2000字范文 > 雅思口语:describe a small business that you would like to own

雅思口语:describe a small business that you would like to own

时间:2019-05-01 23:33:20


雅思口语:describe a small business that you would like to own


很多迷妹在回答a small business这道雅思口语题的时候,都说要在偶像开的店的旁边开家无论是啥…… 比如权志龙在济州岛开的Monsant Café,成了多少迷妹的“朝圣”之地!那么在他家店的旁边开个饭店、花店、书店,宠物店,礼品店啥的都行啊!立个帐篷卖瓜子儿估计都乐意!


I’ve always wanted to open a small bookstore at a tourist spot, for example, on the beach or beside a lake.

I’m an avid reader, so managing a bookstore would be an ideal job for me. I mean, making money on something I love is the most perfect lifestyle I could think of.

You might wonder why I want to open my shop at a tourist spot, well, that’s because it’s a place where people are most relaxed and willing to make friends. My store could offer a place for them to rest and to enjoy their leisure time, away from their boring or hectic daily routines.

The interior design of my shop should be simple but elegant, and it must be equipped with spotless bathroom and a relatively private area where people could read or enjoy a cup of coffee while listening to the soft background music. Oh, speaking of coffee, we have a special offer, if you buy any book in the store, you can enjoy free coffee and specially designed postcards.

Everyone could be our target customer, ‘cause there are various types of books available in my store. And our best selling point is the autographed books by those famous authors, or even singers or movie stars.

For now, it’s just a dream for me, ‘cause renting or buying a place like that would cost me a fortune./ ‘cause a place like that is way out of my league. So maybe I’ll consider it after I retire or when I win a lottery.

当然,这道雅思口语题也是让大家尽情发挥childhood dreams的一个话题,小时候的各种理想,是时候跟考官分享一下了!



