2000字范文 > 私人财产权利 private property right英语短句 例句大全

私人财产权利 private property right英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-09 02:50:33


私人财产权利 private property right英语短句 例句大全

私人财产权利,private property right

1)private property right私人财产权利

1.Hai Rui and present degeneration of grassland in Inner Mongolia——On historical defects of China sprivate property right system;孤独的海瑞与当代内蒙的草地退化——透视中国私人财产权利制度的历史性缺失


1.The Legal Protection of Private Property Rights in House Dismantlement;房屋拆迁中私人财产权利的法律保护

2.Hai Rui and present degeneration of grassland in Inner Mongolia--On historical defects of China s private property right system;孤独的海瑞与当代内蒙的草地退化——透视中国私人财产权利制度的历史性缺失

3.The Pretence of the Private Property in the Conflict of the Public Power and the Private Right;公权力与私权利冲突下的私有财产权的保护

4.Thus, private property interests in land subject to the public trust are severely limited.因此公共托管财产所有权管辖的私人财产利益受到严格的限制。

5.To Return the Ownership of Property to the Basic System of a Civilian s Rights;私有财产权应回归公民基本权利体系

6.Constitutionalized Private Property Right:the Constitutional Protection for Citizen s Property Right;从私有财产权入宪看公民财产权利的宪法保护

7.On Nature and Significance of Property;私有财产权的人权底蕴——论私有财产权的性质与意义

8.The Constitutional Protection of Private Property;从宪法权利保护模式看私有财产权的宪法保护

9.A Synchronic Study of the Tendency of Protection of Private Property Right;共时态下我国私人财产权保护之取向

10.M. Weitzman. "Free Access vs. Private Ownership as Alternative Systems for Managing Common Property."《公共财产管理的两难:自由使用权与私人拥有权》。

11.Recognizing the Protection of Personal Property Rights by the Chinese Property Rights Law论我国物权法对私人财产权的保护实施

12.To transfer(property, rights, or interests) from one to another.把(财产,权利、利息)从一人转让给另一人

13.On "Private Property"and "Civic Right"Attributes of Educational Products;教育产品的私人属性与权利属性剖析

14.On the Human Rights Attribute of Private Property Right and Its Status in the System of Human Rights;论私有财产权的人权属性及在人权体系中的地位

15.Legal Protection of Private Property in the Urban Settlement;城市房屋拆迁中私人财产权的法律保护

parison between Nuoke and Nuoqike s Theories about Ownership of Private Property;浅析洛克与诺克齐关于私人财产所有权的论证

17.On Perfecting Law Protecting System of Private Property;完善私人财产权法律保护制度的几点思考

18.A party to which a transfer of property, rights, or interest is made.受让人财产、权利、利益转向的一方


private property rights私人财产权

1.On the Impendency of Law Protection of Private Property Rights;论立法保护私人财产权的迫切性

3)private property right私人财产权

1.Synchronic condition with historical misplacement, protection ofprivate property right in China should take the s.近现代西方私人财产权保护经历了从神圣到限制的历史演进,而俄罗斯和中国的私人所有权则呈现从否定到肯定的进程。

2.As one of the basic human rights, theprivate property right originated from the human right thoughts of natural law school.私人财产权作为一项基本人权 ,起源于自然法学派的人权思想。

4)Private property私人财产权

1.The protection to private property is the essence of the American Constitution.私人财产权保障是美国宪法的精髓。

2.The safeguard of private property is very important.在我国当下,加强私人财产权的宪法保障已成为一个基本共识。

3.In fact, the rule of civilization is from the establishment of private property.人类文明的法则实际上是随私人财产权的确立而生。

5)private properties rights私人财产权益

1.In the first place toprivate properties rights; must be effectively protected under laws.要改变这种局面,政府和有关部门应该做到:营造健全的法制环境,使其私人财产权益得到法律的有效保护;突破市场准入的壁垒,为民营企业全方位参与竞争扫清障碍;加大支持力度,营造良好的资本市场环境,解决民营企业筹资融资难的问题。

6)private property私人财产

1.On the constitutional significance ofprivate property protection;论保护私人财产的宪政意味

2.This article aims these questions,by exploring their causes to protectprivate property in the house demolition from the following aspects: specify the government s role in the demolition,definite the public interest reasonably,establish .针对这些问题,通过探求其原因,从明确政府在拆迁中的定位、合理界定公共利益、确立公平的拆迁补偿原则、信息公开等方面强化房屋拆迁中对私人财产的保护。

3.Consummating the system of protectingprivate property is the important measurement of implementing general plan of rule by law.完善私人财产法律保护制度是依法治国方略得到全面落实的重要举措,其理论基础在于改革开放以来新的财富观的确立。


