2000字范文 > 私有财产权 Private property right英语短句 例句大全

私有财产权 Private property right英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-28 07:13:37


私有财产权 Private property right英语短句 例句大全

私有财产权,Private property right

1)Private property right私有财产权

1.Reviewing the law text to protect private property right in our country;我国私有财产权法律保护文本考察

2.Study on the constitution status and value of private property right of citizens;论公民私有财产权之宪法地位与价值

3.On improvement of the amendment of the constitution for theprivate property right;论宪法修正案对私有财产权制度的完善


1.The Pretence of the Private Property in the Conflict of the Public Power and the Private Right;公权力与私权利冲突下的私有财产权的保护

2.Opposite-Unity Between Private Property Right and Public Property Right;私有财产权与公有财产权的对立与统一

3.On Nature and Significance of Property;私有财产权的人权底蕴——论私有财产权的性质与意义

4.Constitutionalized Private Property Right:the Constitutional Protection for Citizen s Property Right;从私有财产权入宪看公民财产权利的宪法保护

5.To Return the Ownership of Property to the Basic System of a Civilian s Rights;私有财产权应回归公民基本权利体系

6.The Protection of Private Property in China Current Constitution;论我国现行宪法对私有财产权的保护

7.On the Constitutional Value of Protecting the Ownership of Citizen Private Property;公民的私有财产权保障及其宪政价值

8.The Influence of the Reform and Opening up on the Right of Private Property;论改革开放政策对私有财产权的影响

9.Study on the constitution status and value of private property right of citizens;论公民私有财产权之宪法地位与价值

10.On the Protection of the New Constitution in China for the Private Property;浅谈我国新宪法对私有财产权的保护

11.Police’s Law Enforcement in the Private Property Perspective;公安执法工作中保护私有财产权问题

12.The Practical Significance of the Constitution of Protecting the Private Property Right;我国《宪法》保护私有财产权的现实意义

13.The Constitutional Protection of Private Property;从宪法权利保护模式看私有财产权的宪法保护

14.On the Right of Private Possession in Constitution and the Changing of the Ruling Thought of CPC;私有财产权入宪与中国共产党执政理念的转变

15.Article 6 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall protect the right of private ownership of property in accordance with law.第六条 香港特别行政区依法保护私有财产权。

16.On the Protection Application of the Legal Reservation Principle for Citizens Private Property;法律保留原则对公民私有财产权保护的适用

17.Discuss How to Perfect the Constitution Protection System about Private Property Right in Our Country;完善我国私有财产权宪法保障制度的理论探讨

18.The Effects on the Construction of the Political Democracy in China Because of the Private Property Regulated by China s Constituion;私有财产权入宪对我国政治民主建设的影响


Private Property Rights私有财产权

1.On Urban Housing Dismantlement and Protection ofPrivate Property Rights;论城市房屋拆迁与私有财产权保护

2.The protection of private property rights under the vision of system;制度视野下的私有财产权保护

3.If we want to eradicate the misunderstanding that administrative planning is inevitably disadvantageous to citizen s private property rights,we should study the space that the principle of modern private property rights and the theory of compensation can apply to.要破除行政计划必然不利于公民私有财产权保障的认识误区,就要探讨现代私有财产权原理和补偿理论在行政计划领域适用的空间,从而寻求把行政计划所引起的争议解决尽可能提前的路径。

3)private property私有财产权

1.This article has expounded the protection of the newly-revised constitution in China forprivate property and how to ensure this right in practice from Liu Junning s "Private Property, Key to a Constitution Government".文章从刘军宁的《私有财产权:宪政的命门》一文谈起,论述了我国新修改的宪法对私有财产权的保护,以及在实践当中如何保障这一权利。

2.The protection ofprivate property right has promoted the improvement of constitutionand constitutional system of the western countries.对私有财产权的保障,促进了西方国家宪法和宪政制度的完善。

3.The “private” inprivate property right is not individual right,but it focuses on its private law right.私有财产权是指一切私法主体所享有的具有财产内容的民事权利。

4)the privately owned proprietary私有财产权

1.Protection ofthe privately owned proprietary of non-governmental economy;论民营企业私有财产权的保护

2.The privately owned proprietary occupies the i mp ortant position in the constitutions of various countries, the constitutions of various countries regard proprietary question as one of the foundation stones of its constitutional governement.私有财产权在各国宪法中占有重要的地位 ,各国宪法都把财产权问题作为其宪政的基石之一。

3.Meanwhile , still await further enhancement and perfection to the protection ofthe privately owned proprietary at present.同时,目前对私有财产权的保护仍有待于进一步的加强和完善。

5)Private property right and private property私有财产和私有财产权

6)protection of private property rights私有财产权保护

1.Theprotection of private property rights under the vision of system;制度视野下的私有财产权保护


