2000字范文 > 私法权利 right of private law英语短句 例句大全

私法权利 right of private law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-22 12:18:49


私法权利 right of private law英语短句 例句大全

私法权利,right of private law

1)right of private law私法权利

1.This paper analyses the conflicts of someright of private law mainly using the method of typologically analysis.本论文主要采用类型化分析的方法,分析了几类私法权利之间的冲突问题。

2)conflict of right of private law私法权利冲突

3)private power私权利

1.China legal sense has a predilection for public power and the relationship between public power andprivate power has the phenomenon of inversion,unreality,behaving at will.中国的法治意识土壤中存在公权力偏好,在公权力和私权利关系上存在倒置、虚化和随意化现象。


1.The Pretence of the Private Property in the Conflict of the Public Power and the Private Right;公权力与私权利冲突下的私有财产权的保护

2.On the Antimonopoly Law Protect Private Right;《反垄断法》私权利保护之比较研究

3.overswayed by expediency and self-interest为权宜和私利所左右

4.On the Private Right in Intellectual Property-Take Patent Right as an Example;知识产权私权属性解构——以专利权为例

5.Rights Protection and Benefits Being Balanced --Study on Spouse Right to Know and Privacy;权利保护和利益平衡——论配偶知情权与隐私权

6.invade sb"s rights, privacy, etc侵犯某人的权利、 隐私权等.

7.The right to privacy is a kind of congenital right protected by law.隐私权是受法律保护的一种天赋权利。

8.On the Conflict and Balancing of Interest between the Right to Privacy and the Right to Information;论隐私权和知情权的冲突及利益衡量

9.To Return the Ownership of Property to the Basic System of a Civilian s Rights;私有财产权应回归公民基本权利体系

10.The Research on Limited Partners" Rights with Private Equity Fund私募股权基金中有限合伙人权利研究

11.News media often don"t respect the individual"s right to privacy.新闻媒体常常不尊重个人隐私的权利。

12.What right have you to spy into my affairs?你有什么权利刺探我的私事?

13.Newspapers often don"t respect the individual"s right to privacy.报纸的报道往往不尊重私人权利.

14.No one has the right to seek into the private lives of other people.没有人有权利审查别人的私生活。

15.On the Jurisdiction Rules of the New Italian Private International Law意大利新国际私法管辖权规则初探

16.Facility of the Cyberspace and Protection of Network Privacy网络空间的便利与网络隐私权的保护

17.The new law empowered the police to search private house.新法律给予警察搜查私人住宅的权利。

18.Philosophic thought on private subject right orientation of civil law in civil society;市民社会市民法私主体权利取向哲思


conflict of right of private law私法权利冲突

3)private power私权利

1.China legal sense has a predilection for public power and the relationship between public power andprivate power has the phenomenon of inversion,unreality,behaving at will.中国的法治意识土壤中存在公权力偏好,在公权力和私权利关系上存在倒置、虚化和随意化现象。

4)private right私权利

1.On the mobile college entrance examinees in perspective of theprivate rights;私权利之视角下的高考移民现象

2.After analyzing meaning of public power andprivate right,the author probes into subject of prescription right,its object and nature of legal relationship between doctor and patient,then puts forward the opinion that prescription right is not public power butprivate right.目前对于医生处方权的法律属性尚未有统一的认识,本文从分析权利、权力的性质出发,结合医生处方权的取得、所指向的客体及其所处的基础法律关系性质的分析,认为医生处方权应属于私权利。

3.The state s public right and the citizen sprivate right must be distinguished strictly,for the performance of the two have their certain boundaries.国家公权力与公民私权利必须严格界分,公权力和私权利的行使都有一定的边界。


1.In the field of law, the power andright is a contradiction.在法治领域,公权力与私权利是一对既对立又统一的矛盾统一体,二者能否得到很好的协调,是决定法治领域乃至整个社会能否实现和谐状态的关键所在。

6)equal significance of public and private rights公私权利


