2000字范文 > 青年创新人才 Young Creative Talents英语短句 例句大全

青年创新人才 Young Creative Talents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-01 19:29:53


青年创新人才 Young Creative Talents英语短句 例句大全

青年创新人才,Young Creative Talents

1)Young Creative Talents青年创新人才


1.Study on Countermeasures of Communist Youth League Organizing & Training Young Creative Talents共青团组织培养青年创新人才对策研究

2.On Effective Route to Success for Young Medical Innovators;论青年医学创新人才成长的有效途径

3.Brief Discussion of Importance of Innovative Talents Cultivation in Development of Youth Human Resources in Company;企业青年人力资源开发重在培养创新型人才

4.Factors Influencing the Development of Technological Innovation in Young Persons阻碍青年科技创新人才成长的因素分析

5.Discussion on Building People-oriented Training Mechanisms of Innovative Youth Talents in Modern Hospital现代医院创新型青年人才培养机制探讨

6.On the orientation and route of fostering innovative personality of the youth;试论青年创新人格培养的导向和途径

7.The Thoughts on Innovation of Youth Work of Three Leaders;三代领导人关于青年工作创新的思想

8.On Communist Youth League s Creative Participation in Developing Youth Human Resources;论高校共青团参与青年人力资源开发的创新

9.Researching on the systematic mechanism for Qinghai province to icultivate nnovation-type talents;青海省培养创新型人才的体制机制研究

10.On Function of Youth League in Cultivating Innovation Talents;论高校共青团在创新型人才培养中的作用

11.Creating a new mode of training talents in the 7-year program of Chinese medicine论七年制中医学人才培养模式的创新

12.On Two-Year’s Talents Training Mode in Higher Vocational College;二年制高职人才培养模式创新点研究

13.Probe into and Practice the Training System of Young Talents of Communist Youth League of China in Colleges and Universities at New Times;新时期高校共青团组织青年人才培养体系探索与实践

14.Approaches On lncentive Management of College Junior Staff s lnnovation with People-oriented;以人为本创新高校青年教师激励机制的思考

15.Education of Making Innovations, an Important Link of Youth Human Resources Development;创新教育是青年人力资源开发的重要环节

16.Implementation of the CYL in cultivation of talents of practice and innovation of geology and mineral resources共青团工作在地矿类应用创新型人才培养过程中的作用及方法

17.The Development of Youth Human Resources in College -A Commentary on the Rearrangement of Youth Human Resources and the Adjustment of Intellect Structure.;高校青年人力资源的开发——兼论青年人力资源的重新配置与人才结构的调整

18.The New Youth Values Advanced by the New Youth;《新青年》所倡导的“新青年派人生观”


young medical innovator青年医学创新人才

3)youth talent青年人才

1.On Deng Xiao-ping’s Thought of Youth Talent;邓小平青年人才思想论略

2.Research on Countermeasures and Current Situation of Training of Youth Talent of Hubei Province;湖北省青年人才培训的现状及对策研究

3.In terms of the development trend of new economy,enewing conception,exploitingyouth talent etc.从新经济的发展趋势看,观念的更新、青年人才的开发等是人才开发可持续发展的重要保证。

4)young talents青年人才

1.On Jiang Zemin s thought of a comprehensive growth ofyoung talents;论江泽民关于青年人才全面发展的思想

5)Young Talent青年人才

1.The implicit flow of young talent group inside Colleges and Universities arising from the conflict is an objective phenomenon.高校内部青年人才的隐性流动而产生的群体冲突已经是一个客观存在的现象。

6)innovative talent创新人才

1.Discussion on engineering geology teaching of civil engineering & traininginnovative talents;工程地质学教学与创新人才培养的探讨

2.Try talking about structuring the inter-dynamic mode ofinnovative talent training of the university;试论高校创新人才培养的互动模式构建

3.Research on mechanism of cultivation ofinnovative talent based on R&D program;围绕企业研发活动的创新人才培养与激励分析


