2000字范文 > 公共灌溉系统 public irrigation systems英语短句 例句大全

公共灌溉系统 public irrigation systems英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-03 21:57:23


公共灌溉系统 public irrigation systems英语短句 例句大全

公共灌溉系统,public irrigation systems

1)public irrigation systems公共灌溉系统

2)Irrigation system灌溉系统

1.Reflection on irrigation system of botanical garden in Pingdingshan;关于平顶山市园林绿地灌溉系统的思考

2.Multiple-use management of auxiliary small reservoirs in a large irrigation system;大型灌溉系统中附属小水库的多用途管理

3.Design and application of valve auto-controlled irrigation system;田间管闸自动控制灌溉系统的研制与实践


1.canals joining reservoirs type irrigation system长藤结瓜式灌溉系统

2.More than50% of cane land is irrigated, mainly by sprays or flooding of furrows. Use of low-pressure overhead irrigators and drip systems is increasing.采用喷雾灌溉或渠灌的甘蔗地超过50%,使用低压高架灌溉器和滴水灌溉系统的正在增加。

3.an irrigation scheme with dams, reservoirs, and channels.有水坝、水库和水渠的灌溉系统

4.An irrigation system is selected that is less prone to plugging.选择这样一个灌溉系统很少会阻塞。

5.Research into the designing and scheduling of a movable handheld irrigation system;手持移动灌溉系统的设计和调度研究

6.Farmland Water-efficient Irrigation System Based on the ZigBee Technology基于ZigBee技术的农田节水灌溉系统

7.One of these technologies is fertigation, which is the direct application of water and nutrients to plants through a drip irrigation system.描述:文中介绍的一种灌溉技术叫做施肥灌溉,通过滴流灌溉系统把水和养分供给作物。

8.Type of irrigation system and its susceptibility to plugging or other problems.灌溉系统类型及其对阻塞或其它问题敏感性。

9.drip irrigation and fertilization system点滴灌溉及施肥系统

10.The Design and Implementation of Intelligent Decision System for Apply Fertilizer and Irrigate;智能施肥灌溉决策系统的设计与实现

11.The Construction of Irrigation Control System based on ARM+μClinux;基于ARM+μClinux的灌溉控制系统的构建

12.Research and Design on Intelligent Irrigation Monitoring and Control System;智能灌溉监控系统的设计与应用研究

13.Research into and Implementation of Web-Based Irrigation Scheduling System;基于Web的灌溉预测系统的研究与开发

14.Development of Irrigation Information System by GIS Model;利用GIS技术开发灌溉信息系统的研究

15.Development of Modern Agricultural Irrigation Management Information System现代农业灌溉管理信息系统开发应用

16.Development of Automatic Control System for Irrigation农田灌溉自动化控制系统的开发研究

17.A Wireless Irrigation Control System Based on Modbus Protocol基于Modbus协议的无线灌溉控制系统研究

18.The Intelligent Control System for Greenhouse Irrigation Based on FPGA基于FPGA的温室灌溉智能测控系统


Irrigation system灌溉系统

1.Reflection on irrigation system of botanical garden in Pingdingshan;关于平顶山市园林绿地灌溉系统的思考

2.Multiple-use management of auxiliary small reservoirs in a large irrigation system;大型灌溉系统中附属小水库的多用途管理

3.Design and application of valve auto-controlled irrigation system;田间管闸自动控制灌溉系统的研制与实践


1.With Yanzhong coal mine area as an example,this paper studies the situations of land-using types and agricultureirrigation system in the coal mine area with the RS and GIS technology.以兖州煤矿区的一部分为例,利用遥感和地理信息系统技术,研究了其中的土地利用和农业灌溉系统的变化。

4)irrigating system灌溉系统

1.Design and implementation of fuzzy control forirrigating system with PLC;基于PLC的模糊控制灌溉系统的研制

5)All-American Canal System全美灌溉系统

1.Lining Project of theAll-American Canal System and its Controversy;全美灌溉系统衬砌工程及其争议

6)automatic irrigation system自动灌溉系统

1.Theautomatic irrigation system is designed chiefly according to various cultivating methods,the water need regulation of flowers as well as the characteristics of programmable logical controller.根据各种花卉栽培方式以及花卉的需水规律,应用可编程控制器自身的特点,对花卉进行合理的、有效的自动灌溉系统设计。


