2000字范文 > 财政资助 financial aids英语短句 例句大全

财政资助 financial aids英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-16 08:42:08


财政资助 financial aids英语短句 例句大全

财政资助,financial aids

1)financial aids财政资助

1.The influencing degree offinancial aids depends on the types of studen.本文对国内外个人高等教育需求的影响因素进行了比较,发现影响因素主要包括个人和家庭的经济状况、社会背景和学校的财政资助政策等。

2.The influencing degree offinancial aids depen.发现影响个人教育需求的主要因素包括个人和家庭的经济状况、社会背景和学校的财政资助政策等。


1.The project fell to the ground for lack of financial support.这项计划因缺乏财政资助而落空。

2.Equality of Chance to Scientific Research Funded by Public Finance;论公共财政资助的科研机会平等问题

3.The Separation of State and Church and the Litigation on Public Aids to Private Schools in America;“政教分离”与美国私立学校的政府财政资助诉讼

4."to guarantee financial obligations, loan money and provide other financial assistance and accept security;"为财政债务、贷款提供担保及提供其他财政资助和接受抵押;

5.Study on the Financial-support Modes in Higher School System in Developed Countries;发达国家高校办学财政资助模式的探讨

6.Renminbi Exchange Rate:A Financial Contribution to Chinese Exports?;人民币汇率构成对中国出口产品的财政资助吗?

7.The Study of Sport Canada Funding Model加拿大体育局体育财政资助模式的研究

8.The Basic Starting Point of Policy and Principle for Federation Financial Aid to Student;美国对学生联邦财政资助政策和原则的基本出发点

9.The financial grant made to a fellow in a college or university.研究员薪金学院或大学中给予研究员的财政资助

10.The focus of the investigation is the“ preferred lender” lists that financial-aid officials compile to help students choose loan providers.调查的焦点是“精选贷款公司”名单,该名单由财政资助官员编制,用于帮助学生选择贷款公司。

11.The government provides land to the HA on concessionary terms and, where necessary, finances the HA to meet its public housing targets.政府以优惠价格批地,并在有需要时提供财政资助,使房委会能达到其公营房屋计划的目标。

12."There"s no denying that, compared with Singapore, Hong Kong enjoys more open and liberalized cultural policies as well as more generous public financial subsidies."毋庸讳言,香港开放与自由的文化政策、官方的财政资助,程度上优于新加坡。

13.International Comparative Research on Financial Policies of Private Higher Education--Taking South Korea,Malaysia and Philippines as Examples;私立高等教育财政资助政策的国际比较研究——以韩国、马来西亚、菲律宾为例

14.Study on Financial Management System of Public Fiscal Fund for National Student Loan;国家助学贷款公共财政资金财务管理制度研究

15.Preliminary analysis about the policies of the national financial investment toand award financial policies of National Natural Science Fund;浅析国家自然科学基金的财政投入和资助财务政策

16.The government has been granting money to this group for too long.政府资助这个团体钱财已历时太长久了。

17.A Research on Higher Education Finance Assistance System under Public Fiscal Policy in Zhejiang Province;公共财政框架下浙江省高等教育资助问题研究

18.The Tentative Research for the Mode of Financial Support for Private College;公共财政经费资助民办高校方式问题初探


Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA)学生财政资助局

3)financial funding model财政资助模式

4)financial assistance经济援助;财政资助

5)sports financial funding model体育财政资助模式

6)financial aid财政补助

1.Research on mechanism offinancial aids for transfer and resettlement in natural disaster emergency management;中国自然灾害转移、安置的财政补助机制


