2000字范文 > 创造型人才 creative talents英语短句 例句大全

创造型人才 creative talents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-02 01:48:51


创造型人才 creative talents英语短句 例句大全

创造型人才,creative talents

1)creative talents创造型人才

1.This article proposed that trainingcreative talents is a strategic mission of colleges and universities.提出培养创造型人才是高校的一项战略性任务,分析了化学实验教学理念的发展与变化,提出本世纪实验教学的目标和教学思想。

2.Undergraduate teacher education ought to break the old pattern of emphasizing skill and technique while neglecting students all-round quality improvement, which is same to overlook the cultivation ofcreative talents.师范本科美术教育应打破过去重技法学习而忽视对学生全方位素质提升的作法,即忽视对创造型人才的培养。

3.Author of this thesis analyses the defects that the universities in our country have in training and developing talents, then puts forward some basic measures that the universities should take to developcreative talents from different aspects, such as changing ideas, improving teachers, qualities, optimising, course systems, setting up innovation base, developing intelligence, etc.当前 ,我国高校在培养创造型人才方面存在缺陷 ,应从转变观念、提高师资素质、优化课程体系、建立创新基地和开发情感智力等方面采取相应对策 ,大批培养创造型人


1.Discussion on Implications of Taoist School for Cultivating Creative Person;论道家思想对培养创造型人才的启示

2.Transforming China Teaching Concepts and Cultivating Creative Talents;转变语文教学观念 培养创造型人才


4.Analysis on the Characteristics of Creative Talented man and the cultivating of the University Students’ Creative Power;浅析创造型人才素质与特征及大学生创造力培养

5.On the Cultivation of Creative Personnel in Universities in the Age of Intellectual Economy;论智力经济时代高校创造型人才的培养

6.On the Guarantee System of Training Creativity-oriented Talents with High Quality in Colleges;论高校高素质创造型人才培养的保障体系

7.A Discussion on the Writing Teaching and the Training of Productive Talents in Colleges;试论高校写作教学与创造型人才的培养

8.How to Explore Infants Right Cerebrum and Cultivate theCreative Talents with Non-intelligent Quality;运用非智能素质开发幼儿右脑培养创造型人才

9.The Balance Development of Two Cerebral Hemispheres and the Cultivation of High quality Yalents with Cerativity;均衡开发大脑两半球 培养高素质创造型人才

10.On the Development of Knowledge Economy andTraining Creative Talents in colleges;论知识经济发展与高校创造型人才培养

11.Inquiry and Creation --On Inquiry Teaching Methodology and Cultivating Talents;求疑与创新——论求疑式教学法与创造型人才的培养

12.Take"Socialization,Urbanization,Internationalization "As the Goal,And Cultivate the Creative Talents;围绕“三化”目标,造就创新型人才

13.Relationship between Dissipative Structure Theory and Training of Talents of Creativity;从耗散结构理论看创新型人才的塑造

14.A Positive Research on the Educational Mode of the Structure of Creativity of Advertising Talent;创新型广告人才创造力结构培养的实证研究

15.Reflections on Production of Innovative Talents and Construction of a Creative Faculty;对创新人才的培养及创造型师资建设的思考

16.Research on the educational model of the higher-quality creative engineering talents developing;高素质创造型工科人才培养模式的研究

17.Autonomy in Foreign Languages Learning and Cultivation of Creative Students in Research University;研究型大学的外语自主学习与创造性人才培养

18.Richening Teaching Model and Creating Cultivating Environment for New-type Talents;丰富教学模式,营造创新型人才的孵化环境


Creative talent创造型人才

1.Document retrieval and cultivating of creative talent;文献检索课与创造型人才的培养

2.Quality education and the training of creative talent;素质教育与创造型人才培养

3.The development of creative talent is a systems engineering.创造型人才的培养是一项系统工程。

3)creative personnel创造型人才

1.With the fantastic spurt of science and technology and the rapid transformation of society,creative education,a new model of education aiming at developing creativity and cultivatingcreative personnel,is getting to be the focus of people′s attention and the major research concern of many researchers.随着科学技术的迅猛发展,社会的急剧变革,以开发人的创造力、培养创造型人才为宗旨的新型教育——创造教育,已越来越引起人们广泛的重视和深入的研究。

4)innovative talents创造型人才

1.The ways of traininginnovative talents in institutions of higher learning;论高校培养创造型人才的途径

2.With an explanation for the necessity to improve college students\" creativity,this article analyzes the overall quality and specific features,such as the creative quality,of theinnovative talents,and provides some fresh ideas after an in-depth examination of the ways to inspire their creativity and endow them the creative power.本文通过对知识经济背景下培养大学生创造素质的必要性的阐述,对创造型人才及其特征包括创造素质进行了分析,提出一些新观念,对大学生创造素质的培养方法、途径及其实现进行了深层透视。

5)creative person创造型人才

1.The main implications of Taoist thoughts for cultivatingcreative person are mainly as follows: educational suggestion according to the individual character;open-minded for incoporating thing of diverse nature;critical and doubtful spirit that things are unabsolute;and intrinsic thinking style of tiping myself in a state of stillness and emptiness of mind.道家思想对培养创造型人才的启示主要有 :第一 ,“各便其性”的个性教育主张 ;第二 ,兼容并蓄的开放胸怀 ;第三 ,“物无定极”的批判怀疑精神 ;第四 ,“致虚守静”的直觉思维方法。

6)creative talents of P.E创造型体育人才

1.Foistering creative talents of P.培养创造型体育人才是高等体育教育可持续发展的重要任务之一 。


创造型人才创造型人才creative talent创造型人才(creative ta]ent)那些以自己独特的、新颖的思想或产品给社会带来新的价值的人。如科学家、发明家、艺术家等特殊人才。其主要特征是:(1)具有合理的知识结构,知识专深而广博。(2)有合理的智能结构,具有多种能力,即发明创造能力、科学研究能力、组织管理能力、获得信息情报能力、演说表达能力、文字写作能力、社交活动能力。(3)有积极的创造个性品质,即在非智能因素方面(如理想、意志、事业心、勤奋、勇敢等)占优势。但在不同的领域中,创造型人才的创造性也不同。在艺术方面,直观和想像力的作用非常明显,而在科学方面则更需要逻辑思维。使用创造性测验可以调查出创造性思考的活动领域。根据测验,查明个人的适应能力(把日常使用的物品改变用途的能力),生产能力(把日常物品加以改进使其性能更好的能力),以及想像能力(想像尚未出现过的状况中,会发生什么的能力)。据此确定一个人在创造活动中所擅长的领域。(马用口,!张明撰租翻灸万森审)
