2000字范文 > 实际路网 Actual road network英语短句 例句大全

实际路网 Actual road network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-24 16:51:08


实际路网 Actual road network英语短句 例句大全

实际路网,Actual road network

1)Actual road network实际路网

2)Network Practical Capacity路网实际容量



1.Walter: And he was a complete ignoramus as far as the internet was concerned.华尔特:讲到网际网路,他更是完全不懂。

2.Threaten your ISP with an impeachment vote.以投票弹劾威胁你的网际网路供应商。

3.And networks pervade technology: the Internet, power grids and transportation systems are but a few examples.网络也普遍存在科技之中,像是网际网路、电力网及运输系统等等。

4.The full name for the blog, which has taken the Internet by storm, is weblog.部落格——在网际网路掀起了旋风——的全名是网路日志。

5.Book store websites are gradually replacing physical book stores as a source of books bought by book readers.网路书店藉著网际网路提供读者另一种逛书店、书买书的方式。

6.T he World Wide Web is a valuable resource to anyone looking for information.全球网际网路拥有丰富的资讯供使用者搜寻。

7.Like the internet, English is uniting the world marketplace.就像网际网路一样,英语结合了全球的市场。

8.I suppose that this is one of the reasons for using the word "Web" instead of "World-Wide Web."我推想这个就是将网际网路叫做网络的原因之一。

9.It is an economical way of com-municating locally, nationally and internationally.通讯经济:使用网际网路对国际、内或地方性的通讯,是十分的经济。

10.The internetphone costs much less than the wired telephone especially when you take the international long distance call.网际网路电话的费用比有线电话少的多,尤其当你打国际长途时。

11.Wi-Fi network is relatively easier to set up than wireless inter-network based on mobile phones.与以行动电话为基础的无线网际网路不同,无线传真网路相对较容易架设。

12.Unfortunately, the creation of Internet-scale applications remains an imposing challenge.遗憾的是,要设计出网际网路规模的应用程式仍是艰钜的挑战。

13.Extraordinary parallel data transmission is possible with the Internet resource pool.因为有了网际网路资源库,特殊的资料平行传输才成为可能。

14.and with the rise of the Internet, it is doubtful that this figure will decrease any time soon.而且随着网际网路的兴起,这个数据恐怕短时间内是不会降低的。

15.Many of the film screenings listed below are linked to more information provided by the Internet Movie Database.如需下列放映电影之详细资讯,请连结至网际网路电影资料库。

16.We also invite responsible adults to participate in this part of the judging process by registering to be an approved reviewer.我们会另外徵求网际网路上的热心义工帮忙评比,以力求公允。

17.Using the Internet – for customer service, education and keepiong in contact with past customers利用网际网路–提供客服、教育资讯,并且与老顾客保持联络

18.National associations should appoint a JOTI coordinator who is knowledgeable about Scouting and Scouting on the Internet.各国的总会要指派一位了解童军运动和网际网路的负责人。


Network Practical Capacity路网实际容量


4)real world实际道路

1.Testing research onreal world emission characteristics of heavy duty vehicles and influencing factors;利用美国Sensors公司生产的SEMTECHD车载排放测试仪在上海随机选择了7辆重型柴油车开展实际道路的排放测试,该实验累积测试道路长度为186km,共取得29090个逐秒的有效工况点数据,其中城市主干道12979个,次干道12368个,快速干道3743个。

5)real road profile实际路形

6)actual pass实际路程


