2000字范文 > 公诉权 right of public prosecution英语短句 例句大全

公诉权 right of public prosecution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-29 19:02:21


公诉权 right of public prosecution英语短句 例句大全

公诉权,right of public prosecution

1)right of public prosecution公诉权

1.With the establishment of the judicial independence principle,right of public prosecution system is gradually producing and developing.随着司法独立原则的确立,公诉权制度也逐渐产生和发展起来,但对于公诉权本身的属性界定存在较大分歧,往往在公诉权与法律监督权之间简单地划上等号,这种认识上的误区在实践中存在的弊端表现得越来越明显。

2.It is an absolute state right consistingright of public prosecution,right of investigat ion to crime by taking advantage of duty and right of legal supervision.检察权的定位不应脱离我国现行的宪政体制和国家权力架构,检察权是具有中国特色的检察权,应赋予检察权特定的含义,并把检察权进行这样一种定位,它集公诉权、职务犯罪侦查权、法律监督权三位一体,是混合性的独立的国家权力。

3.Theright of public prosecution refers to separating the right of sue from the jurisdiction and forming a independent state right, carried out by the state specialized organizations who represents the state in the criminal suits.公诉权是将起诉权从审判权中分离出来而形成的一个独立的国家权限 ,是由国家专门机关代表国家在刑事诉讼中行使的诉权。


1.Review and Drew Lesson from the Restriction of the Right of Victim to The Power of Public Prosecution Between China and France;被害人起诉权制约公诉权制度考察与借鉴

2.On Criminal System of Private Prosecution in China--From theView of the Relationship Between Public Prosecution and Private Prosecution;论我国的刑事自诉制度——以自诉权与公诉权之间的关系为视角

3.On the Control of Public Prosecution in Criminal Process of China;论对我国刑事诉讼中检察机关公诉权的制约

4.On Energy of Public Prosecution Right--Taking Withdrawal of Prosecution and Re-prosecution as Subject of Study;论公诉权的能量——以撤回起诉和再行起诉为研究对象

5.Actio popularis民众之诉,公益之诉,众有诉权

6.On the right of private prosecution in the case of the public prosecution into private prosecution;“公诉转自诉”案件中之自诉权探微

7.Review and Reconstruction of Public Prosecution System--As Viewed from Procedural Right;公诉制度之检视与重塑——以诉权为视角

8.Public proceedings right owned by procuratorial organs in civil proceedings;民事诉讼中检察机关公益诉权之探析

9.An Analysis of Right to Sue From the Angle of Constitutional Jurisprudence;民事诉权制度:一种私权的公力救济

10.The requirement that the suit be brought by the proper individual is known as the doctrine of "standing".规定由合适人选提出诉讼即公认的“起诉权”原则。

11.Prosecutor, private prosecutor and advocate are not the subjects of the right to make a final statement.公诉人、自诉人、辩护人不是最后陈述权的主体。

12.On the Appeal Right of the Victim in a Criminal Case of Public Prosecution;关于刑事公诉案件被害人上诉权的思考

13.On the qualification of the plaintiff in the economic public welfare lawsuits--Analyzing the viewpoint of the just claim;论经济公益诉讼的原告资格——诉权视角的分析

14.Improve the Supervision Mechanism of Dropped Right in Criminal Indictment完善刑事公诉撤诉权监督制约机制的构建

15.Access to the court shall be open to all citizen所有公民都应有获得诉诸法院的权利

16.Access to the court shall is open to all citizen.所有公民都应有获得诉诸法院的权利。

17.4. The Privilege Can Be Defeated by a Grant of Immunity From Prosecution.(四)特权可因准许免于公诉而无效

18.She threatened legal action against the company for breach of copyright.她威胁要起诉该公司侵犯版权。


public prosecution power公诉权

1.The debate focusing on the characterization of prosecutorial power, be it legal supervisory power orpublic prosecution power, is of great significance.检察权定位为法律监督权抑或公诉权的争论意义重大。

2.The attribute ofpublic prosecution power is a current controversial issue in attorney theory.本文针对当前检察理论上争议的热点问题——“公诉权的性质”,从历史和现实的角度考察了公诉权的应有属性,重点介绍了我国学术界关于公诉权性质争论的各种观点,分别从公诉权的历史发展、各国公诉体制的比较、程序正义与公诉权的关系、公诉权的非司法性等方面论证了公诉权的本质属性,并围绕公诉权的应有属性详尽地论述了我国现代公诉制度的构建设想。

3.The evolutionary characteristics demonstrated bypublic prosecution power and defense rights are different.公诉权和辩护权的形成过程表现出不同的特征,二者都深深地根植于赖以存在的社会制度和诉讼文化之中。

3)the power of public prosecution公诉权

1.In the author s point of view, the right of sentencing suggestion is directly fromthe power of public prosecution.量刑建议权是公诉权的应有之义 ,是适应庭审方式改革的理性选择 ,符合诉讼法理 ,有其存在的法理依据。

2.The restriction ofthe power of public prosecution refers to the activities, including restricting、balancing and supervising over the abnormal way of carrying out the power and the general term of the systems that come into being through these activities.公诉权是诉权在刑事诉讼领域的国家权力化,一般包括起诉权、不起诉权和上诉权(我国称之为“抗诉权”)三项内容。

3.It discusses the system of the alteration of the public prosecution from four different aspects respectively,the relationship between the power of altering the public prosecution andthe power of public prosecution and the nomology basis of t公诉变更权,作为公诉权的重要权能之一,是检察机关在特殊情况下对其刑事追诉权的反向变更。

4)right of prosecution公诉权

5)public prosecution right公诉权

1.Nowadays, the right of sentencing suggestion is generally belonged to the range ofpublic prosecution right in various countries, and it is exercised widely in the criminal procedure practice.当今世界各国普遍将量刑建议权纳入到公诉权的范畴,且在各国刑事诉讼实践中被广泛运用,同时各国间也因各自所属的法系、历史传统、审判模式等方面的差异,在具体量刑建议制度方面也存在一定差异。

6)public prosecution公诉权

1.The principle of objectivity,established in Germany in the late 19th-century,required that the department ofpublic prosecution should collect all the evidence relating to the truth of the case,and not limited to those can prove the accused culpable.对案件事实客观性的追求,不仅仅是公诉权的要求,也是侦查权、审判权乃至辩护权的要求。


