2000字范文 > 可能与限度 possibility and limit英语短句 例句大全

可能与限度 possibility and limit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-16 01:56:13


可能与限度 possibility and limit英语短句 例句大全

可能与限度,possibility and limit

1)possibility and limit可能与限度

1.In order to research thepossibility and limit of anti-discrimination legislation,by means of law and economics it is possible to analyze the can and can t of anti-discrimination legislation.为探究反歧视立法的可能与限度,采用法经济学的分析方法,分析了反歧视立法的能与不能,结论表明:歧视行为有可能从显性变为隐性;劳动力市场的供过于求以及结构性的供需矛盾决定了在短期内不可能消除歧视;反歧视巨大的司法成本以及劳动法的社会法性质决定政府应在反歧视中发挥主导作用。


1.Justice, Succession of Civilization and Future Generations: "The Possibility and Limit of Inter - Generational Justice";正义、文明传承与后代人:“代际正义的可能与限度”

2.Possibilities and Limitations--On the Craze of Returning to the Original Condition in the Research and Edition of the History of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature可能与限度——论中国现当代文学史研究与编纂中的“还原”热

3.Kantian Aesthetics: Heteronomy and Autonomy;康德的幽灵:他律/自主——西方艺术存在论现代转向的可能与限度

4.On the Writing of the History of Contemporary Chinese Literature:Method, Possibility and Limits;当代文学史写作:方法、可能与限度——以洪子诚著《中国当代文学史》为中心

5.The greatest amount or degree possible; the utmost.最大可能,极限最大可能的数量或程度;极度,极限,最大可能

6.The (Possible) Costs and Limits of Sociological Jurisprudence--A review of Pound’s Jurisprudence(Vol.I) under the perspective of social integration;社会学法理学的(可能)代价与限度——从社会整合看庞德《法理学》(第1卷)

7.Limited Legalization:The Possible Way to Control Drug Problems;有限度合法化:控制毒品的可能出路

8.Cultural Interpretation of Economic Phenomena:Possibilities and Limits;经济现象的文化解释:可能性及其限度

9.The Orientation and the Limitation of the Process--the Equilibrium Criterion(Ⅱ);宏观过程的方向与限度——可逆性判据(Ⅱ)

10.The Translatability limitation of Chinese Classical Poetry and the Creative Treason古典诗词的可译性限度与创造性叛逆

11.Possibility and Restriction of Coherence in Legal Argumentation;融贯论的可能性与限度——作为追求法官论证合理性的适当态度和方法

12.This always sets ultimate limit to the noise performance obtainable.它常常规定可能达到的噪声性能的基本限度。

13.During periods of heavy traffic, workload may increase above moderate.在高流量期间,工作负荷有可能超过中等限度。

14.capable of being determined or limited or fixed; determinable velocities.能够被决定、限制或者固定;“可以确定的速度”。

15.The Possibmties and Limitations of Historical Necessity--the interpretation of regret and conviction in the letter sent to Zasulich by Marx;历史必然性的可能及其限度——解读马克思给查苏利奇复信中的“遗憾”与“深信”

16.The Role of Court in Protecting Economic and Social Rights: A Commentary on GrootboomCase in South Africa;司法保障经济和社会权利的可能性与限度——南非宪法法院格鲁特布姆案评析

17.The Range and Intensity Evaluation of Government Economy Function in Market Economy;市场经济条件下政府经济职能的限度与力度

18.Reliance upon these highly restricted systems so limits perception that the full range of possibilities may pass unnoticed.对这些高度局限的系统的信赖,便限制了认识,以致可能忽视全部的可能性。


ability and possibility能与可能

3)Constraint of Translatability可译限度

4)spin out limit可纺限度

5)limit of visibility可见限度

6)audibility limit可听限度


