2000字范文 > 起诉便宜主义 doctrine of free evaluation prosecution英语短句 例句大全

起诉便宜主义 doctrine of free evaluation prosecution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-10 21:35:53


起诉便宜主义 doctrine of free evaluation prosecution英语短句 例句大全

起诉便宜主义,doctrine of free evaluation prosecution

1)doctrine of free evaluation prosecution起诉便宜主义

1.Nowadays,doctrine of free evaluation prosecution has been accepted bymost countries in the world.起诉便宜主义现已被世界各国所接受,但由于历史与现实的原因,起诉便宜主义在不同国家又有不同的发展路径:日本是实施起诉便宜主义较典型的国家,起诉便宜主义在日本被称为起诉犹豫处分;德国是最早提出起诉便宜主义的国家,而且德国刑事诉讼法对于起诉便宜主义的规定非常复杂和多样化;英国将起诉便宜主义作为其起诉的基本立场,检察官裁量的依据是“公共利益检验”;美国的起诉便宜主义则主要通过辩诉交易来体现。

2.In the long history of criminal prosecution, doctrine of prosecute of country is emerging when human society oversteps the authority of the original state of private remedy and brings about the doctrine of legal prosecution anddoctrine of free evaluation prosecution in the criminal procedural practices.在漫长的刑事追诉发展史上,人类社会僭越“私力救济”的原始状态之后,国家追诉主义逐步产生,并在刑事诉讼实践中造就了公诉理论上的起诉法定主义与起诉便宜主义。

3.Thedoctrine of free evaluation prosecution has been accepted by many countries all over the world.起诉便宜主义现已被世界各国所接受,并主要是通过各具特色的酌定不起诉制度得以体现。


1.Doctrine of Legal Prosecution and Doctrine of Prosecuting Discretion--and on Prosecuting Discretional Right in China;起诉法定主义与起诉便宜主义——兼论我国起诉裁量权的完善

2.A Comparative Study of the Application of the Doctrine of Prosecuting Discretion in Japan,Germany and China日、德、中三国适用起诉便宜原则之比较

3.On Indictment-only Doctrine in Criminal Procedure of Japan论日本刑事诉讼中的起诉状一本主义

4.On Prosecutorial Organ File Public Prosecution as the Main Method for the Infringement of Network Copyright Process提起网络著作权侵权诉讼宜以检察机关公诉为主

5.He told us the new edition is cheaper than the old one.他告诉我们新版本比旧版本便宜一些。

6.Tell Jack not to be fresh with the secretary.告诉杰克勿好色,去占女秘书的便宜。

7.Indictment-only Doctrine and Reform of Way of Deportation of Files in Our Country;起诉书一本主义与我国案卷移送方式的改革

8.I shall tell him I"ve made up my mind, and shall walk out of the room with dignity.我将告诉他,我主意已定,然后便大义凛然地走出房间。

9.Thay told us where to shop cheaply他们告诉我们在什么地方买东西会便宜。

10.I"m sorry, but two hundred is the cheapest we have in stock.对不起。我们现货中200元是最便宜的了。

11.Bamboo chopsticks are practical, common and cheap, everyone can afford to buy them.竹筷实用,普通、便宜,谁都买得起。

12."Chairman, ICAC Complaints Committee"廉政公署事宜投诉委员会主席

13.From "Photocopyism" to Indictment-only Doctrine--on Reform of Mode of Criminal Prosecution;从"复印件主义"走向"起诉状一本主义"——对我国刑事公诉方式改革的一种思考

14.On the Balance of Interest of Judicial Activism论司法能动主义的利益衡量——从一起普通民事诉讼说起

15.The major advantage to sequential systems is their low cost.顺序存取系统的主要优点是便宜。

16.Futurists agree that these directions will grow as telecommunications networks become cheaper and more capable.未来主义者一致认为,随着邮电网络变得更便宜和有效,这些趋势将会增长。

17.Cheap things are not good; good things are not cheap .好货不便宜,便宜无好货。

18.Dear is cheap, and cheap is dear.便宜无好货,好货不便宜


the Principle of Opportunity起诉便宜主义

1.There also exist a good many limits to the principle of opportunity by analyzing and comparing other countries criminal procedure.起诉便宜主义是在刑事诉讼中各种刑事政策权衡和增强诉讼效率的内容和要求之一,绝对的起诉法定主义已无法在各国刑事诉讼中实现。

3)doctrine of prosecuting discretion起诉便宜主义

1.This system, in view of the speciality of the group--- the minor suspect, realizes the legal principle and valueorientation of thedoctrine of prosecuting discretion.未成年人犯罪缓诉制度从未成年犯罪嫌疑人群体的特殊性出发,体现了起诉便宜主义的法理基础和价值取向。

4)the doctrine of prosecuting discretion起诉便宜主义

1.The non-prosecution of additional conditions was established bythe doctrine of prosecuting discretion, and the production of introduce procuratorate discretionary power into the criminal procedure.附条件不起诉是起诉便宜主义确立,检察裁量权逐步引入刑事诉讼的产物,具有正当性的内涵,这也是笔者对其进行研究的原因。

5)On the Principle of Opportunity in Public Prosecution论起诉便宜主义

6)The Study on Doctrine of Free Evaluation Prosecution起诉便宜主义研究


