2000字范文 > 1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe an interesting persion you would like to meet

1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe an interesting persion you would like to meet

时间:2018-08-15 00:24:50


1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe an interesting persion you would like to meet

About a year ago, I came to Bali, Indonesia, as an international volunteer with my classmates. Our work is mainly to help sea turtles breed and clean the beach. But we haven’t been to Bali, so we don’t know where we should go and what we should do. Given this situation, the school arrange for us a local volunteer, whose name is Andy. Andy has became an turtle-protecting volunteer for ten years since he graduated from college. Therefore, he is really experienced. He told us that his mother was born in china while his father was born in Indonesia. With his own efforts and the help from his parents, he is able to communicate with others in seven languages. What an amazing! This is the first time I meet someone who can speak so much languages. Although he can speak Chinese, but to practice our English, he insisted on talking with us in English, which help us a lot. We stayed in Bali for only one week so there are still a lot of place we have not been to. In the next time I visit there, I hope he has time to go to tourist attractions together.
