2000字范文 > PEP BOOK3 UNIT4 LET'S TALK LET'S CHANT_小学四年级英语教案


时间:2021-07-01 06:13:58



teaching aims:

1. create situation, enable ss to distinguish ‘singular’ and ‘plural’ about word’s form, and use main sentences well: are they…s? yes. they are./no. they aren’t. where are the…s? they are….

2. enable ss to read and act the dialogue out. chant a new chant well!

main points and difficulties:

1. drill main sentences pattern: are they…s? yes. they are. /no. they aren’t.

2. drill main sentences pattern: where are the…s? they are….

teaching aids:

cai picture cards head ornaments drum keys phone toy animals fruits tapes…

teaching procedures:

i. warm--up (activity before class)

1. let’s chant!

ss: on, on, on; under, under, under; in, in, in; near, near, near.

2. divide ss in groups.

ii. presentation/practice

1. enable ss to distinguish ‘singular’ and ‘plural’ about word’s form.

activity: find and say.

1> lead to it

t: look. what’s this? let’s chant….

ss: ruler, ruler, rulers. (with action)

t: (go on showing) look, apples. who can try?

2> have a match

t: i have apples. what do you have? open your desk, find and say….

g1: dog, dog dogs.

g2: orange, orange, oranges.

g3: ….

2. presentation of the sentences: are they…s? yes. they are. /no. they aren’t.

activity: lucky dog.

1> drill sentence: are they…s?

t: wow! so many things. let’s play a guessing game. i want to see who is the lucky dog. guess. what are they?

s1: (try to say) are they…s?

t: yes. they are. /no. they aren’t.

2> drill sentence: yes. they are./no.they aren’t.

t: (show things) ok. guess.

s1: (face to class) are they …s?

ss: yes. they are. /no. they aren’t.

t: you are the lucky dog. let’s jump high!

3. presentation of the sentences: where are the …s?

activity: jump like a squirrel.

1> lead to it

t: oh, no. what are they? ha ha, look. they are squirrels/keys.

s: squirrl, squirrel, squirrels. key, key, keys.

2> let’s play

a: drill sentence: are they in the…?

t(hit the drum) jump, jump,

s1: (jump, then stop)where are the keys?

s2: are they in the …?

s1: yes. they are. /no. they aren’t.

t: (assessment) ….

b: drill sentence: are they in/on/under/near the…?

t: look. this is a living room. …

s1: (hide the keys) ok!

ss: where are the keys?

s2: are they near the phone?

s3: are they on the desk?

ss: yes. they are./no. they aren’t.

4. presentation of the whole dialogue.

1> watch the video.

2> listen and repeat.
