2000字范文 > 二元城乡结构 the urban-rural structure英语短句 例句大全

二元城乡结构 the urban-rural structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-12 10:52:37


二元城乡结构 the urban-rural structure英语短句 例句大全

二元城乡结构,the urban-rural structure

1)the urban-rural structure二元城乡结构

2)Urban-rural dual structure城乡二元结构

1.Domestic and overseas experiences and enlightenments in eliminating the urban-rural dual structure are mainly revealed in the following aspects.国内外破解城乡二元结构、推进城乡统筹发展的经验及启示主要有:政府对农业、农村与农民的保护与支持至关重要,同时也应充分发挥市场机制的调控作用;必须重视城乡管理体制与运行机制的系统创新,充分运用经济、法律、科技、政策等多种手段来综合破解城乡二元结构;必须优先扶持农村基础设施和社会公共事业建设,为统筹城乡发展奠定基础;重视土地流转,推进农业规模。

2.Rural education’s involution in the function, training objective, reform, and ideas is the more covert factor that caused and strengthened urban-rural dual structure.我国农村教育长期以来在功能发挥、目标定位、改革方式及观念文化层面延续着内卷化的机制,这是形成城乡二元结构,并使之愈演愈烈的更隐蔽的因素。


1.How should developing countries change the backward economic situation in rural area caused by the dualistic structure in urban and rural areas?城乡二元结构包括城乡二元经济结构和城乡二元社会结构。

2.From Urban and Rural Dual Structure to Urban Dual Structure and It s Influences;从“城乡二元结构”到“城市二元结构”及其影响

3.The Institutional Changes of the Urban-rural Dualistic Structure and the Urban-rural Integration;城乡二元结构的制度变迁与城乡一体化

4.Abolish Dual-structure Society of Rural and Urban Areas and Integrate the Nation"s Rural and Urban Economic Society into One破除城乡二元结构,实现城乡经济社会一体化

5.Discard the Barrier of Dualistic Urban-rural Structure,Promote the Process of Urban-rural Integration破除城乡二元结构壁垒,推动城乡一体化进程

6.Obstacles to system are the main reasons for the dual structures of urban and rural development.制度障碍是城乡二元结构的主要原因。

7.Eradicating the Dual Structure in Urban and Rural Areas,Advancing the Construction of a Harmonious Society破除城乡二元结构 推进和谐社会建设

8.Flash Marriage of Rural Workers--Struggling in the Postduralistic Structure of Urban and Rural Areas;农民工“闪婚”——后城乡二元结构中的挣扎

9.The forming process,present situation and countermeasures of city and countryside dual structure in Guizhou;贵州城乡二元结构的形成、现状及对策

10.Eradicating the Dual Structure in Urban and Rural Areas,Advancing the Construction of a Harmonious Society;破除城乡二元结构 推进和谐社会建设

11.Researching the Characteristic and Strategies of Xinjiang s Urban-Rural Double Structure;新疆城乡二元结构的特征与对策研究

12.The Study of the Residents Life Quality under Urban-rural Structure;城乡二元结构下的居民生活质量研究

13.Eliminating Dual Structures of the Town and Country,Solving the “Three Rural Problems”in Real Earnest;消除城乡二元结构 切实解决“三农”问题

14.Looking the Adjustment on the Urban and Rural Dual Structure in China Based on the Industrial Structure Theory;基于产业结构理论看我国城乡二元结构的调整

15.Study on the Urban-rural Dual Finance Structure Based on the Background of the Urban-rural Dual Economy Structure基于城乡经济二元结构背景下的城乡金融二元结构研究

16.Change Urban and Rural Dual Social Structure, Realize Their Harmonious Development;改变城乡二元社会结构 实现城乡协调发展

17.How to Adjust the Binary Structure and Pushing Forward the Whole Urban-Rural Economical Integration;调整二元结构 推进城乡经济一体化

18.Development of Urban and Rural Areas as a Whole in a System of Double Dual Economic Structure;双重二元经济结构下的城乡统筹发展


Urban-rural dual structure城乡二元结构

1.Domestic and overseas experiences and enlightenments in eliminating the urban-rural dual structure are mainly revealed in the following aspects.国内外破解城乡二元结构、推进城乡统筹发展的经验及启示主要有:政府对农业、农村与农民的保护与支持至关重要,同时也应充分发挥市场机制的调控作用;必须重视城乡管理体制与运行机制的系统创新,充分运用经济、法律、科技、政策等多种手段来综合破解城乡二元结构;必须优先扶持农村基础设施和社会公共事业建设,为统筹城乡发展奠定基础;重视土地流转,推进农业规模。

2.Rural education’s involution in the function, training objective, reform, and ideas is the more covert factor that caused and strengthened urban-rural dual structure.我国农村教育长期以来在功能发挥、目标定位、改革方式及观念文化层面延续着内卷化的机制,这是形成城乡二元结构,并使之愈演愈烈的更隐蔽的因素。

3)the urban-rural dual structure城乡二元结构

1.The hindrance caused bythe urban-rural dual structure as well as the imperfect organization of children s socialization, especially the unsound family education and the ill functioning of the rural basic organizations, are the underlying causes which lead to the formation of the problem of staying-at-home children.城乡二元结构的壁垒和儿童社会化机构的单一,特别是家庭教育的缺位以及农村基层组织功能的不到位是导致农村留守儿童问题产生的根本原因。

2.Changingthe urban-rural dual structure, the general idea is to deepen reform and innovative institutional mechanisms.城乡二元结构是发展中国家普遍存在的一种历史现象,是造成发展中国家城乡差距不断扩大的根本原因,也是长期制约我国农业、农村发展的体制性障碍。

4)city and countryside dual structure城乡二元结构

1.The forming process,present situation and countermeasures ofcity and countryside dual structure in Guizhou;贵州城乡二元结构的形成、现状及对策

5)dual structure城乡二元结构

1.Building Up the System to Improve the Dual Structure of Town and Country;建立有利于逐步改变城乡二元结构的体制

2.It s an inevitable stage in the process of industrial society development and behaves asdual structure between rural and urban areas in China,for China has a strict management system of household registration.利用1991-的统计资料,借鉴城乡居民收入差异系数等指标,分析了中国城乡二元结构的总体态势和各省区间城乡二元结构差异的时空变化规律;并利用GIS技术,选择1991、1995、1999和4个年度做全国城乡二元结构空间分异图,分析了城乡二元结构时空分异形成的原因,提出了经济可持续发展的对策与建议。

6)urban and rural dual structure城乡二元结构

1.This paper analyzes on the current situation and geneses of theurban and rural dual structure in China,and advances some ideas on adjusting the urban and rural industrial structure in China.分析了我国城乡二元结构的现状和成因,提出了我国城乡产业结构调整的思路。

2.In order to resolve the problem,the paper suggests that the government should further advance the reform of the rural financial system,carry out the relevant macro control,and radically resolve the system ofurban and rural dual structure.我国农村人口众多,存在很大的潜在购买力,但由于农民收入的限制,致使购买力无法释放出来,要解决这一问题,就要进一步推进农村金融体制改革;政府进行有关的宏观调控;从根本上解决城乡二元结构的体制。


