2000字范文 > 现代和谐社会 modern harmonious society英语短句 例句大全

现代和谐社会 modern harmonious society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-13 13:08:44


现代和谐社会 modern harmonious society英语短句 例句大全

现代和谐社会,modern harmonious society

1)modern harmonious society现代和谐社会

1.The construction ofmodern harmonious society should exert oneself to melt contradiction between the persons and the conflicts between interest groups so as to make various social aspects live together in peace and harmony and realize value maximization overall the society.构建现代和谐社会,就是着力化解人与人之间的矛盾、利益冲突,使社会各方面的力量和睦相处,从而实现社会整体价值的最大化。


1.Traditional "Ho&Ho" Thought in Modern Harmonious Society;传统和合思想与现代和谐社会的构建

2.The Confucian Thought on Harmony vs the Construction of a Modern Harmonious Society;论儒家和谐思想与现代和谐社会的构建

3.On the Relationship between Confucian Legal Thoughts and Modern Harmonious Society Construction;儒家法律思想与现代和谐社会的构建

4.Advocating Gender Equality and Justification and Constructing a Modern Harmonious Society;倡导性别平等公正 构建现代和谐社会

5.Modernity Development and the Construction of Harmonious Socialism Society现代性成长与构建社会主义和谐社会

6.On the Functions of Modern Communities in Establishing Harmonious Society;论现代社区在和谐社会中的建构功能

7.Harmonious Society: the Newest Route to Transit the Traditional Society into a Modern Society;和谐社会:传统社会向现代社会转型的最新路径

8.Construct a Harmonious Societyand Realize the Modernization of Traditional Personality构建和谐社会 实现传统人格的现代化

9.Harmonious Society:Modernity Discards Tradition;“和谐社会”:现代对传统的“扬弃”

10.Ideas of harmony in traditional bai society and their values in modern times;白族传统社会和谐思想及其现代价值

11.The study of Chen Du-xiu’s harmonious society thought and its Contemporary Revelation;论陈独秀社会和谐思想及其现代启示

12.Modern Honesty and Faith:The Moral Target in Constructing Harmonious Society;现代诚信:和谐社会建构的道德目标

13.On Confucius s Social Ideal of "Harmony" and Its Modern Significance.;孔子"和谐"的社会理想及其现代意义

14.We Should Improve the Modern Pardon System to Help Build a Harmonious Society构建和谐社会应当完善现代赦免制度

15.To Elaborate the Funtion of Modern Media in the Course of Constructing Harmonious Society;论现代传媒在构建社会主义和谐社会中的作用

16.Constructing the Socialist Harmonious Society under the Post-Modern Visual Angle;论后现代视域中我国社会主义和谐社会的构建

17.Constructing Socialistic Harmonious Society from the View of Chinese Modernization;论中国现代化视野下社会主义和谐社会的构建

18.Illumination of Mo-tse s Thoughts on Creation of Harmonious Society in Modern China;墨子思想对构建社会主义和谐社会的现代价值


conception of contemporary harmonious society现代和谐社会的理念

3)a modern harmonious society构建现代和谐社会

4)dunharmonious phenomena of the society社会不和谐现象

5)phenomenon of a harmonious society和谐社会现象

6)Abiding Spirit at a University现代社会和大学


