2000字范文 > 粗糙模糊数 Rough fuzzy number英语短句 例句大全

粗糙模糊数 Rough fuzzy number英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-05 18:26:28


粗糙模糊数 Rough fuzzy number英语短句 例句大全

粗糙模糊数,Rough fuzzy number

1)Rough fuzzy number粗糙模糊数

2)fuzzy rough set algebra模糊粗糙集代数

1.Based on this,thefuzzy rough set algebra is defined,and some simple properties of thefuzzy rough set algebra are discussed.在此基础上定义了模糊粗糙集代数,并讨论了模糊粗糙集代数的简单性质。

3)Anti-Fuzzy Rough Algebra反模糊粗糙代数

4)fuzzy rough data model模糊粗糙数据模型

1.A new technique for analyzing data,fuzzy rough data model,FRDM,is proposed.提出了一种数据分析的新方法———模糊粗糙数据模型(Fuzzy Rough Data Model,FRDM)。

5)fuzzy rough sets模糊粗糙集

1.Level Characteristics of Rough Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Rough Sets;粗糙模糊集与模糊粗糙集的截集性质(英文)

2.The Studies of Fuzzy Rough Sets Theory:A Survey;模糊粗糙集理论研究进展

3.Thefuzzy rough sets based on the cutsets and properties;截集形式的模糊粗糙集及其性质


1.A New Method for the Roughness Measure of a Fuzzy Set;模糊粗糙集中依参数粗糙度的新算法

2.Study on TL-Fuzzy Rough Sets and TL-Fuzzy Rough Sets on a Group;TL-模糊粗糙集及群上的TL-模糊粗糙集研究

3.Fuzzy Rough Sets Based on the Generalized Fuzzy Partitions;基于广义模糊划分的模糊粗糙集理论

4.Another Definition of Fuzzy Rough Sets on Fuzzy Approximation Space;模糊近似空间中模糊粗糙集的新定义

5.Fuzzy Similar Relational Fuzzy Rough Set and Level Set模糊相似关系下的模糊粗糙集及其截集

6.Study on Algorithm of Knowledge Acquisition Based on Fuzzy Rough Set;基于模糊粗糙集的知识获取算法研究

7.Attribute Reduction of Fuzzy Rough Sets Based on Variable Similar Degree一种变相似度的模糊粗糙集属性约简

8.Fuzzy Equivalent Relation with Thresholds and Fuzzy Rough Set;具有边界值的模糊等价关系及其模糊粗糙集

9.Uncertainty measure of generalized fuzzy rough set based on t-module基于t-模的广义模糊粗糙集的不确定性度量

10.Rough Set Theory on the Interval-Valued Fuzzy Information Systems;区间值模糊信息系统上的粗糙集理论


12.Dynamic Rough Fuzzy Sets and its Application in Extracting Fuzzy Rules动态粗糙模糊集及其在模糊规则提取中的应用

13.Extension of rough sets model for probabilistic decision analysis from rough-fuzzy decision tables;粗糙模糊决策表概率决策分析的扩展粗糙集方法

14.Research on the Comprehensive Evaluation Based on the Rough Set and the Fuzzy Set Theory;基于粗糙集和模糊集理论的综合评价研究

15.Study on Attribute Reduction Algorithm Based on Rough Set and Fuzzy Set Theory;基于粗糙集和模糊集理论的属性约简算法研究

16.Applications of Fuzzy Method in Studies of Rough Set Theory;模糊集方法在粗糙集研究中的一些应用

17.Formal Concept Analysis Based on Rough Set and Axiomatic Fuzzy Sets基于粗糙集与公理模糊集的形式概念分析

18.The Constructive Properties of Rough Fuzzy Sets Based on All Kinds of Level Sets各种截集形式的粗糙模糊集的构造性质


fuzzy rough set algebra模糊粗糙集代数

1.Based on this,thefuzzy rough set algebra is defined,and some simple properties of thefuzzy rough set algebra are discussed.在此基础上定义了模糊粗糙集代数,并讨论了模糊粗糙集代数的简单性质。

3)Anti-Fuzzy Rough Algebra反模糊粗糙代数

4)fuzzy rough data model模糊粗糙数据模型

1.A new technique for analyzing data,fuzzy rough data model,FRDM,is proposed.提出了一种数据分析的新方法———模糊粗糙数据模型(Fuzzy Rough Data Model,FRDM)。

5)fuzzy rough sets模糊粗糙集

1.Level Characteristics of Rough Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Rough Sets;粗糙模糊集与模糊粗糙集的截集性质(英文)

2.The Studies of Fuzzy Rough Sets Theory:A Survey;模糊粗糙集理论研究进展

3.Thefuzzy rough sets based on the cutsets and properties;截集形式的模糊粗糙集及其性质

6)fuzzy-rough set模糊粗糙集

1.Intrusion detection method based on ICA andfuzzy-rough set;一种基于ICA和模糊粗糙集的入侵检测方法

2.Two attribute reduction algorithms based onfuzzy-rough set;基于模糊粗糙集的两种属性约简算法

3.An Attribute Reduction Algorithm Based on Fuzzy-rough Set and It s Application in Medical Image Area;一种基于模糊粗糙集理论的算法及其在医学影像中的应用


