2000字范文 > 体育财政资助模式 sports financial funding model英语短句 例句大全

体育财政资助模式 sports financial funding model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-28 02:28:47


体育财政资助模式 sports financial funding model英语短句 例句大全

体育财政资助模式,sports financial funding model

1)sports financial funding model体育财政资助模式


1.The Study of Sport Canada Funding Model加拿大体育局体育财政资助模式的研究

2.Study on the Financial-support Modes in Higher School System in Developed Countries;发达国家高校办学财政资助模式的探讨

3.To Perfect the Rural Investment and Financing System to Support the Agriculture;完善农村财政投融资体系创建财政支农的新模式

4.Funding Systems for Compulsory Education in Rural Areas: American Model and Japanese Model;农村义务教育财政体制比较:美国模式与日本模式

5.A Research on Higher Education Finance Assistance System under Public Fiscal Policy in Zhejiang Province;公共财政框架下浙江省高等教育资助问题研究

6.The Tentative Research for the Mode of Financial Support for Private College;公共财政经费资助民办高校方式问题初探

7.Management of state-owned assets under the mode of public finance;在公共财政模式下管理水利国有资产

8.The Model of Higher Education Finance in UK and its Reform Trend英国高等教育财政模式及其改革趋势

9.The Research about the Reform of Financial Allocation Pattern in Chinese Higher Education;我国高等教育财政拨款模式改革研究

10.The government has been granting money to this group for too long.政府资助这个团体钱财已历时太长久了。

11.On the Financial Investment System of Higher Education under the Educational Industry s Attribute;教育产业属性下高等教育财政投资体制研究

12.The education subsidizes system and the way the US,Japan and others;美国、日本等国教育资助体制及方式

13.Research on Sports Industry Financial Investment and Financial System Question in China;我国体育产业财政投融资体制问题探讨

14.Research about Management & Mechanism of Country Help-poverty Financial Funds;村级财政扶贫资金管理模式和机制研究

15.The Financial Support Model for Major Grain-Producing Areas in China;财政支持粮食主产区发展投资模式研究

16.Fiscal Investment Innovation in Developing Modern Agriculture;现代农业发展中的财政农业投资模式创新

17.The study on the methods of finance investment appraisal and evaluation under the bill of quantities mode;工程量清单计价模式下财政投资审核方法探讨

18.Innovation Research on the Management Model of Financial Investment"s Assessment公共财政框架下的投资评审管理模式研究


financial funding model财政资助模式

3)financial aids财政资助

1.The influencing degree offinancial aids depends on the types of studen.本文对国内外个人高等教育需求的影响因素进行了比较,发现影响因素主要包括个人和家庭的经济状况、社会背景和学校的财政资助政策等。

2.The influencing degree offinancial aids depen.发现影响个人教育需求的主要因素包括个人和家庭的经济状况、社会背景和学校的财政资助政策等。

4)financial pattern财政模式

1.It is not thefinancial pattern that run parallel with national finance but thefinancial pattern of the latter under the condition of market economy.公共财政不是和国家财政并列的财政模式,而是国家财政在市场经济条件下的财政模式;把国有资本财政放在公共财政之外,是需要重新研究的问题;财政收支平衡不是收支之间的对比关系,而是量上的相互适应;财政在社会再生产中的地位不仅要考虑物质资料再生产,也应包括人口再生产。

2.The article imposes a doubt on the class analysis of the nature of finance,and postulates that the essence of finance lies in its”publicity”,thereby,a publicfinancial pattern should be selected in our country.文章对财政本质研究的阶级分析方法提出质疑 ,认为财政的本质特征为“公共性” ,我国应选择相应的公共财政模式。

5)mode of finance财政模式

1.China smode of finance in the condition of socialist market economy should reflect the inherent unity of the innate nature of socialism and that of market economy, and that is the mode of public finance with Chinese characteristics.我国社会主义市场经济条件下的财政模式,应是社会主义本质特征与市场经济本质特征内在统一在财政领域里的反映,即"有中国特色的公共财政模式"。

6)financial model财政模式

1.During the present stage,the publicfinancial model our country can adopt is the only model that is between the traditional planned finance & the westernfinancial model.所有制结构和市场化水平是构建公共财政模式的两个基本条件。


