2000字范文 > 路网 road network英语短句 例句大全

路网 road network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-14 04:13:33


路网 road network英语短句 例句大全

路网,road network

1)road network路网

1.Calculation connectivity reliability ofroad networks based on recursive decomposition arithmetic;基于递推分解法的路网连通可靠度计算(英文)

2.The impact of fan-shapedroad network on the logistics of Pu Dong Airport and its solution;浦东扇面路网对浦东机场物流的影响及其解决方案探讨

3.Algorithm based on pre-processing for constructing topological structure of urbanroad network;基于预处理的城市路网拓扑结构构建算法


1.Optimal path solution of road network based on Hopfield neural networkHopfield神经网络算法求解路网最优路径

2.a diagram of a gear-box, a rail network齿轮箱、 铁路网的图解.

3.The Study of Method of the Regional Highway Net Planning and Quzhou City Highway Net Planning;区域公路网规划研究及衢州市公路网规划

4.local line network with link circuit带有链接电路的本地线路网

5.Research on the Problems of Costing and Pricing of the Infrastructure of Our Railway;我国铁路路网成本与定价问题的研究

6.logic link layer逻辑链路层 -网络

7.a ramified system,eg of railways网状系统(如铁路的).

8.telex network identification code用户电报网路识别编码

9.sweepout pattern已定井网下的扫油路线

10.switched circuit automatic network开关电路自动控制网络

11.request on line请求接通线路 -网络

12.Circuit-switched Public Data Network , CSPDN线路交换公众数据网络

13.serial line Internet protocolSLIP串行链路因特网协议

14.circuit network由四端网络组成的线路

15.Study on Routing Algorithm in Overlay Network;Overlay网络路由算法的研究

16.Brief Introduction of CRNET;中国铁路互联网(CRNET)简介

17.Research on QoS Routing of Ad Hoc NetworksAd Hoc网络QoS路由的研究

18.Research on Methods of cdma2000 1x EV-DO Network Optimizationcdma2000 1x EV-DO网络优化思路


railway network路网

1.Study on the shortest path problem in car flow route optimizing inrailway network;路网车流径路优化调整中的最短径路算法

2.Regarding the problems in adjusting empty cars inrailway network,this paper puts forward a phase by phase optimized model that is suitable forMinistry of Railway.针对铁路网的空车调整问题,提出了适用于铁道部、铁路局和铁路分局三级的分阶段优化模型。

3.It is an important part of Chinarailway train graph generated by computer to research and develop thevisualized inquiry of Chinarailway network train graph information.随着计算机技术的发展,用户对列车运行图的编制提出了更高的要求,研究和设计全路路网运行图信息的可视化查询是实现计算机编制全路列车运行图的重要组成部分。


1.EMME/2Network Validation Approach Research;EMME/2路网检查技术研究

2.Study onNetwork Travel Time Reliability under Contigent Events;突发事件下路网运行时间可靠性研究

3.Indexing Scheme of Moving Objects on FixedNetworks;基于路网的移动对象索引机制研究

4)highway network路网

1.Research on thehighway network to the social environment in the west;西部地区公路网规模和结构改善研究

2.Evaluation of level of service forhighway network on computer simulation;基于仿真的公路路网服务水平评价方法

3.The article introduces the working process and related data processing method ofhighway network reconnaissance survey using hand-held GPS receiver.该文介绍了利用手持式GPS接收机进行路网普查的过程及相关的数据处理方

5)road net路网

bined with the actuality of Fuxin,it analyzes the traffic organization androad net structural problems,and elaborates the basic countermeasures of city traffic development in Fuxin,so as to improve the traffic actuality of city road,and improve the traffic level and the environment quality.结合阜新市的现状,仔细分析了阜新市交通的组织和路网结构中存在的问题,详细地阐述了阜新市城市交通发展的基本对策,以改善城市道路交通现状,从而提高交通水平,改善环境质量。

2.According to common road traffic problems existed in current general city planning in China,it discusses several problems which should be noticed in traffic planning from many aspects such asroad net,environment scenery,traffic transformation concept,so as to speed the constructing step.针对当前我国城镇总体规划中普遍存在的道路交通问题,从道路路网、环境景观、转变交通观念等几个方面论述了城镇交通规划应注意的几个问题,以加快小城镇的建设步伐。

3.On the base of keeping original transformationalroad net, this paper analyses the feature of one-way traffic and the situation of trafficroad net in ChangChun City, explains the advantage and problem about one-way traffic and give some suggest about it.在保持原有道路交通路网的条件下 ,单向交通是改善大中城市交通堵塞状况的经济而有效的方法之一。


1.The advantages and disadvantages of several styles ofnetwork connection were compared.通过测试 ,分析了影响传爆可靠性的几种因素 ,对常用网路连接方式进行了优劣比较 ,提出了起爆系统安全使用条件。

2.It is necessory to take into account the effect of natural ventilating pressure whether for the resolution of ventilationnetwork or the stability analy-sis of ventilation svstem.无论是解算通风网路还是进行通风系统稳定性分析,都必须考虑自然风压的影响。


