2000字范文 > 模糊数据统计 statistics of fuzzy data英语短句 例句大全

模糊数据统计 statistics of fuzzy data英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-06 12:27:05


模糊数据统计 statistics of fuzzy data英语短句 例句大全

模糊数据统计,statistics of fuzzy data

1)statistics of fuzzy data模糊数据统计

2)fuzzy data模糊数据

1.Activefuzzy database and its application;主动模糊数据库技术及其应用

2.Manage tofuzzy data about distributed database;公布式数据库中的模糊数据处理

3.Linear Regression for Fuzzy Data;模糊数据的线性回归模型


1.Research on Fuzzy Data Processing Method in Database Query;在数据库查询中模糊数据的处理技术

2.Implementation of fuzzy data store and fuzzy judgement by SQL Server 2000;SQL Server 2000实现模糊数据的存储与模糊判决

3.Fuzzy Description Logic F-SHOIQ(G) Supporting Representation of Fuzzy Data Types支持模糊数据类型表示的模糊描述逻辑F-SHOIQ(G)

4.Research on Fuzzy Database Base on Vague Set;基于Vague集的模糊数据库研究

5.The Application of Fuzzy Data Mining in Water Resource Management;模糊数据挖掘在水资源管理中的应用

6.Formal Conversion of Fuzzy XML DTD to UML Data Model模糊XML DTD到UML数据模型的转换

7.Research on Fuzzy Clustering and Clustering Ensemble in Data Mining;数据挖掘中模糊聚类与聚类集成研究

8.Research and Application on Dynamic Fuzzy Dependent Relation of Data;数据的动态模糊依赖关系及应用研究

9.The XML Data Mining Based on the Fuzzy Logic Rules;基于模糊逻辑规则的XML数据挖掘

10.Analysis for Clustering Algorithms Based on Fuzzy Relational Database;基于模糊关系数据库的聚类算法研究

11.T-S Fuzzy Rule Extract Based on Data Mining基于数据挖掘的T-S模糊规则提取

12.Clustering Validity Analysis for Data of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets直觉模糊集合数据的聚类有效性分析

13.The Fuzzy Query Technique of Database Management SystemSQL数据库管理系统中的模糊查询技术

14.Fuzzy Queries Based on Linguistic Variables in Relational Databases基于语言变量的关系数据库模糊查询

15.According fuzziness of quality of digitial image, we propose a set of fuzzy exponential functions as objective functions.我们根据数字图象品质评价的模糊性,从模糊数学理论出发,提出一套模糊指数函数。

16.Fuzzy model identification and fuzzy controller design based on data characteristic基于数据特征的模糊模型辨识与模糊控制器设计方法

17.Mining Association Rules in Score Database with Fuzzy Quantitative Constraints;基于模糊数值约束的成绩数据库关联规则挖掘

18.Analysis of Calculus Rules on Fuzzy Temporal Relational Algebra模糊时态数据库关系代数演算规则分析


fuzzy data模糊数据

1.Activefuzzy database and its application;主动模糊数据库技术及其应用

2.Manage tofuzzy data about distributed database;公布式数据库中的模糊数据处理

3.Linear Regression for Fuzzy Data;模糊数据的线性回归模型

3)fuzzy statistics模糊统计

1.Determination of fuzzy tokens in fuzzy Petri nets based onfuzzy statistics;基于模糊统计的模糊Petri网token确定方法

2.Forecasting of Corporate Default Risk Based on Fuzzy Statistics;基于模糊统计的公司违约预测

3.Set-Valued Statistics method belonged tofuzzy statistics was presented to evaluate the traffic safety of highways in mountainous area.应用模糊统计中的集值统计方法对山区公路进行交通安全评价研究,以克服应用等级比重法和专家评分法对模糊和非定量化指标评价中评价精度不高的问题。

4)fuzzy statistic模糊统计

1.Fuzzy Statistic with Different Confidence Levels;分置信度的模糊统计方法

2.This paper illustrates the random fuzziness of concrete structural strength,carries out composite data processing of rebound method,ultrasonic rebound method and drilling method byfuzzy statistical method according to its fuzziness,and analyzes its reliability,in order to evaluate concrete strength rationally and reliably.阐述了混凝土结构强度具有随机模糊性,根据其模糊性,用模糊统计的方法对回弹法、超声回弹法和钻芯法数据进行综合处理,并对其可靠性进行了分析,以使混凝土强度得到合理可靠的评定。

3.In this thesis, we firstly introduce the relative theory offuzzy statistic and fuzzy decision making, and then the applications offuzzy statistic into fuzzy decision and fuzzy classification, clustering, identification have been studied in the following Chapters.在学位论文的后续章节中,作者着眼于将模糊统计有关理论应用于经济预测与决策,提出很多实用的经济预测与决策模糊模型方法。


6)ambiguous count模糊计数


模糊1.亦作"模胡"。 2.不分明;不清楚。 3.谓草率,马虎。 4.混淆。
