2000字范文 > 教育消费 educational consumption英语短句 例句大全

教育消费 educational consumption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-04 03:18:19


教育消费 educational consumption英语短句 例句大全

教育消费,educational consumption

1)educational consumption教育消费

1.An Empirical Study on Educational Consumption Satisfaction Degree for College Students;高校学生教育消费满意度实证研究

2.The paper explains the innovation of higher vocational students demand ineducational consumption,analyzes the detailed contents of those students demand ineducational consumption and provides some suggestions to solve insufficient problems to the students demand.阐明了高职学生教育消费需求的涵义,分析了高职学生教育消费需求的具体内容,并就当前我国高职院校应对学生教育消费需求的不足提出了几点建议。

3.Under this social background, we try to reveal educational justice problem and social justice problem through analyzing theeducational consumption disparity between different families.在我国转型时期社会分化加剧以及国家对教育收费制度改革的社会背景下,不同阶层家庭在教育消费上表现出结构性差异,其背后反映的是教育公平以及社会公平问题。


1.Say Something About Peasant Educational Consumptive power;试论农民教育消费力——以高等教育消费力为例

2.On Vulnerable Children for Higher Education lonsumption and Education Fair;论弱势群体高等教育消费与教育公平

3.On the Industrialization of Education;从教育消费观的消极影响论教育应该产业化

4.Evaluation & Analysis of Symbolic Characteristics of Higher-Education Consumption: Perspective of Individual Consumer高等教育消费的符号特征评析:个体消费者视角

5.On the Features of the Educational Consumption and the Policy Guidance Optimizing Education Consumption;试论我国教育消费的特点及优化教育消费的政策导向

6.Analysis of the Development of Adult Education in China with American Educational Consumerism View;从美国教育消费主义看我国成人教育发展

7.A Tentative Study of the Contract Relation in Higher Education and theSelective Right of Educational Consumption;试论高等教育契约关系与教育消费选择权

8.Optimization of the Structue of Education Consumption in China;我国居民教育消费结构优化问题研究

9.Safeguarding Consumers Rights and Interests in Education and Building the Well-off Society in an All-around Way;实现教育消费维权 推进全面小康建设

10.The Rethinking of the Idea About EducationalConsumption Speeding up Economy s Rising;对教育消费拉动经济增长观点的反思

11.To Conduct Consumption Education and to Guide the Rural Residents to have Reasonable Consumption;开展消费教育 引导农村居民科学消费

12.The right to consumer education消费者受教育的权利

13.An Analysis of the Consumption Moral Education of University Students of Consumer Period;论消费主义时代的大学生消费道德教育

14.Consumption Features of College Students and Education for Right Consumption Conception;大学生的消费特点与正确的消费观教育

15.Consumer protection groups shall set the protection of consumer interests and the promotion of consumer education as their primary purposes.消费者保护团体应以保护消费者权益、推行消费者教育为宗旨。

16.The Study of the Consumption Education of College Students under the Vision of Ideological and Political Education;思想政治教育视野下的大学生消费教育研究

parative Research on High Education Consumption Abroad of Education Service Trade;教育服务贸易中高等教育境外消费的比较研究

18.European Conference on Consumer Education in Schools欧洲学校消费者教育会议


education consumption教育消费

1.An analysis on highereducation consumption of the low-income group;我国低收入群体高等教育消费现状分析

2.Economic analysis on parents" option foreducation consumption家长对教育消费选择的经济分析

3.Goodeducation consumption,which is regarded as one of the characteristics of a well-off society,can not only speed up higher education reform and development,but also improve higher education quality.良好的教育消费是小康社会的表征之一。

3)consumption education消费教育

1.The paper is an initial discussion on the roles of the government as night-keeper, enterprise as economic person and non-profit orgnazation as welfare person inconsumption education.消费教育是一项全社会的系统工程,政府、企业、非营利组织三大组织都能在消费教育中发挥重要作用。

2.So if we pay close attention to students’ development in an all-round way and the cultivation of their living abilities, we should takeconsumption education seriously.消费教育是生活教育,也是素质教育的重要组成部分,关注消费教育也就是关注学生的全面发展和生活能力培养。

3.The improvement of the life quality of rural residents must be firmly based on the further development of rural economy, theconsumption education that helps rural residents to develop correct and reasonable consumption concept and mode and .为提高农村居民生活质量,必须有农村经济的进一步发展为之奠定坚实的基础,更有赖于通过消费教育引导农村居民确立科学的消费观念、消费方式,鼓励农村居民适度消费。

4)consumer education消费教育

1.With the development of society and economy in our country,there have been drastic changes in the consumption level,consumption structure and consumption mode of the populace,butconsumer education has lagged far behind.随着我国社会经济的发展,民众的消费水平、消费结构、消费方式发生了重大变化,但消费教育却严重滞后。

5)The educated consumer教育消费者

6)educate to consume to gather教育消费集


生产性消费和非生产性消费生产性和非生产性的区别不仅适用于劳动,而且也适用于消费。虽然并非所有社会成员都是生产者,但所有社会成员却都是消费者,而消费或是非生产性的或是生产性的。谁对生产既没有直接贡献也没有间接贡献,谁就是非生产性消费者。只有生产性劳动者才是生产性消费者,所谓生产性劳动,当然既包括执行的劳动,也包括指挥的劳动。但即令是生产性劳动者的消费也不全是生产性消费。生产性消费者也有非生产性的消费。他们在保持或改善健康、体力和工作能力,或抚养下一代生产性劳动者方面的消费,乃是生产性消费。但是娱乐或奢侈方面的消费,不论是懒惰者所为,还是勤劳者所为,因为生产既不是其目的,也不会因此而有任何进步,所以必须看作是非生产性的。不过,也许一定数量的享乐可以认为是必需的,因为缺了它,会使劳动达不到最高效率。只有用于保持和提高社会生产力的消费,才是生产性消费,而社会生产力或蕴藏在土壤、原料、生产工具的数量和效率中,或蕴藏在人民中。 有很多产品,可以说除作非生产性消费外别无他用。每年在金线带、菠萝形装饰品,或香槟酒方面的消费必须看作是非生产性的,因为这些东西既对生产毫无帮助,又不是用于维持生命或体力,而可以用便宜得多的东西来替代。因此可以说,用于制造这些东西的劳动,不应当看作是政治经济学家所说的生产性劳动。我承认,为非生产性消费者生产物品所耗费的劳动,无助于社会的持久富裕。为非生产人员做上衣的裁缝是生产性劳动者;但几周或几个月后,衣服破损了,而穿上衣的人并未生产任何东西代替它。社会财富没有因这个裁缝的劳动而有所增加,其结果和用这笔钱到歌剧院去看戏一样。不过,在上衣未被穿坏以前,社会财富却因这个裁缝的劳动而有所增加,也就是说,在该劳动产品被某一非生产性社会成员拿去消费以前财富有所增加。金线带或菠萝形装饰品的情形与此没有什么不同,只不过同上衣相比,它们距离必需品更远。这些东西在被消费掉以前也是财富。
