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奶豆腐 fermented milk curd英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-10 08:42:57


奶豆腐 fermented milk curd英语短句 例句大全

奶豆腐,fermented milk curd

1)fermented milk curd奶豆腐

1.Processing and nutrition analysis of Wrum andfermented milk curd in inner Mongolia;蒙古族传统乳制品奶皮子和奶豆腐的工艺研究及营养价值分析

2.Optimization offermented milk curd processing technology;奶豆腐生产工艺参数优化研究

3.Vrum andfermented milk curd are two traditional dairy products of district in Inner Mongolia.奶皮子和奶豆腐是蒙古族地区的两种传统乳制品,研究了奶皮子和奶豆腐的加工工艺,并分析其营养成分。


1.Study on the Hurood Changes at Different Storage Temperatures奶豆腐在不同温度贮藏条件下的变化研究

2.Study on Processing and Storing Characteristics of Mongolian Vrum and Hurood Processing;蒙古族奶皮子和奶豆腐加工工艺及贮藏特性的研究

3.Soy:Previous studies showed that women who eat soy products such as tofu and soy milk are less likely to develop breast cancer.大豆:过去的研究显示,常吃豆制品,如豆腐和豆奶的妇女似乎不易患乳腺癌。

4.Dietotherapy: Milk, oaten, bean curd, sesame paste, earthnut, kelp, laver, black agaric, dried small shrimps, river shrimp.食疗:牛奶,燕麦,豆腐,芝麻酱,花生,海带,紫菜,黑木耳,虾皮,河虾。

5.Green vegetables, cabbage, beancurd, bean paste.青菜,白菜,豆腐,豆花

6.soybean curd, soybean cheese whole-set equipment豆腐、豆乳整厂设备

7.Beans are crunched down to make bean curd把大豆碾碎用来做豆腐。

8.Brain Fuel contains no: yeast, salt, sugar, gluten, dairy, starch, soy, animal products, artificial preservatives or coloring.脑活素不含:酵母、食盐、糖、麸质、奶油、淀粉、豆类、动物产品、人工防腐剂、色素。

9.W: It called“ Ma Po Tofu”, means Tofu in spicy meat sauce.麻婆豆腐,用豆腐和辣肉汁烧制的。

10.large red fish milk chocolate bean大红鱼牛奶朱古力豆

11.a dollop of cream, jam, mashed potato, etc一团奶油、 果酱、 土豆泥等.

12.C: Cheeseburger and fries.丙:奶酪包和油炸土豆丝。

13.Soybean, Milk, Sugar, Maltose Syrup, Whole Milk Powder, Calcium Carbonate, Edible Salt.大豆、奶、砂糖、芽糖将、脂奶粉、酸钙、用盐。

14.Effect of Daidzein Supplementation in Diet on Milk Yield and Quality in Holstein Lactating Cows大豆黄酮对产奶量和牛奶品质的影响

15.Development of zymolytic yoghourt to replace milk-zymolytic soybean milk一种替代牛奶的发酵型酸奶-发酵酸豆奶的研制

16.Present situation,problems and countermeasures on soybean powder and soymilk processing in China;我国豆粉与豆奶生产现状、问题及对策

17.Bean curd cut with a sharp knife/smooth on Both sides快刀打豆腐,二面都光生

18.Shallot mixed with bean curd/one green and one white(completely clear-cut or innocent)小葱拌豆腐,一清二白


milk tofu牛奶豆腐

3)milk curd pie奶豆腐饼

4)Milk curd pie奶豆腐排

5)soybean milk豆奶

1.Study on production technology for fermentedsoybean milk containing Bifidobacterium adolescentis;双歧杆菌发酵豆奶生产工艺的研究


1.Study on the methods of bacteria examination insoymilk;豆奶中细菌含量检测方法研究

2.Technology for soursoymilk from leaching of Tremella fuciformims Berk added to non-odor soybean;无腥大豆中加入银耳浸提液生产酸豆奶的工艺研究

3.Present situation,problems and countermeasures on soybean powder andsoymilk processing in China;我国豆粉与豆奶生产现状、问题及对策


