2000字范文 > 后外侧结构 The posterolateral structures英语短句 例句大全

后外侧结构 The posterolateral structures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-28 22:35:36


后外侧结构 The posterolateral structures英语短句 例句大全

后外侧结构,The posterolateral structures

1)The posterolateral structures后外侧结构


1.Reconstruction of posterolateral structure in knee with Müller methodMüller法重建膝关节后外侧结构

2.The Role of the Posterlateral Structure and Posterior Crucate Ligament in External Rotatory Instability of the Knee: A Biomechanical Study of Transection and Reconstruction of the Posterlateral Structure and Posterior Crucate Ligament;膝关节后外侧结构与后交叉韧带损伤及重建对膝关节外旋稳定性影响的研究

3.Intermediate Between two structures, one of which is medial and the other lateral.中间两个结构之间,即内侧和外侧之间。

4.Ligaments reconstruction for the treatment of lateral ankle instability踝关节外侧结构重建治疗踝关节外侧不稳

5.In 50 cadaver knees, the angles between lateral tibial plateau and the long axis of the individual structure of PLS were measured.采用50例尸膝标本,测量膝后外侧部结构中各结构长轴与骨性标志所成的角度;

6.Outward or lateral stress in a structure, such as an arch.推力如拱形构造的结构向外或侧向的压力

7.Application of Half Sliding Block in Outer Side Core-Pulling Mechanism哈夫滑块在外侧抽芯结构中的系列应用

8.Early surgical treatment for injury of posteromedial structure of the knee膝关节后内侧结构损伤早期修复疗效观察

9.arteriae nasales posteriores laterales et septi鼻后外侧及中隔动脉

10.posterior extra-peritoneal incision and drainage后侧腹膜外切开流术

11.superolateral superficial inguinal lymph nodes腹股沟上外侧浅淋巴结

12.Conclnsion: The cisterna longitudinal cerebrum and cisterna fossae lateralis cerebri was increasing after 50 years old.结论:50岁以后大脑纵裂池和大脑外侧窝地明显增大。

13.The valve is designed so that the seat area is situated safely behind the insulation of the home"s exterior wall.阀门结构使得阀座区域安全位于房间保温外墙的内侧。

14.The contractile interior core pulling mould structure was designed for the molding of the concave part of inner side of outer casing of flow meter.为成型流量计外壳内侧凹进部分,设计了收缩内抽芯模具结构。

15.Research on Side-Illuminated Vertical-Cavity RCE Photodiodes and Fabrication of Taper Structures with Angles on Epitaxial Layer for InP-Based Matarials;侧入射垂直腔RCE光探测器及InP基外延层楔型结构制备工艺的研究

16.Ultrastructural Comparison of Adenohypophysis Pars Distalis during Laying Nonlaying and Prelaying Periods in SI JI Geese四季鹅产蛋前后腺垂体远侧部细胞的超微结构比较

17.Experimental Study of the Enzyme Histochemistry and Structure Changes of Thyroarytenoid after Denervation;单侧喉返神经切断后甲杓肌结构与酶学变化的实验性研究

18.short leg, slip, etc距击球员近的在其左侧的、 在其右后侧的...外场员.


Posterolateral ligament complex后外侧复合结构

3)posterolateral structures of the knee膝后外侧部结构

1.Objective : To obtain sectional anatomic evidences for MRI diagnosis of the injures of theposterolateral structures of the knee.目的:为MRI诊断膝后外侧部结构损伤提供断层解剖学依据。

4)Anterolateral structure前外侧结构

5)lateral posterior conjunctival arteries结膜后外侧动脉

6)posteromedial structure of knee膝后内侧结构


臂丛神经外侧束损伤臂丛神经外侧束损伤injury of external cord of brachial plexus是指上肢臂丛神经的一种损伤,多与其他部位同时损伤。如为单独损伤多为牵拉或局部刺伤等引起。临床上表现肌皮神经、正中神经外侧头和胸前外侧神经麻痹症状。即肱二头肌、旋前圆肌、桡侧腕屈肌和胸大肌肋骨部麻痹,前臂外侧和拇指感觉障碍。如不同时伴有根性损伤和上干损伤的特征性症状,即胸长神经、肩胛背神经和肩胛上神经麻痹症状,则是单纯外侧束损伤,宜作短期观察,无恢复者宜及早手术。
