2000字范文 > 人才 talent英语短句 例句大全

人才 talent英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-21 01:35:28


人才 talent英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis Of The Current Situation Of The Undergraduate Education On Safety Science& Technology And Study Of Measures How To Educate Talented People;安全科技人才学历教育现状分析及对策

2.Building atalent training platform, and reservingtalents for enterprises" development;为人才成长构筑舞台 为企业发展储备人才


1.At the same time, various talents introduced form outside total14,000.培养人才、备人才、进人才,进而合理地配置人才、用人才.

2.Only then will people be encouraged to improve their qualifications and will capable persons come to the fore.这样才能鼓励上进,才能出人才。

3."It"s stupid to be prudish.“蠢人才会假正经。

4.PERSON CAN EXER THIS TALENT FULLY, THE TALENT CAN BEUSED FULLY --Expounding the superior arangement of men of talent resource;人尽其才 才尽其用——论人才资源的优化配置

5.We should cherish able people and value their labour. They are indeed hard to come by!要珍视劳动,珍视人才,人才难得呀!

6.The talent crisis lies in the human resource management.人才危机,说到底是人才资源管理问题。

7.Principle of Party Supervision over Personnel in Implementation of the Strategy of Reinvigorating China through Human Resource Development;人才强国战略实施中的党管人才原则

8.Innovating the system of talented people management and implementing the strategy of developing the educational institution through talented people;创新人才管理机制 实施人才强校战略

9.Dialyzing Loss Reason of Qualified Personnel, Probing into Resource Management of Qualified Personnel;透析人才流失原因 探索人才资源管理

10.Causes of Enterprises Talented Persons Leaving and Countermeasures;论企业人才流失原因及留住人才对策

11.On training university students in scientific outlook;基于科学人才观的高校人才培养研究

12.Dived-talented person s social recognize is the frontier point of talented person value;潜人才的社会承认是人才价值的界点

13.The Cultivation of Talents and Construction of Talent Team in Hebei Province;河北省人才培养和人才队伍建设研究

14.Talent: the Lifeblood of One Nation--Yang Wanli s view on talent;人才:国家之命脉?——论杨万里的人才观

15.Persisting the Principle of the Party Supervising Talented Person and Implementing the Strat-egy of Talented Person Enhancing School;坚持党管人才原则 实施人才强校战略

16.Survey into market demand for talents in Shenzhen;深圳市人才大市场人才需求调查分析

17.Upholding the Scientific View of Human Talents for Strengthening the University;树立科学人才观 推进人才强校建设

18.Talent leasing-small and medium enterprise s good way to attract talent;人才租赁——中小企业吸引人才之良策



1.Setting up scientifictalents mechanism to meet the needs of the developing of coal enterprise;建立科学的人才机制 适应煤炭企业发展要求

2.Status Quo and Demands on Pharmaceutical Logistics Talents;医药物流企业人才现状和需求分析

3.The Training of Talents in Modern and Integer Traumatology;现代整体化创伤学人才的培养

3)talented person人才

1.Thoughts of the questions in the developingtalented person;人才科学开发若干基本问题的思考

2.Dived-talented person s social recognize is the frontier point oftalented person value;潜人才的社会承认是人才价值的界点

4)qualified personnel人才

1.The backward situation ofqualified personnel of medical imaging technology and countermeasure of improvement;我国医学影像学技术人才落后现状和改进对策

2.Double Factors Theory and the Construction of High Level Qualified Personnel of Local Colleges and Universities;双因素理论与地方高校高层次人才队伍建设

3.Perceivingqualified personnel thoughts of Si Ma-guang from "Subject Guang s speaking" in Zi Zhi Tong Jian;司马光人才思想述论——以《资治通鉴》“臣光曰”为中心


1.Research and Thoughts on the Training Mode of IE Personnel;工业工程人才培养模式的研究与思考

2.Study on thepersonnel training mode of the intelligent building technology;智能建筑技术人才培养模式研究

3.An analysis of some basic models for training foreign servicespersonnel;国内外培养外向型人才的基本模式分析



