2000字范文 > 公交补贴 subsidy for public transportation英语短句 例句大全

公交补贴 subsidy for public transportation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-12 18:06:27


公交补贴 subsidy for public transportation英语短句 例句大全

公交补贴,subsidy for public transportation

1)subsidy for public transportation公交补贴

2)subsidy-mechanism of public transport公交补贴机制

3)bus finance subsidy公交财政补贴


1.The large customers who satisfy some qualification can directly enter the regional electricity transaction center of the regional electricity market(but they must take on certaincross-subsidization,which is shared according to each kWh based on certain standard.进入区域交易中心的大用户也必须承担一定的交叉补贴费,交叉补贴根据一定标准按照每个kW h进行分摊,根据具体的市场规则,并根据按报价支付模式支付购电费用,然后对提供转运服务的电网公司支付输电费用。

2.The relatedcross-subsidization is emphatically researched, and a think of collectingcross-subsidization by two manners, i.对涉及到的交叉补贴问题进行了重点研究,提出了可以通过用户缴纳附加费用和计入输配电价2种方式收取交叉补贴的思路。


1.The discussion of agricultural and industrial tariffs cross-subsidies of Gansu grid甘肃电网工农业电价交叉补贴的探讨

2.Research on the Application of Ramsey Pricing in Solving the Cross-subsidies in the Electricity Tariffs;应用Ramsey定价方法解决销售电价交叉补贴问题研究

3.The Application of the Cross Subsidization Strategy in Tourism --A View on the Free Opening of the West Lake of Hangzhou;交叉补贴战略在旅游业中的运用——对杭州西湖免费开放的思考

4.High salaries, travel allowances, and paid vacations.高薪、交通补贴、带薪假期。

plementary goods have a negative cross elasticity of demand.互补商品的需求的交叉弹性为负数。

6.Study of urban public transportation finance subsidy policy abroad;国外城市公共交通财政补贴政策研究


mittee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures补贴和反补贴委员会

9.The EPC Technology Implications on Cross-Docking;EPC技术在零售补货策略交叉理货中的应用

10.When the load is lower than the standard, the cost will be given to users as an allowance.路段交通负荷低于路段负荷标准时补贴给用户。

11.Study on Subsidy about Bus Serving Pricing in City;城市公共交通定价中的补贴测算方法研究

12.Study on Bus Tolling Policy under Congestion Pricing Based on Finance Subsidy;基于财政补贴的拥挤定价下公交收费策略研究

13.Assistant Policies and Subsidization in Urban Subway;城市轨道交通建设的扶持政策与补贴方式研究

14.cross-junction box交叉接线盒,交叉接线箱

15.crossing:The act or action of crossing.交叉:交叉的行为或动作

16.The act or action of crossing.交叉交叉的行为或动作

17.Research on Actionable Subsidies in Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures《补贴与反补贴协议》下可申诉补贴之研究

18.The Subsidies and Countervailing Measures of WTO and the Countervailing System of China;论WTO补贴与反补贴规定及我国反补贴制度


subsidy-mechanism of public transport公交补贴机制

3)bus finance subsidy公交财政补贴


1.The large customers who satisfy some qualification can directly enter the regional electricity transaction center of the regional electricity market(but they must take on certaincross-subsidization,which is shared according to each kWh based on certain standard.进入区域交易中心的大用户也必须承担一定的交叉补贴费,交叉补贴根据一定标准按照每个kW h进行分摊,根据具体的市场规则,并根据按报价支付模式支付购电费用,然后对提供转运服务的电网公司支付输电费用。

2.The relatedcross-subsidization is emphatically researched, and a think of collectingcross-subsidization by two manners, i.对涉及到的交叉补贴问题进行了重点研究,提出了可以通过用户缴纳附加费用和计入输配电价2种方式收取交叉补贴的思路。

5)cross subsidy交叉补贴

1.Research oncross subsidy mechanism of telecommunication industry;对电信业交叉补贴机制的探讨

2.whether the selling price should reflect the actual supply cost or adoptcross subsidy,needs to be studied from economic and social welfare.在现阶段电价体系中,是采用反映供电成本还是交叉补贴的销售电价定价模式需要从经济效益和社会福利方面进行深入研究。

6)cross subsidization交叉补贴

1.This paper analyzes this measure taken in Hangzhou in the light of thecross subsidization strategy in management, and gives a further elaboration on the mode and meaning of the application of thecross subsidization strategy in tourism, as well as the conditions and risks involved in the process.杭州西湖的免费开放对杭州市整个旅游业的发展起到了推动作用,不仅产生了巨大的经济效益,而且产生了良好的社会效益;本文运用管理学中的交叉补贴战略理论分析了杭州的这一做法,并进一步阐述了交叉补贴战略在旅游业中运用的模式、涵义、条件以及风险。

2.The formula indicates that there is a naturalcross subsidization in the services pricing of telecommunication industry,and unpuzzles some dilemmas of telecommunication industry development nowadays.这一定价公式表明电信产业的业务定价具有天然的交叉补贴特性,可以解释当今电信业发展中的若干问题。


