2000字范文 > 身体词汇 body languages英语短句 例句大全

身体词汇 body languages英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-19 02:36:02


身体词汇 body languages英语短句 例句大全

身体词汇,body languages

1)body languages身体词汇


1.A Discussion About the Analogy of Body Languages in Idioms & Sayings Between Chinese and Japanese论中日惯用语、成语中身体词汇之比喻

2.A Brief Discussion of Japanese s Understanding of Body Terms in Idioms;浅谈日本人对日语惯用句中身体词汇的理解

3.A Comparative Study of Chinese and Japanese Idioms on Eye Vocabularies关于身体词汇“眼”的惯用语的中日对比研究

4.The Polysemy and Semantic Extension of the Japanese Mune(chest)日语身体词汇“胸”的多义结构及语义扩张模式

5.The proper force of words lies not in the words themselves, but in their application.词汇的严格意义不在词汇本身,而在词汇的应用。

6.Words about the week, colour, nature, festival, body, seasons?etc.学习有关星期,颜色,自然,节日,身体,季节的词汇。

7.The Associative Ideas of Body Metaphors on the Pragmatics Research of Cross-cultural Communication;跨文化交际语用中的身体隐喻词汇联想

8.It"s impossible to dissociate the meaning of words from the words themselves不可能将词汇的含义同词汇本身分割开来。

9.Gas analysis--VocabularyGB/T14850-1993气体分析词汇

10.A Comparative Study of Syllabus of Graded Words for Chinese Proficiency and High-Frequency-Word List in the Mass Media in ;《词汇大纲》与媒体高频词语比较研究

11.Examples of sports terms chosen from Modern Chinese Dictionary;新版《现代汉语词典》体育词汇举凡

12.Deviation" at the Lexical and Semantic Levels;文体“偏离说”在词汇和语义层面的体现

13.Defining Features of Word Classes and the Construction of Word Class Systems:Classifying "Adjectival Verbs" in the Japanese Language;词类特征与词汇的体系建构——日语“形容动词”词类问题研究

14.Effect of Two Annotation Modes on L2 Vocabulary Retention;两种多媒体词汇注释模式对第二语言词汇记忆的影响

15.The study of the System of Verbs in the Outline of the Graded Vocabulary for HSK;《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》动词体系研究

16.The Study of the System of Adjectives in the Outline of the Graded Vocabulary for HSK;《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》形容词体系研究

17.Motivation and Its Reflections in College English Vocabulary Teaching;词义理据及其在大学英语词汇教学中的体现

18.Logical system of English words with etyma as the core;论构建以词根为核心的英文词汇逻辑体系


idioms of body身体词汇惯用句

3)system of vocabulary词汇体系

1.Thesystem of vocabulary can be divided into the macro system and the micro one and the study of it can not be proceeded from just one dimension,but a comprehensive one including semantics,morphology and stylistics.词汇体系分为宏观体系和微观体系两种,词汇体系的研究不能从一个平面进行,而应从意义、形态、文体等几个侧面综合研究。

4)sports terms体育词汇

1.Examples ofsports terms chosen from Modern Chinese Dictionary;新版《现代汉语词典》体育词汇举凡

2.At the same time,a number ofsports terms has entered social life and been endowed with a new sense.相应地,体育词汇也大量进入日常生活,并被赋予了新的生命力。

5)words of human body人体词汇

6)Lexical ontology词汇本体


