2000字范文 > 低压管道灌溉系统 irrigation system of low-pressure pipeline英语短句 例句大全

低压管道灌溉系统 irrigation system of low-pressure pipeline英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-24 23:09:53


低压管道灌溉系统 irrigation system of low-pressure pipeline英语短句 例句大全

低压管道灌溉系统,irrigation system of low-pressure pipeline

1)irrigation system of low-pressure pipeline低压管道灌溉系统

1.According to characteristics ofirrigation system of low-pressure pipeline,the optimal control area of low-pressure pipeline for facility agriculture was determined at 450~600hm2,basing on the optimizing of pipe network lay out with the optimization of pipe diameter.根据低压管道灌溉系统的特点,在管网布置优化、管网管径优化基础上,综合分析确定了设施农业低压管道灌溉系统最优控制面积为450~600hm2,可为设施农业低压管道灌溉系统大面积推广应用提供科学依据。


1.Optimization of Control Area about Irrigation System of Low-pressure Pipeline in Facility Agriculture设施农业低压管道灌溉系统控制面积优化

2.A Computer-aided Design System for Single-well Irrigation District and Small Type Pumping Irrigation District;单井灌区及小型机电灌区低压管道灌溉计算机辅助设计系统开发

3.Research on Water Distribution Quota Device for Low-Pressure Pipe Irrigation System in Farmland农田低压管道输水灌溉系统定额配水装置的研制

4.Review of the development of water saving irrigation technology by use of low pressure pipes;低压管道输水节水灌溉技术发展综述

5.More than50% of cane land is irrigated, mainly by sprays or flooding of furrows. Use of low-pressure overhead irrigators and drip systems is increasing.采用喷雾灌溉或渠灌的甘蔗地超过50%,使用低压高架灌溉器和滴水灌溉系统的正在增加。

6.Technology of Low Pressure Pipeline Irrigation and Its Effects on Current Agricultural Development低压管道输水灌溉技术及其在现阶段农业发展中的作用

7.Study on the Application of Low-pressure Pipe Irrigation Technology in Land Consolidation Project低压管道输水灌溉技术在土地整理工程中的应用

8.Research on pipe irrigation system planning model of land Saving based on the land consolidation基于土地整理的管道灌溉系统节地规划模式研究

9.Development of Modern Agricultural Irrigation Management Information System现代农业灌溉管理信息系统开发应用

10.A Research on Hongjin Irrigation District Management and Decision-making Support System Based on Component GIS;基于ComGIS的洪金灌区灌溉管理决策支持系统研究

11.The Investigation on the Calculation Theory of the Optimal Economic Diameter in an Irrigation Pipe System;对灌溉管路系统经济管径计算方法的探讨

12.Study on Allocation of Irrigation Canal System and Agricultural Water Management System;灌溉渠系配水与农业用水管理系统的研究

13.drip irrigation and fertilization system点滴灌溉及施肥系统

14.canals joining reservoirs type irrigation system长藤结瓜式灌溉系统

15.Thin wall unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pipes for low-pressure conveyance in irrigatioGB/T13664-1992低压输水灌溉用薄壁硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管材

16.Study on Intelligent Decision-Making and Management Expert System for Water Saving Irrigation;节水灌溉智能决策与管理专家系统研究

17.Research on Information Management and Control Decision System for Agriculture Irrigation Based on Geography Information System;基于GIS的灌溉信息管理和控制决策系统研究

18.Studies on Using GIS Module to Develop Irrigation Information System;利用GIS组件开发灌溉信息管理系统的研究


low-pressure pipe irrigation低压管道灌溉

3)low pressure irrigation pipe低压灌溉管道

4)pumping irrigation systems机压灌溉管道系统

5)gravity irrigation systems自压灌溉管道系统

6)none full of water irrigation systems无压灌溉管道系统


低压1.物理学上指较低的压力。 2.较低的电压,通常指二百五十伏特以下的电压。 3.心脏舒张时血液对血管的压力。也叫舒张压。
