2000字范文 > 限度条件 Limit conditions英语短句 例句大全

限度条件 Limit conditions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-11 01:03:57


限度条件 Limit conditions英语短句 例句大全

限度条件,Limit conditions

1)Limit conditions限度条件

2)condition angle restricted con-ditionc角度限制条件

3)the limited condition for defense防卫限度条件

4)limited oxygen condition限氧条件

1.Partial nitrification was researched in a SBR reactor under thelimited oxygen condition(DO 0.2℃)以二级出水(NH4+-N 30~100 mg/L)为原水,在限氧条件下(DO为0。

5)constraint condition限制条件

1.With the test data collected by the three-dimensional laser image scanner and total station, the three-dimensional laser scanning image combination model was figured out by the indirect adjustment model withconstraint condition.从理论上推导了基于土木工程应用的三维激光扫描影像拼接模型,并提出了运用附有限制条件的间接平差模型解算拼接模型的数学方法。

2.This paper discusses the various forms of equilibrium equations and the relatedconstraint conditions for conplanar forces and space forces.论述平面力系和空间力系平衡方程的各种形式及其限制条


1.full funding limitation充分供应资金限制条件

2.restricted freight限制条件下运输的货物

3.Conditions for Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims海事赔偿责任限制条件

4.Starting navigation in inconformity with the restrictive conditions for safe navigation; Operating in inconformity with the restrictive conditions for safe operations;不符合安全航行限制条件而开航;不符合安全作业限制条件而作业;

5.This task has a "^1" constraint on ^2.此任务有限制条件: “^1”,日期: ^2。

6.a restriction that is insisted upon as a condition for an agreement.作为协议的一种限制条件。

7.People identifying constraints to their performance.员工识别影响他们绩效的限制条件。

8.The speed restrictions were a hotly debated issue.速度的限制条件是热点讨论的问题。

9.The quantity of ambiguity and re-strictive condition are in the direct ratio.歧义的数量与限制条件的数量成正比。

10.Semantic Selectional Restrictions on Causative Construction of Have and Its Acquisition;Have使役结构的语义限制条件及其习得

11.Pressure Restrictive Conditions of Sequential Hydranlic Circuitry Controlled by Stroke Valves行程阀控制液压顺序动作回路的压力限制条件

12.with certain qualifications附加某些限制[条件]

13.and an empowering disregard for physical boundaries,也不受物质条件的限制,

14.A clause in a document making a qualification, condition, or restriction.限制性条文文件中作为一个限定、条件或限制的条文

15.Depending on a proviso;conditional.有附带条件的依赖于限制性条文的;条件性的

16.(a) terms, limitations and conditions on market access;(a)市场准入的条款、限制和条件;

17.presently exercisable and unconditional right可实时行使及无条件限制的权利

18.That equality should be all-weather and non-conditional.这种平等应该不受环境和条件的限制。


condition angle restricted con-ditionc角度限制条件

3)the limited condition for defense防卫限度条件

4)limited oxygen condition限氧条件

1.Partial nitrification was researched in a SBR reactor under thelimited oxygen condition(DO 0.2℃)以二级出水(NH4+-N 30~100 mg/L)为原水,在限氧条件下(DO为0。

5)constraint condition限制条件

1.With the test data collected by the three-dimensional laser image scanner and total station, the three-dimensional laser scanning image combination model was figured out by the indirect adjustment model withconstraint condition.从理论上推导了基于土木工程应用的三维激光扫描影像拼接模型,并提出了运用附有限制条件的间接平差模型解算拼接模型的数学方法。

2.This paper discusses the various forms of equilibrium equations and the relatedconstraint conditions for conplanar forces and space forces.论述平面力系和空间力系平衡方程的各种形式及其限制条

6)restricted condition限制条件

1.In the light of therestricted condition under control which system signal operates,the authors put forward an engineering oriented method for designing internal mold controller.根据系统信号运行的限制条件,提出一种工程化的内模控制(IMC)器的设计方法。

2.Whether the n has satisfied therestricted condition is dependent on the parameter p .一个具体的n值是否达到了"充分大"这一要求,要视p值而定,并根据n,p间的关联性,给出了解析化的限制条件。

3.But because there are a few ofrestricted conditions, the process can t be finished in short time.那么,这些限制条件有那些呢?我们如何来改善这些限制条件呢?本文尝试对此进行一些探讨。


