2000字范文 > 雅思口语:a place you would like to visit(street market)

雅思口语:a place you would like to visit(street market)

时间:2023-04-13 15:58:58


雅思口语:a place you would like to visit(street market)


雅思口语里有个话题是a place in your town you would like to visit with your friends, 这个口语话题我们可以直接联想到street market。提到street market大家脑海里想到的可能是台湾小吃一条街,或者灯火通明的夜市,或者琳琅满目的二手交易市场,无论是那种market,我们都可以像介绍地点类话题一样,先说这个market在哪里,再说你通常什么时候去,跟谁去,然后介绍一下market里面有什么,你最喜欢的是什么,再来说说你某一次的购物经历(什么时候跟谁在哪里买了啥)和你的感受。

There’s a famous night market in my hometown, every year when the summer comes, the whole street will come alive in the evening.

When I was little, I always went there with my mom, ‘cause there were a lot of snack bars there.

I went to that street market about 2 weeks ago with my friends, and actually, it had been a while since the last time I went there. Things were a little bit different from what I remembered. I mean, in my memory, like I said, there used to be plenty of snack bars on both sides of the road, however, they are replaced by fruit stands and booths selling clothes and small jewelry. I was told, street food is not allowed in the market any more because conditions there are not that hygienic. I was really sad, ‘cause as a foodie, the main reason I went all the way to the night market was to eat those tasty stuff, you know.

Fortunately, my friend told me, there was other fun stuff we can do in that market. She said, there’s a place selling stuffed animals at a super low price, and the quality is pretty good. So I followed her to the stall, and I was amazed by what I saw. I mean, the soft toys on the stall were so adorable. I bought 2 teddy bears and they only cost me 20 RMB. That was a real bargain.

So maybe I’ll go there again later this summer.


come alive = (of a place) to become busy and full of activity = come to life例如:

The city starts to come alive after dark.

The fishing villages come alive in spring.

plenty of something = a large amount; as much or as many as you need例如:

plenty of eggs/ money/ time

‘Do we need more milk?’ ‘No, there"s plenty in the fridge.’

They always gave us plenty to eat.

We had plenty to talk about.

stand = a table or a vertical structure that goods are sold from, especially in the street or at a market = stall例如:

a hamburger/ newspaper stand

booth = a small tent or temporary structure at a market, an exhibition or a fairground, where you can buy things, get information or watch something 例如:

The stalls and booths were doing a brisk trade.

hygienic = clean and free of bacteria and therefore unlikely to spread disease 例如:

Food must be prepared in hygienic conditions.

The kitchen didn"t look very hygienic.

stall = a table or small shop with an open front that people sell things from, especially at a market = stand 例如:

a market stall

They have a fish stall on the market.

Drinks were being sold from makeshift stalls at the side of the road.

bargain = a thing bought for less than the usual price 例如:

I picked up a few good bargains in the sale.

The car was a bargain at that price.

bargain prices



