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人体语言 body language英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-02 00:32:06


人体语言 body language英语短句 例句大全

人体语言,body language

1)body language人体语言

1.This paper probes into the nature and functions of thebody languages,selects and classifies thebody languages related to the service for readers of the library,and expound how to use thebody languages in the service for readers of university library.对人体语言的性质与作用进行了探讨,并对与图书馆读者服务工作相关的人体语言进行了筛选与分类,同时对在高校图书馆读者服务工作中如何运用人体语言进行了阐述。

2.The definition ofbody language and its revelation in library work are explained and application ofbody language in library work is iuustrate对人体语言的定义及其在图书借阅工作中的表现形式进行介绍 ,并阐述了人体语言在图书借阅工作中的应

3.Through elaborating the definition and characteristics ofbody language,analyzing the role ofbody language in PE teaching as well as studying the cultural ways of enhancing the skills of thebody language among the PE students this paper aimed to present a new study perspective for strengthening and improving the development of P.从人体语言学的角度对人体语言的概念进行阐述,分析人体语言在体育教学中的作用,研究加强体育专业学生人体语言技能培养的途径,目的在于为加强和改善体育专业大学生教学技能的培养提供新的研究视角。


1.The Most Mobile and Rapid Visual Language;最流动最迅速的视觉语言——谈人体语言表情语之一“笑”

2.The Function of Body Language in the Teaching of Gymnastics;体操教学手段与人体语言相关因素的促进作用

3.The speech of an individual, considered as a linguistic pattern unique among speakers of his or her language or dialect.个人语型,个人言语方式(变体)在所处的语言或方言环境中被作为独特的语言形式的个人语言

4.The body language includes the body-gesture language, head-neck language, sign language, face language and looks language.形体语言包括身姿语言、颈语言、势语言、部语言、目语言。

5.Note: Mountain Giant and Faery Dragon don"t speak.山岭巨人和仙女龙没有具体的语言。

6.It is the body language that tells others about who you are.是形体语言告诉了人家你是干什么的。

7.Spatial Language: Backing of the Development and Appeal of the Human Body Information;空间语言——人体信息生发与诉求的依托

8.Interlinguistic Errors in the Second Language Learning of Adults;语际错误在成人第二语言学习中的体现

9.The Comparison of the Phrases Composed of Words about Parts or Organs of Human Body between English and Russian;英、俄语言中含有人体器官词汇的惯用语之比较

10.a bastard style, language混杂的文体、 语言.

11.Eight Disciplines: There are Eight Subject Groups, Language A, Language B, Mathematics, Sciences, Humanities, Technology, Arts and Physical Education.八个学科组:它们是:语言A,语言B,数学,科学,人文,技术,艺术和体育。

12.Language:the Total Dimension of Human s Cultural Creation--on Ernst Cassirer s Philosophy of Language;语言:人类文化创造的总体维度——卡西尔语言哲学研究

13.A Struggling Poet Trapped in Language--The Subtle Experience of Language by WEN Yi-duo, a Famous Poet in Modern Chinese Literature;在语言困境中挣扎的诗人——浅论闻一多的语言体验

14.Reconsideration of Embodiment of Language;再论语言的体验性——认知语言学的语言体验观

15.a naive person, remark幼稚的人、 言语.

16.abusive language, remarks, etc骂人的语言、 话等

17.A Comparative Study of the Styles Between Officialese and E-language;公文语言与网络语言语体风格之比较

18.Tips on English Body Language使用英语肢体语言要诀


language of human人体语言

1.The paper will discuss about definition and characteristics oflanguage of human being and how to use the language in gymnastics teaching in order to improve the teaching quality in language.从人体语言学的角度对人体语言的概念、特点,人体语言在体操教学中的作用、体操教学中如何运用人体语言及人体语言的运用原则分别进行了论述,目的在于提高体育教学的技艺和效果,为体操教学研究提供新的研究视角。

2.The paper will discuss about definition and characteristics oflanguage of human being and how to use the language in sports teaching in order to improve the teaching quality in language.从人体语言学的角度对人体语言的概念、特点、人体语言在体育教学中的作用、体育教学中如何运用人体语言及人体语言的运用原则分别进行了阐述 ,目的在于为提高体育教学的技艺和效果提供新的研究视角。


4)Body language;kinesics.体态语;人体动作语言

5)Private language私人语言

1.Wittgenstein gives the argument against private language ,but according to the position given in this paper,his argument is not convincing enough.维特根斯坦首先提出了反“私人语言”论证。

2.Based on the literature review and discussion of private language proposed by Ludwig Wittgenstein,this paper offers some philosophical thinking about the possibility and difficulty of translation(interpretation especially).本文在对维特根斯坦的私人语言论题进行了回顾和讨论的基础上,对语言翻译(特别是口译)的可能性及困难进行了哲学思考,并认为语言本身或者文化上"私人性"过强的部分往往会产生"可译性"问题。

3." This essay mainly discusses Wittgenstein’s private language.本文主要探讨维特根斯坦的私人语言问题,即私人语言,其实质仍然是一种传统的主体性哲学的延续。

6)artificial language人工语言

1.On the Advantages of Nature Language and the Fading Away of the Artificial Language;论自然语言的优势与人工语言的消亡

2.This paper analyzes on the characteristics of natural language andartificial language,expounds the effect of network environment on retrieval language,and points out that the amalgamation or integration of natural language andartificial language is an inevitable trend of the future development of retrieval language.分析了自然语言和人工语言的特点,阐述了网络环境对检索语言造成的影响,指出了自然语言和人工语言的融合或一体化是检索语言未来发展的必然趋势。

3.In order to enhance the quality of keyword index, we can use post-controlled vocabulary, a combination of both natural andartificial languages.为了提高关键词索引质量, 采用自然语言与人工语言结合的后控制词表来提高期刊论文关键词标引质量。


