2000字范文 > 联合概率 joint probability英语短句 例句大全

联合概率 joint probability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-12 07:02:54


联合概率 joint probability英语短句 例句大全

联合概率,joint probability

1)joint probability联合概率

1.An approximatejoint probability data association algorithm;一种近似的联合概率数据互联算法

2.According to hydraulic structure model test results of the XXIX Olympiad sailing games,considering the probability characteristic of physical modeling andjoint probability of different extreme sea combinations,the stochastic simulation technique is applied to the analysis of sea environmental conditions and their corresponding output.为确保第29届北京奥运会青岛帆船比赛顺利进行,针对奥帆基地波浪断面模型试验结果,引入多维联合概率分析理论,并应用随机模拟技术,进行结构浮托力和越浪量计算,进而给出可靠度及风险分析结果,新方法考虑到多种极端海洋环境条件对结构物的综合作用,给模型试验赋予了联合概率特征,结果更加科学合理。

3.This paper applies blind source separation(BSS) to analyze the noise of electric motor,makes use of the independence among the source signals to whiten the gathered signal,adopts a well used algorithm based on thejoint probability statistics of the signal,and obtains the optimum rotation angle according to the direction derivative entropy ofjoint probability distribution minimum.电机故障发生时通常是多种故障同时发生,利用采集到的故障电机声音信号作为分析对象,基于盲分离理论,利用声源信号之间的相互独立性,对采集到的信号进行白化处理,采用一种已知较好的盲分离算法,从信号的联合概率分布密度出发,利用信号的联合概率的方向导数熵的最小值获得最佳旋转角度,对混合信号进行盲分离处理,得出令人满意的结果。


1.A Method of Joint Probabilistic Date Association for Multisensor Data Fusion多传感器联合概率数据互联法的探讨

2.Analytical Method of Joint Probability Density Function of Wind Speed and Direction from Parent Population总体样本风速风向联合概率分析方法

3.We shall discuss conditional probability first, because the concept of joint probabilitlies is best illustrated by using conditional probabilities as a basis.我们先讨论条件概率,因为联合概率的概念,必须以条件概率为基础才能更好地予以说明。

4.Centralized multisensor unscented joint probabilistic data association algorithm集中式多传感器无极联合概率数据互联算法

5.Research on Joint Probabilistic Data Association Algorithm for Multisensor-multitarget Tracking多传感器多目标联合概率数据关联研究

6.Understanding of structure failure probability by application of combined probability distribution of discrete random variables应用离散型随机变量的联合概率分布理解结构失效概率

7.The general expression of joint probability density of total cost is given.给出了总费用联合概率密度的一般表达式.

8.Stochastic Simulation Technique of Multivariate Distribution and Its Application in Ocean Engineering;多维联合概率的随机模拟技术及其工程应用

9.The Joint Genotype Distribution of Inbred Individuals and Its Application;近亲生育个体的基因联合概率分布及应用

10.A Multi-Sensor Localization Algorithm Based on Joint Probability Density基于联合概率密度的多传感器定位算法

11.Joint Probability Data Association Algorithm Based on Particle Filter基于粒子滤波和联合概率数据关联的目标跟踪算法

12.Joint Probability Analysis of Numerical Simulation Results of Typhoon Wave and Storm Surge of the Wulei Station at the Beibu Bay北部湾乌雷站台风浪、风暴增水数值结果的联合概率分析

13.Multivariable Joint Probability Theory Based Defence Flood and Risk Analysis;多维联合概率理论在防洪工程中的应用及风险分析

14.Estimation of risk joint probability to cost and schedule integration based on joint probability distribution theory基于概率联合分布的费用与进度联合风险估计

15.A Joint Distribution and Ruin Probability of a Continuous Time Risk Model;一类连续时间风险模型的联合分布及破产概率

16.Analysis of Attacker s Timely Turn-out Probability in Joint Fire Attack;联合火力打击中攻击机及时出动概率分析

17.Extended Integrated Probabilistic Data Association Algorithm for Target Tracking of Sky-wave Over-the-horizon Radar天波超视距雷达扩展综合概率数据关联算法

18.Probabilistic data association complex algorithm for cross-moving point targets点状交叉运动目标的概率关联复合跟踪算法


the union probability联合概率法

1.the random that the market supply-demand relation which made the product sales profit change was also announced,and came up with a method of usingthe union probability to forecast product sales profit.揭示了在市场经济条件下应用的局限性,同时,揭示了产品销售利润受市场供求关系影响而发生变化的随机性,提出了利用联合概率法预测产品销售利润的方法。

3)joint association probability联合关联概率

1.Then thejoint association probability is reconstructed by utilizing the fuzzy membership degree of the target and measurement.该算法利用多个并行改进的最大熵模糊聚类对各个目标的有效观测进行聚类,采用聚类得到的模糊隶属度来重建滤波中的联合关联概率,并在联合关联概率中引入了比例因子避免航迹的合并;此外,分析了算法中差异因子的特性,考虑了杂波密度对它的影响,使得能够有效剔除无效观测,进一步减少计算量。

4)joint probabilistic model联合概率模型

1.Structural system reliability analysis for offshore platforms based on thejoint probabilistic model of wind and wave;基于风浪联合概率模型的海洋平台结构系统可靠度分析

5)combined probability analysis联合概率分析

1.Based on the theory ofcombined probability analysis in ocean environmental condition, in this paper the combined probability of comprehensive environmental condition in Yangjiaogou area of Laizhou Bay is analysed.在海洋环境条件联合概率分析理论的基础上,对莱州湾西部海域的羊角沟地区进行了综合环境条件的联合概率分析。

6)joint probability distribution联合概率分布

1.The Gumbel-logistic model forjoint probability distribution of extreme-value wind speeds and effective wave heights;耿贝尔逻辑模型在极值风速和有效波高联合概率分布中的应用

2.The problem of establishing n-dimensionaljoint probability distribution function in risk calculation of the series system is overcome.针对这一问题,在以往的研究基础上,根据Ditlevsen界限,进一步建立了基于二维Gumbel分布的长距离输水系统的综合水文风险评估模型,从而巧妙地解决了串联系统风险计算中如何建立n维联合概率分布函数的难题。

3.One of the image registration methods is to achieve the registration by the maximization of the concentration ofjoint probability distribution at the 2D plane through computingjoint probability distribution with intensity information.从图像的灰度信息出发,对联合概率分布进行计算分析,通过最大化联合概率分布在二维平面上的聚集度来完成图像的配准过程,并就图像在完全配准、不完全配准、相互独立的情况下其灰度值的联合概率分布进行了数值统计分析。


