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体语 body language英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-19 13:10:45


体语 body language英语短句 例句大全

体语,body language

1)body language体语

1.The paper explains the content of the art ofbody language.阐明了"体语"艺术的主要内容以及"体语"在读者工作中运用的必要性,提出了图书馆读者工作中提高"体语"艺术的有效途径和方法。

2.As a part of nonverbal communication,body language holds an important position in human communication.作为非语言交际的组成部分,体语在人类交际中占有重要的位置,已越来越受到跨文化交际者的重视。


1.Tips on English Body Language使用英语肢体语言要诀

2.On the Discourse Features of IRC in Speech Form;初探IRC口语语体语篇特征的表现

3.The body language includes the body-gesture language, head-neck language, sign language, face language and looks language.形体语言包括身姿语言、颈语言、势语言、部语言、目语言。

4.Literary Stylistics and Varieties of English ?英语语体学与文体学

5.the durative aspect【语】持续体, 连续体

6.Terminological Usage for Russian Science Language;俄语科学语体中的术语及术语化问题

7.Advertisement Variety of the English Language;论英语语言的一种功能变体——广告语体

8.Power Point:Tool,Text,Genre and Style;PowerPoint——工具,语篇,语类,文体

9.On the Establishment and Specification of a Grammar System in the Oral Teaching of Chinese Language;汉语口语体口语教学语法体系的建立与量化

10.English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese英语,西班牙语,德语,法语,意大利语,简体中文,繁体中文,日语

11.Juche Idea主体思想(朝鲜语)

12.a bastard style, language混杂的文体、 语言.

13.Colloquial style or quality.口语体口语化或口语用法

14.The Genre Analysis of the Analects of Confucius from the Systemic Functional Perspective;《论语》语篇体裁的系统功能语言学分析

15.On the Differences between British English and American English;浅析英国英语和美国英语的语体差异

16.Internet English--A New Variety of the English Language;网络英语——英语语言的一种新变体(英文)

17.A Comparative Study of the Styles Between Officialese and E-language;公文语言与网络语言语体风格之比较

18.On the Semantic and Grammatical Features of Individual Measure Words in Maonan Dialect;毛南语个体量词的语义语法特征分析



1.This paper studies the application of the adjectives incolloquialism,and gives an analysis of the distribution of the adjectives incolloquialism.文章探讨了口语语体中形容词的实际运用情况,具体分析了形容词在口语语体中的分布情况。

3)Chinese style of writing汉语语体

1.The paper is about the scope and content of study of style in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, includingChinese style of writing, the relation between style of writing and the teaching of the second language, style of writing and curriculum, style of .文章重点就面向对外汉语教学的语体研究的范围和内容进行了探讨,主要包括:汉语语体本身的研究,语体与第二语言教学的关系,语体与课程设计,语体与教材编写,语体与教学实践。

4)general language register通语语体

1.Guiding discourse of tour guides,as a typical tour guide language,forms the compatible and dual characteristics under the restriction ofgeneral language register.本文提出采用将口语与书面语的连续统特征以及口语与书面语固有的对立统一关系特征相结合的综合标准,将语体三分为口语语体、书面语语体、通语语体。


1.On the linguostyle of modern Chinese lexicographicalgenre;论现代汉语辞书语体的风格

2.Based upon pragmatic theories of medical language,103 medical records were selected as the sample for observation in terms ofgenre,pragmatics,semantics,grammar,philology,and language errors are identified.病案语言一直是医学语言学研究的重要内容,以医学语言的语用规律为理论依据,对103份抽样病案中的语言材料,从语体、语用、语义、语法、文字五个方面切入观察,指出这些语料中的语言失误表现,并重点分析了在语用、语义、文字三方面产生失误的原因,从语言学视角为医院病案管理科学化研究提供信息。

3.News report as a particulargenre is developed with the progressing of the news media.它具有显著的语体特点。

6)language style语体

1.In this paper,alanguage style based adaptive method for language model is proposed based on the differences between oral and written languages.本文从书面语和口语存在的差异出发,提出了语言模型的语体自适应方法。

2.Sometimes,the same word will develop different meaning when it is used in differentlanguage style or situation.有时,同一个词随着语体风格或应用场合的不同也会产生不同的意义,即:语体转换也会使词义发生变化。


体语用双声词语说话,又叫双声语。"体"指声母而言,章炳麟《国故论衡》:"收声称势,发声称体,远起齐梁间矣。"章氏说的"发声"就是指一个字的开头辅音,就是体。体语大多是诙谐的,有的甚至是俚俗的,庄重场合一般不用。中国南北朝时代盛行体语,最早见于史书记载的是《北齐书·徐之才传》:"(徐之才)尤好剧谈体语。"《徐之才传》说的体语,与一般的体语略有不同,比如他说一个姓卢的人是:"生男则为虏,养马则为驴。"卢、虏、驴 3个字的声母相同,都是来纽。他正是用虏、驴来暗示那个人的姓──卢。北魏杨衒之《洛阳伽蓝记》记载:"陇西李元谦乐双声语。尝经(郭)文远宅......曰:"是谁第宅过佳?"值婢春风出曰:"郭冠军家"。元谦曰:"凡婢双声。"春风曰:"佇奴慢骂。""这里的对话都是用体语。"是谁"两字禅纽,"第宅"两字定(澄)纽,"过佳"两字见纽,这句话是3组双声字,"郭冠军家"4个字都是见纽。"凡婢"两字並(奉)纽,"双声"两字审纽,这句话是两组双声字,"佇奴"两字泥纽,"慢骂"两字明纽,这句话也是两组双声字。这一类的体语是真正的体语。
