2000字范文 > 固溶限度 solid solubility limit英语短句 例句大全

固溶限度 solid solubility limit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-24 22:49:34


固溶限度 solid solubility limit英语短句 例句大全

固溶限度,solid solubility limit

1)solid solubility limit固溶限度

1.With the increase of the amount of Nb~ 5+ , the grains continued shrinking, but the effect didn’t continue any longer when the amount exceeded thesolid solubility limit of Nb~ 5+ .结果表明:各试样都形成了与BBT相同的单一相结构,说明适量氧化铋过量和B位Nb5+掺杂并未改变BBT陶瓷的晶体结构;随着Nb5+掺杂量的增加,晶粒尺寸持续降低,但是超过Nb5+的固溶限度后,细化效果不再明显增加;压电常数和相对介电常数随掺杂量增加先增后减,其峰值也出现在Nb5+的固溶限度处。

2)partial solid solubility有限固溶度

3)limited solid solution有限固溶体

4)solution temperature固溶温度

1.Effect of solidsolution temperatures on the mechanical properties and microstructure of sand-cast samples of ZL210A cast aluminum alloy;固溶温度对ZL210A铸造铝合金砂型试样力学性能和微观组织的影响

2.Effects ofsolution temperature on precipitation of β-Mg_(17)Al_(12) phase and mechanical properties of AZ80 magnesium alloy;固溶温度对AZ80镁合金析出相β-Mg_(17)Al_(12)及性能的影响

3.Influence ofsolution temperature on microstructure and toughness of weld joint in 2205 duplex stainless steel固溶温度对2205双相不锈钢焊缝组织与韧性的影响


1.Effect of Solution Temperature on Properties of Cu-Ni-Si Alloy固溶温度对Cu-Ni-Si合金性能的影响

2.Effect of Solution Temperature on Microstructure of Ti-22Al-25Nb Alloy固溶温度对Ti-22Al-25Nb合金微观组织的影响

3.Effect of Solution Temperature on Microstructure and Properties of Al-Zn-Mg Alloy固溶温度对Al-Zn-Mg合金微观组织与性能的影响


5.Influence of Solution Temperature on Microstructure and Stress Rupture Property of DZ951 Nickel-base Superalloy固溶温度对DZ951镍基高温合金组织和持久性能的影响

6.ductility, strength and corrosion-resistance of alloy increased with the ascension of solid-solution temperature;随着固溶温度的上升,合金试样的塑性、强度、耐蚀性增强;

7.Effects of Solution Temperature and Alloy Composition on the Duplex Stainless Steel Corrosion Resistance合金成分及固溶温度对双相不锈钢耐腐蚀性能的影响

8.Influence of solution temperature on microstructure and toughness of weld joint in 2205 duplex stainless steel固溶温度对2205双相不锈钢焊缝组织与韧性的影响

9.Effect of Solution Temperature on Structure and Mechanical Properties of Maraging Steel 00Ni14Cr3Mo3Ti固溶温度对马氏体时效钢00Ni14Cr3Mo3Ti组织和力学性能的影响

10.Effect of Solution Temperature on Size and Quantity of γ′ and η Phases in LF9 Nickel-based Superalloy and Its Impact Property固溶温度对LF9镍基合金中η和γ′相尺寸、数量及冲击性能的影响

11.Influence of Solution Temperature on Structure and Corrosion Resistance of Plate of Super Duplex Stainless Steel S32750固溶温度对超级双相不锈钢S32750板材组织和耐蚀性的影响

12.Effects of Solid Solution Treatment Temperature on the Phase and Microstructure of 0Cr12Mn5Ni4Mo3Al Steel固溶处理温度对0Cr12Mn5Ni4Mo3Al钢的相和组织的影响

13.Phase-field Simulation of Influence of Solute Gradient to Process of Non-Isothermal Solidification溶质梯度影响非等温凝固过程的相场法模拟

14.Studies on Homogenization of Ingot and Solution Heat Treatment Temperature of Д19ч Aluminum Alloy BarД19ч铝合金铸锭均匀化及棒材固溶处理温度的研究

15.9. A solvent will dissolve more solute with a rise of temperature.溶剂随着温度升高而溶解更多的溶质。

16.In normal operating configuration and as long as there is solids inside the reactor, the reactor temperature must never exceed the solubility temperature.正常操作时,只要反应器里有固相,反应器的温度就不能超过溶解温度。

17.LCTD temperature最后一颗结晶溶解温度

18.Effect of Different Heating Temperature on Solid Solution of Second Phase Particles and Austenite Grain Growth in X80 Pipeline Steel不同加热温度对X80管线钢第二相粒子固溶及奥氏体晶粒长大的影响


partial solid solubility有限固溶度

3)limited solid solution有限固溶体

4)solution temperature固溶温度

1.Effect of solidsolution temperatures on the mechanical properties and microstructure of sand-cast samples of ZL210A cast aluminum alloy;固溶温度对ZL210A铸造铝合金砂型试样力学性能和微观组织的影响

2.Effects ofsolution temperature on precipitation of β-Mg_(17)Al_(12) phase and mechanical properties of AZ80 magnesium alloy;固溶温度对AZ80镁合金析出相β-Mg_(17)Al_(12)及性能的影响

3.Influence ofsolution temperature on microstructure and toughness of weld joint in 2205 duplex stainless steel固溶温度对2205双相不锈钢焊缝组织与韧性的影响

5)solid solubility固溶度

1.Solid Solubility Metastable Extension of Rare Earht Metals in Gold;稀土元素在金中固溶度亚稳扩展研究

2.Determination of thesolid solubility of Fe_(2+x)Ti_(1-x)Sn_y by the lattice parameter method点阵参数法测定Fe_(2+x)Ti_(1-x)Sn_y固溶度

3.Elements with differentsolid solubility and mono-crystalline copper as well as polycrystalline austenitic stainless steel were used to discuss the long-range effects in metals and alloys implanted by ions with differentsolid solubility.为研究金属及其合金基体中不同固溶度的注入离子引发的长程效应,采用固溶度相差较大的元素以及单晶和多晶为分析材料,用透射电子显微镜弱束成像技术研究了被注入材料的横截面样品。


1.Intracrytalline elementsolubility and mechanical property of a new super-high strength and toughness Al alloy cast under low frequency electromagnetic field;低频电磁铸造超高强高韧铝合金元素晶内固溶度和力学性能研究

2.Based on crystal lattice constant andsolubility of tin oxide in ITO target were calculated by Vegard principle.对400,500,600,700,800,900,1000℃温度下煅烧制得的氧化铟锡(ITO)粉体进行X射线衍射分析,利用Vegard定律分析得到的衍射数据计算出靶材的晶格常数和氧化锡在ITO靶材中的固溶度,得出ITO靶材中氧化锡的固溶度大小主要与温度有关,氧化锡相在靶材中的固溶度随着温度的升高而增大的结论。

3.Thesolubility of the ceramic pigment was measured with an X-ray diffraction method by analyzing the crystal constant accurately.用X射线衍射分析的方法,通过精确测定点阵参数,对陶瓷颜料固溶体的固溶度进行了测定,并取得了满意的效果。


固溶固溶solid solutiongUrong 固溶(solid solution)两种或两种以上的物 质相互溶解生成固溶体的现象。固相间的相互溶解有完全互溶型和有限互溶型两大类,前者生成连续固溶体,后者生成有限固溶体,在衬火材并中这两种类型都 存在,例如Mgo,Feo、MgO一Fe:03、MgO一AI:03、Mgo-crZo:和M扣一CaO系统等。作为杂质的固相(溶质)固溶到主晶相(溶剂)中,必然使主晶相的熔融温度下 降,并且随固溶度的增大而增加,这是不利的一面,但 它作为与主晶相不互溶而形成简单低共熔混合物的杂 质相来说,则有利得多。以MgO~Feo为例,如在MgO- FeO二元系内不生成固溶体,则在二者之间必产生共熔点,共熔点温度必低于两个端元的熔点,即低于 Mgo、Feo的熔点,实际上,M四一Feo二元系内不产 生共溶点;而产生连续固溶体,最低产生液相的温度在端元中的最低熔点(1360℃—FeO的熔点)之上。以---一-一,一上两种情况对比见图。由图中看出,后者的始熔比前者\一二、一M凶/%FeO一M扣z%Mg(、 a吞MgO一FeO系相图a一假设的M四一氏O系的共熔点.卜一M扣子州O二元系相平衡圈 ;提高了,这是固溶体对耐火材料的高锰力学性质及抗渣性能的一大贡献.此外,由于杂质相在主晶相的固溶 形成固溶体,使主晶相晶格变形,点阵块陷增加,能t !升高,有利于离子扩散与烧结的进行,所以在耐火材料 中,选择与主晶相能形成固溶体的少t添加物(杂质 :相)作为促进烧结的矿化剂,可应用以上机理得到解 释,如钱砂生产中加入Fe:O:所起的作用就是一个例}子。l(张垂昌)
