2000字范文 > 建设和谐社会 build a harmonious society英语短句 例句大全

建设和谐社会 build a harmonious society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-06 05:46:01


建设和谐社会 build a harmonious society英语短句 例句大全

建设和谐社会,build a harmonious society

1)build a harmonious society建设和谐社会


1.On the Relationship between the Construction of a Harmonious Society and the Harmonization of National Education;建设和谐社会离不开和谐的民族教育

2.Harmony of Social Relationship:the Root of Building Harmonious Society;社会关系和谐:和谐社会建设的根本

3.On Community Construction and Building Socialist Harmonious Society;论社区建设与构建社会主义和谐社会

4.The Research of Constructing the Harmonious Organization under the Processes of Building Harmony Society;和谐社会构建中的和谐组织建设研究

5.Analysis of the Construction of Harmonious Mentality in Building Up A Harmonious Society;和谐社会构建中的和谐心理建设探析

6.Establish Harmonious Society Thought,Promote Construction of Harmonious Union;树立和谐社会思想 促进和谐工会建设

7.The Building of a Harmonious Society and the Construction of a Comfortably - off Society构建和谐社会与全面建设小康社会

8.Corporate Social Responsibility and Harmonious Community Constructing;论企业社会责任建设与构建和谐社会

9.On Constructing the Legal System Developments of Socialism Harmonious Society;论构建社会主义和谐社会的法制建设

10.The Cultivation of Psychological Harmony From the View of Harmonious Society;简论和谐社会视野下的和谐心理建设

11.Contradiction and Harmony: a Probe into the Theory of Building a Harmonious Society;矛盾与和谐:和谐社会建设理论探索

12.Social Harmony of Ethnic Regions Promoted by the Construction of Harmonious Culture;以和谐文化建设促民族地区社会和谐

13.Prompting the Economics Harmony and Constructing the Harmonious Social;促进经济和谐与建设“和谐社会”探析

14.Developing Harmonious Labor Relations and Building Harmonious Society;发展和谐劳动关系 推进和谐社会建设

15.Talking about Harmonious Campus Building under Harmonious Society;刍议和谐社会下的和谐大学校园建设

16.The Construction of a Harmonious College Campus in a Harmonious Society;和谐社会视野中的大学和谐校园建设


18.Construction of Harmonious Community is an Indispensable Task of Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会的重要任务:和谐社区建设


Harmonious society construction和谐社会建设

1.Then proposes the measures of counter-social exclusions which finally promote the peasant laborers to truly integrate the city in order to realize the flowing population comprehensive development and the harmonious society construction.运用"社会排斥"理论,探讨对农民工的不同制度性排斥的运作机制,并据此提出反社会排斥的对策,最终促进农民工真正融入城市,实现流动人口全面发展及和谐社会建设。

3)Construction of harmonious society和谐社会建设

1.The Evaluation of Ability in Running the Market Economy and Construction of Harmonious Society;驾驭市场经济能力评估与和谐社会建设

2.Equitability of education is key to modern social equitability,playing an essential role in the construction of harmonious society.随着我国高等教育步入大众化发展阶段,越来越多的人拥有了享受高等教育的机会,但同时高等教育中的不公平也日益显露,直接影响和谐社会建设。

3.In the new period of the new century,construction of harmonious society is the strategic measure and goal of the Communist Party of China.和谐社会建设是我们党在新世纪新时期的重大战略举措和奋斗目标。

4)the construction of harmonious society和谐社会建设

1.The article analyses the relation of filial piety culture and the Jing-chu Culture,and probes into the function of filial piety culture inthe construction of harmonious society.文章分析了孝文化与荆楚文化的关系,探讨了孝文化在和谐社会建设中的作用,并对加强孝文化研究提出了若干建议。

5)Construction of a Harmonious Society和谐社会建设

1.Challenge of theConstruction of a Harmonious Society to the Reform of Chinese Government;论和谐社会建设对中国政府改革的挑战

2.The Fourth Plenum of 16th CPC Central Committee pledges to "put the construction of a harmonious society as top priority".分析了党的十六届四中全会提出的要“把和谐社会建设摆在重要位置”,这一重要思想的时代背景、重要理论和实践意义。

6)harmonious social construction of socialism社会主义和谐社会建设

1.It is an important content ofharmonious social construction of socialism and a basic requirement that the society is just.社会公正是社会主义和谐社会建设的重要内容和根本要求。


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
