2000字范文 > 公权私化 privation of public right英语短句 例句大全

公权私化 privation of public right英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-24 01:44:01


公权私化 privation of public right英语短句 例句大全

公权私化,privation of public right

1)privation of public right公权私化

2)Publise the private rights私权公权化


1.On the Responsibilities of Library under the Tendency of Public Right of Copyright论著作权私权公权化趋势下图书馆的责任

2.On the Intellectual Property s Private Right Nature and Its Publicizing Trend;试论知识产权的私权属性及其公权化趋向

3.On the Unfairly Pocketing of Partial Public Property Rights in China;我国局部性公有产权私有化问题刍议

4.The Protection of Consumers in the Aspects of Publication of Private Law;私法公法化视野中的消费者权利保护

5.Public Power and Private Right under the System of Rural Collective Land Ownership;农村土地所有权制度下的公权与私权

6.Construct modern Chinese Property Law under the Balance of Public Power and Private Right;构建公权与私权平衡下的中国物权法

7.The Pretence of the Private Property in the Conflict of the Public Power and the Private Right;公权力与私权利冲突下的私有财产权的保护

8.The Sovereign Rights,Human Rights and Private Rights Analysis on Diversity of Cultural Expression;文化多样性的主权、人权与私权分析

9.closely-held private company股权集中的私人公司

10.Talking about the Constitutional Private Law and the Guarantee of Judicature for the Basic Rights of People;论宪法私法化和司法化对公民基本权利的保障

11.Methods to keep public powers from privatization are always enslaved to various ways forming the privatization.公共权力私有化花样百出,令人防不胜防。

12.The core of constitutionalism is to limit "official right" and to ensure "personal right".宪政的核心即限制“公权”与保障“私权”。

13.How to Deal with the Conflict Between Power and Right in Internet?如何对待网络上公权与私权的冲突?

14.On Legal Protection of Privacy Rights by Means of Limitation on Executive Power;行政权下的公民隐私权法律保护研究

15.An Analysis of Right to Sue From the Angle of Constitutional Jurisprudence;民事诉权制度:一种私权的公力救济

16.Promoting the Social Harmony by Coordinating the Relations of Public Right and Private Right;协调公权与私权关系 促进社会和谐

17.How to Coordinate Public & Private Rights from the Perspective of Land Purchase & Demolition;从征地与拆迁看公权与私权如何协调

18.To Return the Ownership of Property to the Basic System of a Civilian s Rights;私有财产权应回归公民基本权利体系


Publise the private rights私权公权化

3)the public right to privacy公权私法化

4)Public and Personal Rights公权私权

5)equal significance of public and private rights公私权利

6)the combination of public power and private power公私权力


公权1.朝廷所赋之权。 2.指公法所赋予的权利﹐公民权。
