2000字范文 > 雅思口语解析:A website you like to visit

雅思口语解析:A website you like to visit

时间:2024-01-27 16:06:24


雅思口语解析:A website you like to visit


在描述website 这个雅思话题其实大家有很多选择,例如像论坛,贴吧,新闻,B站等等,但是为了能够生动形象的解释出你都干了什么,为什么喜欢等等。

推荐大家一个比较好说,最重要的是几乎全民都在用的一个网站那就是淘宝T-mall了。购物谁不喜欢对吧,网上的东西特别全,价格又比实体店便宜,而且还不用出家门。这样你为什喜欢就全都解释完了对不对。再者大家对淘宝的熟悉度至少不会出现硬着头皮想理由的状况。所以雅思口语考试碰到A website you like to visit我们就可以尝试着说淘宝,甚至类似的网站就可以啦。

There are dozens of websites I browsed every single day, but the one I’d like to talk about is T-mall, founded by Ma Yun. You can see his name on the list of the power celebrity of the world.

T-mall has most the Chinese service users and officially recognized as the most popular internet company in China. At the initial phase, the main business is online trading, but as it grows, Ma Yun expanded the scope of business of T-mall to better serve our online life. We can take E-commerce and online payment fast and in safety.

To be honest, I am not a super fan of T-mall at the very beginning, but years ago, one of my friends recommended it to me. I take it as a mighty website. Since that, I browse it everyday. Without exaggeration, it has been part of my life.

You can imagine that the moment of clicking the page, you’re just siting in the shopping mall and pick anything you want without the consideration of time, you even don’t need to leave your cozy home. Then three to five days later, the parcels will come to you.

On top of that, I can pay the living expenses, like phone bill, water and electricity bill. There is no need to wait in a line at different banks for hours.

In my eyes, T-mall is a super helper of my life. I always wonder what my life would be like without it. It should be nothing than a disaster.

出了说website,淘宝的背后就是马云的阿里巴巴这家大公司啊,所以a big company you are interested in 是不是又可以说这个,


赵媛,吉林学校国外部口语教师,英语专业八级,商务英语高级, MTI(英语翻译硕士),第五届哈洽会“北纬45度·创新论坛”翻译。

