2000字范文 > 雅思口语解析:a small business that you would like to own

雅思口语解析:a small business that you would like to own

时间:2023-11-26 19:25:22


雅思口语解析:a small business that you would like to own


上个季度part2的雅思口语话题里有这样一道题,你感兴趣的一个大公司A big company you are interested in当时大家可能说的都是比较知名的,像阿里巴巴,腾讯,百度,google 等等。同学们还应该记得一个话题叫你想拥有的小公司Describe a small business that you would like to own,本季度这个雅思口语话题又回来啦,所以之前如果准备过的同学就万幸了,但是如果没有经过前两次换题的同学不熟悉也没关系,我们今天就来一起看一看应该怎么答Describe a small business you want to have in the future。

首先看到in the future 我们就要时刻注意时态,其次聊一聊为什么想干这行,紧接着为此我们要付出什么努力等等。Small business 基本上就是一些私人的小企业,你可以创办一个饰品店啊,文具店啊,化妆品或服饰类的店。要想将这些都包含进去那就只有自由职业购物顾问,也就是代购,BBC称这样一群人为Freelance Shopping Consultant。这个行业很方便只要经常往返于外国和国内,在家附近租一件小的办公室,2-3个人就可以办到。那为什么做代购原因也很简单,可以说自己本身就喜欢旅游,同时能赚些钱多好。再者就是这个行业现在超火,大家对国外产品的需求量越来越大,简而言之就是前景好。

To tell you the truth, I am not that person who likes the dreams of future in general, let alone the business I will run, but at the first sight of this topic, the career of Daigo springs to my mind. You may be in doubt about these two words, since it is a unique career of China. Let me put it this way.

Some Chinese overseas students living or studying abroad, especially in Europe and Australia, buy luxuries or local health care products on behalf of the clients and ship to China. We call them Daigo. Shortly before, BBC has reported and named it as Freelance Shopping Consultant.

The main reason why I’d like to do such a thing is it is a kind of business with the feature of flexible working time, low risks and high returns. You know as the pricy tax, the price of luxuries sold in china is not only increased many times over. If I buy them abroad, I can get the margin in between. What’s more, I have a plan to study abroad, I think this is the incomparable strength. I can take the advantage of the internet to contact my clients and spare some leisure time for shopping.

On top of that, there is no need to rent an office, I can deal with the orders at any time of day on the premise of without disruption of study.


赵媛,吉林学校国外部口语教师,英语专业八级,商务英语高级, MTI(英语翻译硕士),第五届哈洽会“北纬45度·创新论坛”翻译。

