2000字范文 > 水库防洪调度 reservoir flood operation英语短句 例句大全

水库防洪调度 reservoir flood operation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-17 21:45:32


水库防洪调度 reservoir flood operation英语短句 例句大全

水库防洪调度,reservoir flood operation

1)reservoir flood operation水库防洪调度

1.A bargaining model onreservoir flood operation is presented based on Fengman Reservoir.以丰满水库为背景,提出了一类求解水库防洪调度的协商模型。

2.rediction accuracy and prior forecast period are the moot important problem inreservoir flood operation.预报精度和预见期是水库防洪调度中关注的最重要问题。

3.Rational reservoir forecasted flood operations may effectively handle or mitigate the main contradictions existed inreservoir flood operations, and may favor the effective integration of flood control and beneficial functions of reservoirs.合理的水库防洪预报调度能够有效的解决或缓解水库防洪调度中存在的主要矛盾,有利于防洪与兴利效益的有机结合。


1.Research on Flood Control Operation of Reservoir Based on Flood Forecast;考虑洪水预报情况下水库防洪调度问题的研究

2.Optimal Selection of Flood Control Plans of Reservoir and United Operation of Reservoirs and Baiyang Pond;水库防洪调度方案优选及库淀联合防洪调度问题的研究

3.Development of Fengman Reservoir Flood Control Decision Support System Based on Web Service基于Web Service的丰满水库防洪调度系统

4.Design of Calculation Process for Reservoirs" Flood Control Operation-Case of Flood Control Operation in Youxi Catchment Reservoir简述水库防洪调度计算流程设计方法——以尤溪流域水库防洪调度为例

5.Study on Reservoir Flood Control System Based on SOA;基于面向服务架构(SOA)的水库防洪调度系统研究

6.Design of Decision Support System for Large-Scale Reservior Flood Dispatching大型水库防洪调度决策支持系统的开发

7.Research on active storage in flooding control forecasted and regulation of a reservoir水库防洪预报调度中动库容问题研究

8.Study on Real-time Optimal Flood Dispatching Model of Zhangze Multi-Reservoir System;漳泽水库库群防洪实时优化调度研究

9.Study on Process or Volume Control in Reservoir Operation and Forecasted Flood Operation Rule for Biliuhe Reservoir;水库洪水调度峰量控制类型与碧流河水库防洪预报调度规则研究

10.Floodwater resources utilization based on flood forecast information of reservoir operation chart基于水库防洪预报调度图的洪水资源化方法

11.Research on Flood Control Forecasting and Operation for Reservoir Group of Qiantang River Basin;钱塘江流域水库群防洪预报调度研究

12.Mengjin Reservoir s FCDSS;猛进水库防洪预报调度决策支持系统

13.Design and Development of Multi-reservoir Flood Control System水库群防洪预报调度系统设计与开发

14.The Design of Reservoir Flood Control and Supply Water Regulating Software System水库防洪、供水调度决策支持系统软件设计

15.Hydropower Reservoir Flood Optimal Scheduling Model Pragmatic Approach;水电站水库防洪优化调度的模型与方法

16.A reservoir"s flood control and dispatch are directly related to the safety in flood control and its irrigation efficiency.水库的防洪调度直接关系到防洪安全及兴利效益的发挥。

17.This paper analyses" Taili" typhoon storm flood above Shanxi Reservoir dam site of Feiyun River Vally, reservoir flood operation and flood control benefit.对飞云江流域珊溪水库坝址以上“泰利”台风暴雨洪水及水库洪水调度和防洪效益进行了分析。

18.Risk analysis of researvoir operation with considering flood forecast error考虑洪水预报误差的水库防洪控制调度的风险分析


reservoir flood control operation水库防洪调度

1.Variable fuzzy decision-making theory and its application to decision-making supporting system forreservoir flood control operation;可变模糊决策理论及其在水库防洪调度决策中应用

3)flood prevention dispatching of multi-reservoir水库群防洪调度

4)flood control optimization operation of reservoirs group水库群防洪优化调度

5)multi-reservoir flood control operation水库群防洪联合调度

1.Based on the review of the significance inmulti-reservoir flood control operation,both conventional and system analysis methods are stated,respectively,on the studying ofmulti-reservoir flood control operation at home and abroad.在介绍了水库群防洪联合调度研究意义的基础上,从常规方法和系统分析方法两个方面综述了国内外的研究进展,并对今后的水库群防洪联合调度研究进行了展望。

6)flood operation of cascade reservoirs梯级水库防洪调度


水库调节防凌(见水库调度)水库调节防凌(见水库调度)shuiku tiaoiie fangling水库调节防凌见水库调度。
