2000字范文 > 直觉模糊数 intuitionistic fuzzy numbers英语短句 例句大全

直觉模糊数 intuitionistic fuzzy numbers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-22 12:55:12


直觉模糊数 intuitionistic fuzzy numbers英语短句 例句大全

直觉模糊数,intuitionistic fuzzy numbers

1)intuitionistic fuzzy numbers直觉模糊数

1.A method was presented to deal with the multiple-attribute decision-making problem with the preference values on alternatives,in which the attribute weights were completely unkonwn and the attribute values were given in the form ofintuitionistic fuzzy numbers.给出属性值为直觉模糊数,属性权重完全未知但已知方案偏好关系的模糊多属性决策问题的决策方法。

2.With respect to the problem of multiple attribute decision-making,in which the attribute values are given in terms ofintuitionistic fuzzy numbers,an intuitionistic fuzzy decision making method based on the projection is proposed and the calculation steps of calculation are given.针对指标取值以直觉模糊数形式给出的多属性决策问题,提出了一种基于投影的直觉模糊决策方法。

3.A method is presented to deal with the fuzzy multiple attribute decision making problem with preference values on al-ternatives,in which the information about attribute weights is incomplete,the attribute values and the preference information on alternatives are given in the form ofintuitionistic fuzzy numbers.对属性权重信息不完全、属性值和决策者对方案的偏好信息均以直觉模糊数表示的多属性决策问题提出一种决策方法。


1.Fuzzy C-means algorithm applied in intuitionistic fuzzy numbers clustering模糊C-均值算法在直觉模糊数聚类中的应用

2.Decision-Making Based on Projection for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multiple Attributes基于投影的直觉模糊数多属性决策方法

3.Programming method of multi-criteria decision-making based on intuitionistic fuzzy number with incomplete certain information;基于直觉模糊数的信息不完全的多准则规划方法

4.A Method of Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multiple Attributes Decision Making with Incomplete Attribute Weight Information;权重信息不完全的区间直觉模糊数多属性决策方法

5.The Representation of Fuzzy Structured Element for Fuzzy Number Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Operations模糊数直觉模糊集运算的模糊结构元表示

6.Multi-criteria Decision-making Based on Fuzzy Number Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Geometric Operators基于模糊数直觉模糊集算子的多准则决策方法

7.Clustering Validity Analysis for Data of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets直觉模糊集合数据的聚类有效性分析

8.Clustering technique to intuitionistic fuzzy sets data based on objective function基于目标函数的直觉模糊集合数据的聚类方法

9.Initialization Method for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Clustering Based on Density Function一种基于密度函数的直觉模糊聚类初始化方法

10.Method of determining membership and nonmembership function in intuitionistic fuzzy sets直觉模糊集隶属度与非隶属度函数的确定方法

11.On intuitionistic fuzzy inner product spaces and intuitionistic fuzzy co-inner product spaces直觉模糊内积空间和直觉模糊余内积空间

12.On the Definition of the Fuzzy Sublattice, (α,β)-intuitionistic Fuzzy Sublattice and (s,t]-intuitionistic Fuzzy Sublattice关于模糊子格,(α,β)-直觉模糊子格和(s,t]-直觉模糊子格的定义

13.A few kinds of intuitionistic fuzzy groups on a direct product group and their projections直积群上几类直觉模糊子群及其投影

14.Multi-criteria decision-making method with incomplete certain information based on intuitionistic fuzzy number基于直觉梯形模糊数的信息不完全确定的多准则决策方法

15.Study on Methods for Multiple Attribute Decision Making with Intuitionistic Fuzzy Information;直觉模糊多属性决策的决策方法研究

16.A New Method for Aggregating Information Based on Interval-valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets;一种区间直觉模糊信息集成的新方法

17.TOPSIS For Multiattribute Decision Making in IF-set Setting;直觉模糊多属性决策的TOPSIS法

18.The “And” “Operatos” and “Or”“Operators” of Instuitionstic Fuzzy Logic;直觉模糊逻辑“与”、“或”算子的研究


intuitionistic fuzzy number直觉模糊数

1.The fuzzy multiple attribute decision making problems are investigated,in which the attribute values are given asintuitionistic fuzzy numbers and the preference information on alternatives can be provided by decision maker.研究了属性值为直觉模糊数且决策者对方案有偏好的模糊多属性决策问题。

2.Multiple attribute decision making problems with interaction are investigated,in which the attribute values and the preference information are expressed in the form ofintuitionistic fuzzy numbers.研究了决策者对方案的主观偏好值以及属性值均为直觉模糊数的且属性间存在关联的多属性决策问题。

3)Intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy numbers直觉梯形模糊数

4)Interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy number区间直觉模糊数

1.First we give a formula which transforms interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy number into interval,then a new method for deciding objective weights is given based on possibility degree,and a new method based on possibility degree is given to get the priorities of alternatives.研究了属性权值完全未知且属性值为区间直觉模糊数的多属性决策问题。

2.With respect to interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy multiple attribute decision making problems with preference information on alternatives and incomplete weight information,some operational laws of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy numbers,score function and accuracy function of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy numbers are introduced.针对属性权重信息未知或属性权重信息不完全且属性值和对方案的偏好值均为区间直觉模糊数多属性决策问题,基于偏差极小化的思想,给出了相应的决策分析方法。

5)intuitionistic fuzzy subalgebra直觉模糊子代数

1.In this paper,the concept ofintuitionistic fuzzy subalgebras,intuitionistic fuzzy ideals of Boolean algebra and intuitionistic fuzzy quotient Boolean algebra are introduced.引入了布尔代数的直觉模糊子代数、直觉模糊理想和直觉模糊商布尔代数的概念,给出了布尔代数的直觉模糊子集是直觉模糊子代数(直觉模糊理想)的充要条件,讨论了布尔代数的直觉模糊子代数(直觉模糊理想)在布尔代数同态下的像和逆像,并证明了当I是布尔代数R的直觉模糊真理想时,R/I是布尔代数。

6)intuitionistic fuzzy functions直觉模糊函数

1.Two kinds ofintuitionistic fuzzy functions are introduced based on intuitionistic fuzzy equality operator,and then intuitionistic fuzzy injective and surjective are defined and their fundament properties are established.在直觉模糊等价关系的基础上引入了两种直觉模糊函数的概念,给出了直觉模糊单射和直觉模糊满射的定义,并研究了它们的性质。


义务直觉主义(见直觉主义伦理学)义务直觉主义(见直觉主义伦理学)obligatory intuitivism丫lwU zhljue之卜口丫l见义务直觉主义 直觉主义伦理学。(obligatory intuitivism)
