2000字范文 > 隐喻认知 metaphorical cognition英语短句 例句大全

隐喻认知 metaphorical cognition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-30 11:57:18


隐喻认知 metaphorical cognition英语短句 例句大全

隐喻认知,metaphorical cognition

1)metaphorical cognition隐喻认知

1.This paper makes a brief introduction of the principle ofmetaphorical cognition and aesthetics.隐喻认知是一种普遍的认知机制,其应用为推进软件界面从专业走向日常生活,从效率优先到注重体验的转变发挥了重要的作用。

2.The agentive factors ofmetaphorical cognition mainly refer to the interpreter s familiarity with the metaphor and his/her knowledge background while the contextual factors chiefly refer to.根据一般隐喻认知理论,隐喻理解过程被看作从始源域向目标域的映射。

3.In our country,many scholars have done the contrastive study ofmetaphorical cognition between English and Chinese.隐喻的认知研究是当代语言学研究的一个焦点,我国有不少学者对英汉两种语言中的隐喻认知作了对比性的研究,但是对于英汉语隐喻认知对比的哲学基础则很少有人论及。


1.To Improve English Learners" Metaphorical Cognitive Ability through Metaphorical Concepts通过隐喻概念提高英语学习者的隐喻认知能力

2.The cognitive analysis of the sensory perception words in Chinese;汉语中感官知觉词的隐喻认知义考察

3.Towards a Cognitive View of Metaphor for Chinese figuration Classification;从隐喻认知研究的角度看汉语比喻分类问题

4.A Contrastive Study of Rhetoric Metaphor,Cognitive Metaphor and Grammatical Metaphor;修辞隐喻、认知隐喻、语法隐喻的对比初探

5.A Cognitive Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors and Language Learners Metaphorical Competence;概念隐喻的认知阐释及概念隐喻能力

6.On Translation Strategies from a Cognitive Perspective;从隐喻的认知角度看隐喻的翻译策略

7.Grammatical Metaphor and Cognitive Metaphor:A Comparative Study;语法隐喻与认知隐喻的理论比较研究

8.Cognitive Basis of Metaphor and Similaritiesof English and Chinese Metaphors;隐喻的认知基础与中英隐喻的相似性

9.Analysis of Cognitive Metaphor to the Word Heart in CLECCLEC中heart的认知隐喻分析

10.A Cognitive Approach to Metaphors and Metonymies in the Analects;从认知角度看《论语》中的隐喻和换喻

11.An Exploration on Metaphorical and Metonymic Cognitive Mechanisms of Meaning Extension;词义扩展的隐喻和转喻认知机制探微

12.Metonymic and Metaphorical Analysis on Heart;Heart从转喻到隐喻的认知语义解读

13.A Contrastive Study of the Functions of Metonymy and Metaphor: From the Cognitive Perspective;从认知角度看隐喻和转喻的功能差异

14.Metaphoric and Metonymical Dimensions of Cao Yu"s Drama认知隐喻、转喻维度的曹禺戏剧研究

15.Cognitive Realization of Emotion Concept in Metaphor and Metonymy情感范畴在隐喻和转喻中的认知体现

16.Text,Metaphor and Cognize:A Cognitive Linguistical Study on Riddles文本·隐喻·认知:灯谜的认知语言学研究

17.The Cognitive Study on Metaphor and the Cultivation of Metaphorical Competence in Second Language Acquisition;隐喻的认知研究及二语习得中隐喻能力的培养

18.Cognitive Strategy of Metaphorical Translation from the Perspective of Metaphorical Mental Mechanism;从隐喻的心理机制看隐喻翻译的认知策略


metaphoric cognition隐喻认知

1.Namely,they are the result ofmetaphoric cognition of human beings.体育用语中许多表达方式都是由其他领域的语言映射而来,是人类隐喻认知的结果。

2.Among all human organs,visceral organs are extremely important and unique inmetaphoric cognition.在人体词汇中,内脏器官词汇占有重要的地位,在隐喻认知方面有着独立的特征。

3)Metaphor Cognition隐喻认知

1.It is proposed that metaphor cognition be used in the teaching of English terms,because the present method of applying Chinese equivalents is far from being effective,so that the EFL learners in China can probe into the essence,better the understand-ing and application of English terms and improve the EFL acquisition effects.针对我国英语学习者常常采用囫囵吞枣的翻译对等法学习英语术语造成英语习得效果极其不佳的现状,提出应该利用隐喻认知分析英语术语,让学习者深入到问题的本源与实质,充分理解术语,充分利用术语,充分提高英语习得效果。


1.Metaphorical Cognition in Improving Reading Comprehension for English Majors;“隐喻认知”在提高英语专业学生阅读理解能力中的运用

2.This thesis has mainly explained semantic extension mechanism of basic color terms on the basis of metonymy and metaphor from synchronic approach.本文拟从认知语言学的转喻认知和隐喻认知的角度对现代汉语基本颜色词在共时层面上的多义性进行探讨。

5)cognitive metaphor认知隐喻

1.An experimental study upon lexical acquisition based oncognitive metaphor认知隐喻的词汇习得策略实证研究

2.We found that Chinesecognitive metaphor pattern.汉语时间表达的认知隐喻方式在上古还不够成熟,中古才趋于成熟。

3.This article analyses the universality ofcognitive metaphor from two aspects——poetic language and everyday language and employscognitive metaphor to explore translation studies.认知隐喻理论认为,隐喻不是一种语言现象,而是认知现象。

6)cognitive view on metaphor认知隐喻观


