2000字范文 > 水库河道联合调度 united operation of reservoir with downstream reach英语短句 例句大全

水库河道联合调度 united operation of reservoir with downstream reach英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-04 09:16:10


水库河道联合调度 united operation of reservoir with downstream reach英语短句 例句大全

水库河道联合调度,united operation of reservoir with downstream reach

1)united operation of reservoir with downstream reach水库河道联合调度

2)Flood cooperation dispatch system of canal and reservoir河道与水库洪水联合调度系统

3)rivers and reservoirs joint regulation河库联合调度

1.Design of data base struture for confluence calculation ofrivers and reservoirs joint regulation;河库联合调度汇流演算数据库结构设计

4)cooperative reservoir water dispatch水库联合调度

1.Various kinds of new technologies have been applied to the Pearl River Basin flood control planning,including 1-D and 2-D flow and sediment mathematical model,integrated estuary physical model,cooperative reservoir water dispatch and flood risk analysis technology,and etc.这些新技术包括一、二维水沙数学模型、河口整体物理模型、遥感信息技术,以及水库联合调度技术和洪水风险分析等,为珠江流域防洪规划提供了重要的技术支撑。


1.Research and Development of Joint Operation System of Cascade Reservoirs in the Upstream of Heihe River;黑河上游梯级水库联合调度系统研究与开发

2.Joint Economic Dispatching of Cascade Reservoirs in Shaxi Reservoir Basin沙溪流域梯级水库联合经济调度运作

3.Optimal joint operation of reservoirs based on chaotic algorithm基于混沌算法的水库群联合优化调度

4.Study on United Dispatching of Water Provision for Fenhe First, Second Reservoirs and Shanxi Wanjiazhai Yellow River Diversion project;汾河一库、二库及引黄供水联合调度研究

5.A Study on Reservoir Joint Optimized Operation of Water Quality and Water Quantity in Arid Area;内陆干旱区水库水质水量联合优化调度研究

6.Development of the cascade operation system of Shanxi hydro-junction珊溪水利枢纽水库梯级联合调度系统开发

7.Study on Optimal Comprehensive Dispatching of Cascaded Reservoirs in Yuanshui Valley,Hunan Province湖南沅水流域梯级水库联合优化调度研究

8.Optimal Selection of Flood Control Plans of Reservoir and United Operation of Reservoirs and Baiyang Pond;水库防洪调度方案优选及库淀联合防洪调度问题的研究

9.Research on Flood Control by Combined Operation of Reservoirs on Luanhe River Middle and Down Stream;滦河中下游水库群联合防洪调度问题的研究

10.Research on Multi-Objective Joint Operation of Cascade Reservoirs in the upper Hanjiang River;汉江上游梯级水库多目标联合调度研究

11.Study on Flood Control Unified Regulation of Baiyangdian Wetland and Its Upstream Reservoir Group白洋淀与上游水库群防洪联合调度研究

12.The Application of the Improvement Particle Swarm Optimization in the Optimal Operation of Flood Control Multireservoir in Parallel;改进粒子群算法在并联水库群联合防洪优化调度中的应用

13.The Study of the Joint Operation Alternatives and Mathematical Modeling Flow and Sediment for Yongding River Flood-Retention Reservoir;永定河滞洪水库水沙数值模拟及联合调度运用方案研究

14.Research on Optimal Operation of Joint Water Supply of Reservoir Group in Middle-down Streams of Luan River滦河中下游水库群联合供水优化调度问题的研究

15.Accident Risk Analysis and Flood Control Operation of Cascade Reservoir流域梯级水库事故风险分析与防洪联合调度实现

16.Modeling long-term optimal operation of hydropower plants using hydropower correlation matrix水库群长期优化调度模型与水力关联矩阵

17.Calculation on Joint Profiting Regulation by Dam and Side Diversion Reservoir in Gaohong Reservoir Engineering高红水库工程旁引库与拦河库联合兴利调节计算与研究

18.Union dispatch model for water quality and quantity in the middle reaches in Huaihe river淮河中游水量水质联合调度模型研究


Flood cooperation dispatch system of canal and reservoir河道与水库洪水联合调度系统

3)rivers and reservoirs joint regulation河库联合调度

1.Design of data base struture for confluence calculation ofrivers and reservoirs joint regulation;河库联合调度汇流演算数据库结构设计

4)cooperative reservoir water dispatch水库联合调度

1.Various kinds of new technologies have been applied to the Pearl River Basin flood control planning,including 1-D and 2-D flow and sediment mathematical model,integrated estuary physical model,cooperative reservoir water dispatch and flood risk analysis technology,and etc.这些新技术包括一、二维水沙数学模型、河口整体物理模型、遥感信息技术,以及水库联合调度技术和洪水风险分析等,为珠江流域防洪规划提供了重要的技术支撑。

5)reservoirs jointly operation水库群联合调度

6)combined optimum dispatching for reservoirs水库联合优化调度


河道洪水演进(见河道洪水演算法)河道洪水演进(见河道洪水演算法)neaao non郎hUi河道洪水演进yanJ县n见河道洪水演算法。
