2000字范文 > IC卡灌溉系统 IC card irrigation system英语短句 例句大全

IC卡灌溉系统 IC card irrigation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-10 02:25:39


IC卡灌溉系统 IC card irrigation system英语短句 例句大全

IC卡灌溉系统,IC card irrigation system

1)IC card irrigation systemIC卡灌溉系统

1.To improve the automation level of irrigation area and the utilization of water resource,combining the characteristics of well irrigation area,theIC card irrigation system based on ADAM5510 and GSM network is designed.为提高灌区灌溉的自动化水平,提高水资源的利用率,结合井灌类型区的特点,设计了基于ADAM5510和GSM网络的IC卡灌溉系统。


1.Application of ADAM5510 and GSM Network in the Radio-frequency IC Card Irrigation SystemADAM5510和GSM网络在射频IC卡灌溉系统中的应用

2.Application of intelligent IC card system in electromechanical well irrigation and its effect;智能IC卡系统在机电井灌溉中的应用及影响

3.drip irrigation and fertilization system点滴灌溉及施肥系统

4.canals joining reservoirs type irrigation system长藤结瓜式灌溉系统

5.IC card prepay charging management system based on CPU card基于CPU卡的IC卡预付费售电系统

6.Today many of the electronic prepay meter use IC cards and one card for a electronic meter, which can not meet the need of irrigation in agricultural.现有的预付费电表多采用IC卡,并采取“一表一卡”的工作方式,不能满足农田灌溉用电的要求。

7.The Design of Contact-less IC Cards Reader in Campus Card System;校园一卡通系统中非接触式IC卡读卡器的设计

8.Study on Intelligent Control and Detection System of IC Card Gas Meter;IC卡燃气表智能控制及检测系统研究

9.The Research and Design of IC Card for the System of Mobile Instrument Controller;IC卡车载仪控制器系统的研究与设计

10.Power Analysis for Financail IC Card and Its Countermeasures;对金融IC卡系统的功耗攻击及对策

11.Design of Entrance Guard System Based on Contactless IC Card;基于非接触式IC卡门禁系统的设计

12.Research and Development of IC Card Expense System for Refueling Machine;油气机IC卡收费系统的研究与开发

13.Research on Far-distance Contactless IC Card Read-write System at 915MHz;915MHz远距离非接触IC卡读写系统的研究

14.Building of Tianjin IC Card Application System Security Research;天津农行IC卡应用系统安全性研究

15.Design and Implementation of Petrochemical IC Card Project Operation & Maintenance Management System;石化IC卡运维管理系统的设计与实现

16.Design of Heat Measuring System Based on Contactless IC Card;非接触式IC卡热量计量系统的设计

17.The CAN BUS-based Access Control Security System;基于CAN总线的IC卡门禁控制系统

18.Design of Pre-payment Electricity Vending System Based on IC-card Meters;基于IC卡电能表的预付费系统设计


IC card systemIC卡系统

1.Connecting with the application ofIC card system in the real esta te management of Taiyuan No.结合IC卡系统在第一热电厂物业管理中的运用,对IC卡的基本情况、系统规模、数据管理软件及硬件方面进行了阐述,并对系统运用中存在的常见问题以及解决方案进行了探讨。

2.The data consistency ofIC card system is that the information stored in IC card must be rigorous consistent with the information stored in computers ofIC card system, the pivotal problem is that the exchange information must be recorded in IC card and the exchange computer consistently.IC卡系统的数据一致性指IC卡记录的信息必须与IC卡系统中计算机记录的信息严格一致 ,其关键问题在于IC卡交易信息必须同时写入IC卡和交易计算机。

3)Irrigation system灌溉系统

1.Reflection on irrigation system of botanical garden in Pingdingshan;关于平顶山市园林绿地灌溉系统的思考

2.Multiple-use management of auxiliary small reservoirs in a large irrigation system;大型灌溉系统中附属小水库的多用途管理

3.Design and application of valve auto-controlled irrigation system;田间管闸自动控制灌溉系统的研制与实践


1.With Yanzhong coal mine area as an example,this paper studies the situations of land-using types and agricultureirrigation system in the coal mine area with the RS and GIS technology.以兖州煤矿区的一部分为例,利用遥感和地理信息系统技术,研究了其中的土地利用和农业灌溉系统的变化。

5)irrigating system灌溉系统

1.Design and implementation of fuzzy control forirrigating system with PLC;基于PLC的模糊控制灌溉系统的研制

6)intelligent IC card system智能IC卡系统

1.Application ofintelligent IC card system in electromechanical well irrigation and its effect;智能IC卡系统在机电井灌溉中的应用及影响


