2000字范文 > 隐喻观 Metaphorical Theories英语短句 例句大全

隐喻观 Metaphorical Theories英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-16 16:14:45


隐喻观 Metaphorical Theories英语短句 例句大全

隐喻观,Metaphorical Theories

1)Metaphorical Theories隐喻观

1.OnMetaphorical Theories of Aristotle and Chen Kui;浅析亚里士多德和陈骙的隐喻观


1.Recent Development Abroad in the Study of Metaphor Interpretation--A brief introduction of some new metaphor theories;国外隐喻理解研究近况——介绍几种新的隐喻观

2.An Interactive Illustration of Metaphorical Mechanism from the Standpoints of Conceptual Metaphor and Conceptual Blending;概念隐喻观与整合理论对隐喻机制的交互性阐释

3.Metaphor was simply a kind of figure of speech according to traditional Rhetoric, while it"s been considered as a cognitive phenomenon.传统的修辞学认为隐喻仅仅是一种辞格,而现代的隐喻观认为隐喻的本质是一种认知现象。

4.A Study of Plateau Phenomenon in Vocabulary Acquisition from the Metaphorical Perspective;从隐喻观看外语词汇习得中的“高原现象”

5.A Systematic Comparative Study of Theories of Conceptual Blending and Conceptual Metaphor;概念整合理论与概念隐喻观的系统性对比研究

6.An Analysis on Bi and Xing of Wenxindiaolong--Comparing with the Notion about Metaphor of the New Criticism;《文心雕龙》“比兴”论解析——兼与新批评隐喻观念比较

7.The Comparison of Views on Metaphor between Conversational Implicature Theory and Relevance Theory;会话含意理论和关联理论的隐喻观比较

8.The Subjectivity of Metaphor--A Case Study of "Fortress Besieged";从《围城》的比喻解读隐喻的主观性

9.Graphic Metaphor and the Complementary Semantic Models;图示隐喻与语义互补模式——评Persson的隐喻语义观

10.A Microcosmic Study of Metaphor:The Analysis of the Ontological Metaphors of "Soul" in Russian;隐喻的微观研究:俄语中“心灵”的本体概念隐喻分析

11.Metaphor of Natural Image: Re-examination of Hawthorne s Attitudes Toward Sins Through Natural Image;自然意象之隐喻:霍桑罪恶观再解读

12.What Are Children:on Children Concept from the Respect of Metaphors;儿童是什么——关于儿童观的隐喻分析

13.Objectivity in BBC Economic News-From the Perspective of Functional Grammatical Metaphor;从功能语法隐喻角度探讨BBC经济新闻的客观性

14.Drawbacks of Conduit Metaphor from the Perspective of Cognitive Semantics;认知语义观烛照下的管道隐喻理论漏洞

15.Intertextuality Theory: the Application of Structural Metaphor in the Text;互文理论观照下结构隐喻在文本中的运用

16.Dismantling Reason with Metaphor: Linguistic View from Nietzsche to Deconstruction;隐喻瓦解理性:从尼采到解构主义的语言观

17.Q Principle,Quantity Principle and Implication of Objectification in Metaphors of Modality;Q原则、数量原则与情态隐喻的客观化含义

18.Metaphors and Their Cultural Values in Digital Merchandise Advertisements;数码商品广告中的隐喻及其蕴含的文化价值观


cognitive view on metaphor认知隐喻观

3)Metaphorical Structuring View隐喻建构观

1.The results accorded with the WeakMetaphorical Structuring View.结果表明,空间图式和时间图式间的关系符合弱式的隐喻建构观。

4)Lakoff"s Conceptual MetaphorsLakoff的概念隐喻观


6)Vico s doctrine of metaphor论维柯的隐喻观


