2000字范文 > 追诉时效 limitation of prosecution英语短句 例句大全

追诉时效 limitation of prosecution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-20 07:13:54


追诉时效 limitation of prosecution英语短句 例句大全

追诉时效,limitation of prosecution

1)limitation of prosecution追诉时效

1.First, a new crime is committed after the end of the previous crime’slimitation of prosecution.行为人所实施的前后两罪均为过失犯罪能够构成累犯,但是,当行为人在犯前罪追诉时效完成后又犯新罪、前罪被外国判处并执行有期徒刑以上刑罚后再犯罪、前罪刑罚执行过程中再犯新罪与假释考验期内再犯罪等情形下,则都不能构成累犯。

2.In addition to it the case is in thelimitation of prosecution.侵犯商业秘密罪应属结果犯而非即成犯,同时本案并未超过追诉时效,因而应追究肖日明及其所在单位侵犯商业秘密罪的刑事责任。

3.The author has analyzed the differences between the case of private prosecution and the lawsuit of public prosecution, and points out that these differences are the direct reasons for different prescription by law for each as to thelimitation of prosecution.对自诉案件和公诉案件进行分析研究 ,指出二者之间的差异性 ,作为应对该两类案件规定不同追诉时效的直接原因 ,并阐述了如此规定对实现诉讼公正、提高诉讼效率、实现社会秩序的稳定的重要意义 ,最后提出对现行有关立法进行修改的建


1.Claiming the money was acquired in prior years barred by statutes of limitation主张财产是在已经超过追诉时效的年度取得的。

2.How to Understand Certain Issues about Penal Legal Time Limitation of China;如何理解我国刑事追诉时效中的几个问题

3.On Legislation Perfection of PrescriptionSystem of Our New Criminal Law;论我国新刑法追诉时效制度的不足与完善

4.An Economic Analysis of the Confidential Obligation of Attorney and Prescription of Prosecution;法律追诉时效制度的经济分析——挑战中外法学界主流观点

5.Information about a lawsuit or an unpaid judgment against you can be reported for seven years or until the statute of limitations runs out, whichever is longer.关于诉讼判决对未缴或者你可以报七年或之前追诉时效届满后,更长为准.

6.2. Claiming the money was acquired in prior years barred by statutes of limitation (I was a criminal then; I"m not a criminal now).2. 主张财产是在已经超过追诉时效的年度取得的(我曾经是一个罪犯,但现在不是)。

7.the statute of limitations【法律】追诉权时效法

8.On the Statute of Limitations for International Actions to Recover Stolen Artwork: The American Practice;论被盗艺术品追索国际诉讼的时效法规则——美国司法实践的考察

9.The limitation of time beyond which an action, a debt, or a crime is no longer valid or enforceable.追诉期限一个时间限制,若超过该时间限制一个行动,债务或罪行则不再有效或不再可实施

10.Limitation of Action for Only Principal;诉利息未诉本金之诉讼时效如何认定

11.Revision for Limitation Period of Recourse Claim of Art. 257 of CMC.;对《海商法》第257条追偿时效的修改建议

12.The Mode and Influence of Limitation of Action"s Effectiveness论诉讼时效效力的启动模式及其影响

13.My friend told me that Anita Mui is very particular about the live acoustic and visual effects of the concert.朋友告诉我,梅艳芳一向追求演唱会现场视听效果。

14.Praescriptio pro actore诉讼时效 就确定问题起诉(为原告的利益)

15.On Duality Value Concern in the System of Limitation of Action in Civil Code-Also on the Deficit in the System of Limitation of Action in Civil Code of China;论诉讼时效制度的二元价值关怀——兼论我国诉讼时效制度的缺失

16.The Dual Value of Limitation--The deficiency of limitation system of China;诉讼时效制度的二元价值——兼评我国诉讼时效制度的缺失

17.On “Naked Rights” in Limitation System--A Review of Reasonability of Limitation;诉讼时效下的“裸体权利”——关于诉讼时效设置合理性之反向思维考察

18.A Probe on the Proper Excuse in the System of Limitation of Actions;民事诉讼时效制度的正当化理由探析


Prescription of prosecution追诉时效

1.As a very important part in theory of criminal law, the problem of prescription of prosecution has been paid less attention by criminal law circles.追诉时效问题作为刑法理论中的一个重要部分,刑法理论界对其给予的关注,相对较少。

3)Extension of Prosecution Limitation追诉时效延长

4)limitation of prosecution system追诉时效制度

1.In order to realize truly the value oflimitation of prosecution system, we are supposed to establish prosecution suspending system in the long run, meanwhile, in order to solve the practical difficulty, we should explicit intension oflimitation of prosecution system in the judicial interpretation way in the short run.要真正实现追诉时效制度的价值,从长远看应当建立时效中止制度,从近处讲为了解决实务困境可以以司法解释的方式明确追诉时效延长制度的内涵。

5)catch up time to court追诉时间

6)the unit crime pursue for the time limited efficacy单位犯罪追诉时效


