2000字范文 > 隐喻意义 Metaphorical Meaning英语短句 例句大全

隐喻意义 Metaphorical Meaning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-18 14:25:27


隐喻意义 Metaphorical Meaning英语短句 例句大全

隐喻意义,Metaphorical Meaning

1)Metaphorical Meaning隐喻意义

1.The Polysemy and Variability of theMetaphorical Meaning and Their Understanding;隐喻意义的多义性和可变性及其解读

2.Construction of metaphorical meanings in animal terms by relevance blending theory;关联复合模式对动物词汇隐喻意义构建的阐释

3.This paper attempts at an analysis of the cognitive characteristics in both the Chinese and English languages by comparing the metaphorical meanings of Chinese and English animal terms.文章藉比较汉英动物词隐喻意义的异同,即重合、冲突、空缺,分析了汉英两民族在认知思维上的差异,并揭示了形成这些差异的文化因素。


1.The Construction of Metaphorical Meaning from the Perspective of the Addressor s Focalization and Understanding of Metaphor;从施喻者角度看隐喻意义构建和隐喻理解

2.Conceptual Metaphor and Cognitive Motivation of Meaning Construction in Euphemism Metaphor;概念隐喻与委婉语隐喻意义构建的认知理据

3.The Hypothesis of Metaphorical Meaning Construction Modelin Foreign Languagelearning and the Exploration of Foreign Language Learners"Metaphorical Competence外语隐喻意义建构的模式假设及外语隐喻能力

4.The Polysemy and Variability of the Metaphorical Meaning and Their Understanding;隐喻意义的多义性和可变性及其解读

5.The Metaphorical Meaning of Circle Imagery in A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning;邓恩《别离辞·节哀》圆意象的隐喻意义

6.Interpretation of Metaphors of the Afro-American Names in Beloved解读《宠儿》中黑人姓名的隐喻意义

7.A Study on the Cognitive Metaphor Meanings of "Shang" in Modern Chinese;论“上”在现代汉语中的认知隐喻意义

8.Metaphorical Meaning in Chinese and English Seen from Context of Culture;从文化语境看汉英隐喻意义及其取象

9.The Contrastive Study of the Spatial Metaphor of "Up";中英方位词“上”的空间及隐喻意义对比

10.A Cultural Perspective to the Meanings of Metaphors in English and the Chinese Language;英汉两种语言中隐喻意义的文化透视

11.Understanding the Metaphorical Meaning of "Salvation;通往拯救的途中——《拯救》隐喻意义之解读

12.The Metaphorical Meanings and Target Domains" Distribution of Prepositions "at", "on", and "in"介词“at”、“on”、“in”的隐喻意义及其目标域分布

13.Disease as Metaphors of Social and Cultural Intension in Blind Assassin《盲刺客》中疾病的社会文化隐喻意义

14.Interpretation of Metaphorical Meaning of the Word "eye" in Chinese and English英汉语中“眼”字词的隐喻意义解读

15.On Spatial and Metaphorical Cognition of in--A Corpus-based Study of Spatial Metaphor;In的空间概念和隐喻意义——基于语料库的空间隐喻研究

16.meaning through metaphor贯穿在隐喻中的意义

17.The View on Metaphorical Derivation of Red and Its Aesthetic Significance汉字“红”的隐喻词义生成及审美意义

18.Grammar Metaphors and Their Significance to Cognitive Science“语法隐喻”及其对认知科学的意义


metaphorical meanings隐喻意义

1.Orientational prepositions, especially those containing richmetaphorical meanings, tend to be converted into Chinese verbs in the proc ess of translation, which is usually described as a process of "being stative" converted into "being dynamic".英语介词不仅具有语法功能,而且还有自己独特的表意功能,特别是方位介词具有丰富的隐喻意义。

2.Based on the preposition of locality in,the cognitive process of how the spatial meaning of in is extended into itsmetaphorical meanings and discussed in this paper.本文以方位介词in为例,论述其从空间意义到隐喻意义的认知过程,旨在揭示人类的自身经验在形成抽象概念意义中的作用和心理认知过程。

3)non-metaphorical senses非隐喻意义

4)An implied meaning;implicit significance.隐含的意义;暗喻

5)metaphorized religious signification宗教隐喻意义

1.Interpretation of this novel from the post-modernistic perspective reveals the patterns ofmetaphorized religious signification the novels connotes,and the author\"s ecological-ethical view toward the wild upland areas,his moral normativeness on sex and marriage,and his critical attitude toward Mormonism.从后现代主义视角来解读这部作品,我们可以看出小说所包含的宗教隐喻意义、小说所展现出的作者的生态伦理观、爱情观以及他对摩门教的态度。

6)colorific etyma metaphor色彩语素隐喻意义


