yi Nationality," Beijing: Central University for Nationalities Press.《彝族风俗志》,巴莫姊妹彝学小组编著。北京:中央民族大学出版社。

12.Problems of the Development of the Minority Regions of Rural Primary and Secondary School;民族地区农村中小学教师队伍发展问题探微

13.Research on Traditional Music Education in Primary and Middle Schools of Our Country in 21 Century;二十一世纪我国中小学民族音乐教育研究

14.Research on the Application of ISO9000 Quality Management System Standards in Private School;ISO9000族质量管理体系在民办中小学校的运用探索

15.A Survey on Living Conditions of School Teachers in Ethnical Areas;民族地区中小学教师生存状态的调查研究

16.High Attention to Elementary and Middle School Students Health from National Future;从国家民族未来的高度关注中小学生健康

17.An Analysis of the Professional Pressure to the School Teachers in Multi-national Areas;民族地区中小学教师职业压力及原因探析

18.A Discussion to the Sanitation and Health Education Reform in the Primary and Middle Schools of the Nationalities Areas;对民族地区中小学卫生与健康教育改革的探讨


primary & middle school students from various nationalities民族中小学生

3)primary and secondary school teachers of minority ethnic groups中小学民族教师

1.Studying why someprimary and secondary school teachers of minority ethnic groups have psychological problems and how teachers mental problems affect students.本文研究分析了中小学民族教师的心理不健康状况及其主要表现,以及引起这些不健康心理问题的各种因素,分析教师不健康心理对学生产生的不良影响。

4)minority primary and middle schools in Xinjiang新疆民族中小学

5)Guang xi ethnic school广西民族中小学

6)Primary and secondary schools of ethnic minorities少数民族中小学




