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公诉 public prosecution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-21 23:29:52


公诉 public prosecution英语短句 例句大全

公诉,public prosecution

1)public prosecution公诉

1.New exploration to supervision mode of civil trial-On the Exploration and Practice of procuratorial proposals,support prosecution,public prosecution in the procuratorial work;民事审判监督模式新探——谈检察建议、支持起诉、公诉在民事检察工作中的探索与实践


1.On the right of private prosecution in the case of the public prosecution into private prosecution;“公诉转自诉”案件中之自诉权探微

2.The accusation institutions play the key role in contentions cases.控诉机关的控诉始终是公诉案件中的控诉主轴。

3.Count and public prosecutorial facts: the prosecutorial force’s comparison and analysis of two prosecutorial modes;诉因与公诉事实:两种公诉方式之效力评析

4.Criminal prosecutions are public.刑事公诉是公开的。

5.The Characteristic and Difference of Public Prosecution and Private Prosecution in Qing Dynasty;略论清代公诉自诉之特点及差异成因

6.Review and Reconstruction of Public Prosecution System--As Viewed from Procedural Right;公诉制度之检视与重塑——以诉权为视角

7.Public Prosecution To Private Prosecution: New System s Building And Imp roving;公诉转自诉:新制度的确立及其完善

8.It is the duty of the Attorney-General to institute prosecutions.检察总长负责提起公诉。

9.The procurator referred a public charge against him.检察官对他提起公诉。

10.The prosecution alleged that the accused be In the house when the crime be commit .公诉人(公诉方)声称,当犯罪发生时,被告在住宅内

11.The prosecution alleged that the accused was in the house when the crime was committed .公诉人公诉方声称,当犯罪发生时,被告在住宅内。

12.The prosecution alleged that the accused was in the house when the crime was committing.公诉人(公诉方)声称,当犯罪发生时,被告在住宅内。

13.Actio popularis民众之诉,公益之诉,众有诉权

14.He lost his appeal for damages against the company .他提出上诉向该公司索赔,但败诉了。

15.Public interest litigation is a new form of litigation.公益诉讼是一种新型的诉讼模式。

16.Public Interest Economic Litigation: Construction of Litigation System for Economic Law;公益经济诉讼:经济法诉讼体系的构建

17.Economic Rule Lawsuit Available and Economic Public Welfare Lawsuit System;经济法的可诉性与经济公益诉讼制度

18.The Public Welfare Feature of Environmental Lawsuits and the Guarantee of Procedure Law;环境诉讼的公益性及诉讼法保障探析



1.Research On the Public Prosecution Stage Procedure Diversion;公诉阶段刑事程序分流制度浅析

2.However,once theprosecution is brought much harm has been done on the accused.目前我国司法实践中被追诉人无权以公诉权滥用来质疑公诉决定,即使是明显证据不足的起诉,法官也只能对案件作出是否有罪的实体判决。

3)public into private prosecution公诉转自诉

1.The system ofpublic into private prosecution is a prosecution system and has some legal perplexity in judicial practice due to the deficiency in legislation.公诉转自诉是我国刑事诉讼法确立的一项起诉制度,因立法缺陷导致司法实践中困惑叠出。

4)private and public prosecution自诉与公诉

5)citizen suit公民诉讼

1.Research on the Environmental Public Interest Litigation--Focusing on the Environmental Citizen Suit in the United States of America;环境公益诉讼研究——以美国环境公民诉讼为中心

2.Study on the Limitation Aspects of Environmental Public Interest Litigation——Focusing on thecitizen suit of the federal environmental statutes in U.S.A环境公益诉讼的限制性因素考察——以美国联邦环境法的公民诉讼为主线

3.USA congress debate oncitizen suit in 1970 and Chinese present discussion about public interest environmental litigation are compared in the article.从对1970年美国公民诉讼立法辩论和当下中国环境公益诉讼立法争论的比较中可以看出,当前紧迫的任务之一是确立某部环境单行法上环境公益诉讼条款的具体立法意图。

6)public interest litigation公益诉讼

1.A New Way to Prevent Operating State-owned Property from Loss with Public Interest Litigation;公益诉讼是防范经营性国有资产流失的新路径

2.Public Interest Litigation and its Economics Analysis of Externality;公益诉讼及其“外部性”的经济学简析


